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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I don't know what you're talking about, I loved Shrek Foreverafter. "My donkey fell down a waffle hole." "nuff said!
  2. MIchael Bay's Robotech? That wou ld be f^cking hilarious! OMG the opening scene alone where the Macross crashes would be half the movie!
  3. So wait a minute, mass produced black lions?
  4. I actually thought the novels were near completion weren't they?
  5. It also brings up an interesting point in how these things would be handled animated. Perhaps
  6. Not that I ever heard of, though I'm sure sales of Rebirth spoke more than anything. As for the live action movie, pretty sure that was an overall hit, but then I don't think that had anywhere near the imput from Nishizaki that Rebirth did.
  7. Definately Clones, that would allow for Padme "accidentally" losing clothes during the collosium scene, as well as some actual "good" fights with Jango. Hmm, who does that leave for Phantom Menace, Oshii? Otomo? Watanabe? Ah, I know Kazuya Tsurumaki! I can totally see young Anakin being more "Naota"-ey.
  8. I've been saying for years it'd be awesome if they let a different big name anime director handle a take at a SW movie. Ep I:?? Ep II:?? Ep III: Hideaki Anno Ep IV: Leiji Matsumoto Ep V: Yoshiyuki Tomino Ep:VI: Shoji Kawamori
  9. Convince her of what now? That game was "always there." That's right, you're just replaying DWG in the off chance she asks, which she likely won't, since women don't care about Gundam!
  10. From what I hear, 3 is much better than 1 & 2, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. Plus the Japanese dialogue is finally selectable.
  11. I still say they should have let Sam Raimi direct it. Human's screaming running around scenes would have been hilarious, and Optimus would have a scene wehre he strapped a chainsaw on his arm and said "GROOVY." Note: I still haven't seen the film
  12. Psst, this game is 2 years old already, so no, it's not likely it'll get released here. On the brightside, Dynasty Warriors Gundam just came out domestically today.
  13. Nishizaki wasn't known for things like logic in his plots. He was more about killing as many characters as possible in as many unnecessary ways as he could. Hell, he made Tomino era Tomino look like Care bears. Have you seen Arrividerci? It's no wonder Matsumoto insisted on fixing it.
  14. I still don't think "Order 66" was a in the Clone Handbook, meaning they didn't have active knowledge of it. The way they changed so quickly, it had to be a subliminal thing. The Clones seem to have a genuine comraderie with the Jedi, and if it were just an "orders" thing, I'd think that some would have rebelled. As for leaving to become a farmer, the longer Clones are in service, the more independent they become.
  15. Jar-Jar's part isn't done until you see his face at Padme's funeral realizing just how much he f^cked up the galaxy.
  16. I'd actually be surprised if
  17. End it with Dissapearance? Go out on a high note? You're crazy man! Yeah, E8 was...well E8, season 2 was still full of infinate amounts of awesome. Sigh totally made up for the obnoxiousness of E8, and Dissapearance blew everything that came before out of the water. If Aya Hirano truly does have to retire, that would be incredibly sad, "but" as the old saying goes, the show must go on. Fact of the matter is, Haruhi is much bigger than an Aya Hirano vehicle, and given the circumstances, the fanbase would readily accept a suitable replacement. As far as I'm concerned, I'd be more worried if they had to replace Kyon, as he's truly the central figure of the series. In other words, come hell or high water, WE NEED THIS STORY TO CONTINUE BEING ANIMATED! ALSO: I hereby nominate myself to be sent to Japan to help nurse Aya back to health...
  18. That's unpossible. Jar-Jar "MUST" stay around in order to cause the rise of the galactic empire!
  19. Just watched the trailer for Brave. Looking at the serious visual upgrade it is from the already beautiful pixar productions, I don't fault them at all for sliding a cash-in movie to likely help fund it.
  20. I just hope they decide to to a more PSN integraded MGO3, it'd be a nice surprise to include with the HD collection.
  21. Never. Tried black ops, online was full of suck & randomness. MGO FOREVER!
  22. Worst case, Ranka would be working overtime trying to cure pilots of the V-Type
  23. If we actually got a remake of Snatcher at this point, I think the world would explode. I imagine a hybrid between L.A. Noire, & MGS4.
  24. Hell, even Ducktaldes, Darkwing Duck, & Tailspin had more balls, and those were Disney.
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