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Everything posted by Keith

  1. This is "bayformers." Cybertron could have transformed to cover & obsorb Earth, which would have allowed humans to work on it.
  2. Hmm, he does look suspiciously like the Miami Heat logo...
  3. While we're on the topic, Disappearance has a U.S. release date finally. September 20th!
  4. Protip: Big O II never happened.
  5. I actually meant the song itself reminded me of the Godannar intro, as well as the male & female dual piloted super robot aspect.
  6. Public Access?
  7. Actually, it reminds me a lot of Godannar, which of course has a 1000 times more fanservice, but still. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVXYj8Zna_Q
  8. Yeah, back then HG had a funny idea about the meaning of words such as "Tatsunoko, OVA, & of course Quality."
  9. I don't know, but I demand more!
  10. It's only not "Macross like" until it is. Humanity is rapidly catching up with PC technology & spreading all over the universe. LIke I siad, it's just a guess, but to me it looks like where Kawamori may be headed.
  11. To be fair, the movie matrix is pretty useless, aside from randomly bringing people back from the dead I mean Now here would have been a decent plot twist. Have Sentinel kill Op, and later have Bumblebee rip the Matrix out of his chest & become a new "Prime."
  12. Actually, I think the Shadow Chronicles started in production in 2001, and was originally touted as being a series.
  13. Oh I've already seen it like 3 times already, and you know what? It gets more hilarious each time. Mind you after the first time, I usually end up falling asleep, but regardless, more hiariou seach time. I keep it right next to my codename robotech & robotech II: the sentinels DVD;'s. I usually break them out once every couple of years to remind me of how awesome robotech is. I'm so amped up to see the new robotech 2015 project, you don't even want to know. If there was a Bluray set of Astro Plan. Protocola? That little skull on her suit? HI-LARIOUS! Nah, but seriously, I am almost tempted to watch them again, it's been a while
  14. That's actually something I almost forgot about. WTF was with the autobots & their disregard for collateral? The freeway scene alone involved WAY to many "accidental" civillian deaths while the "good guys" were pretty much using them as shields.
  15. Dude, you are so making me want to watch Shadow Chronicles again, STOP IT!
  16. All I'm saying is wait until you see Dissapearance. It really puts the season 2 storyline into perspective, and persoanlliy made me really excited to see more layered time travel shenanigans.
  17. I just don't see it being a wise move for anyone to release a new console right now, aside from Nintendo who's obviously playing hardware catch-up. The Vita? Sure, the PSP can definately handle an upgrade, but a PS4? There's absolutely no reason.
  18. Rampage came out last month.
  19. As for distributers, let's see. They axed ADV out of SC, and eventually cut all their licenses, so who know's how willing Sentai would be to pick it up. From what I understand, they also left a bad taste in Funi's mouth with SC in general. Given Bandai Entertainments strong ties with Bandai Visual, they're out. Which pretty much just lieaves Media Blasters or Manga. Of course Manga had to take some shite deal with their digital distribution in order to not get hassled over Plus & II, so maybe that just leaves Media Blasters.Good luck with that HG
  20. In light of recent news, I found this posting by the captain of the Chinese ship that's sitting on HG's merchandise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCYsATzakks
  21. As long as the occasional Scott Pilgrim slips through, I'm cool.
  22. I'm definately confused by what happened. It definately looks like scenes were storyboarded, but whole chunks of scenes do definately appear to be missing. Did they decide it was worth trimming down the runtime so we could see people sliding around in a falling building for half of an hour (that should have taken 5 minutes tops, if that). Did they run out of budge to work out Sentinel's transformation? I mean really, we see a truck driving, then for no reason he's in robot form, then for no reason he's a truck again. I woudln't doubt if someone saying "hey the movie's too long, we've gotta keep these human effects shots in, so just trim some robot stuff" was in charge of editing. Aside from that, my only main gripe is the same gripe I always have. Robot dialogue aside from Optimus is equal parts stupid & detatched from any human dialogue. It's like no on ecan even understand them in the first place, because no one is even remotely reacting to any robot dialogue (again, aside from Op & maybe Megs). And new chick has a weird mouth, but then that's not her fault.
  23. Can you really put a price on that much awesome? But to answer your question...not right now it's not, the pre-order pricing was a lot more reasonable than the current pricing. What was confusing about MGS2?
  24. Because you're a lying cheater who lies & cheats. NOBODY has ever SS ranked the atmospheric Vajra onslaught mission. And if you have, then HTF did you do it? As for why you don't have the last trophy, you need to have them all SS ranked in the same sitting in order to get it.
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