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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, still cheesey, but full of enough super robot-isms (real attack names), and a surprising amount of carnage, that they're vastly sueprior to "voltron."
  2. I'm not downloading that due to random paranoia. Any chance that anyone can upload it on youtube under some entirely random name?
  3. He's talking about the potential for Newtypes to reach an understanding with each other that transcends normal communication, and will end the need for war. Of course they always end up getting used as super pilots & kill each other before that can happen, but hey, it's bound to work eventually....
  4. Been done, it was called "Starship Troopers."
  5. I'm glad they were able to get that rescheduled!
  6. lol, yes it does.
  7. Home sales definately seem to be making up for the bad theatre showing though Definately glad I had the good sense to blind buy it.
  8. Right now HG is like Kahn on the bridge of hte Reliant right after Kirk & tricked him into going into the Motari Nebula & blasted the poo out of him. No hope of survival, but still willing to set off Genesis out of spite.
  9. I definately afll into the camp that loves the Macross sequal series as much as, if not more so than the oriignal. And to debate another point, John Lennons solo albums were definately superior to "The Beatles."
  10. Dead serious, and how can you say he was borring in Basterds?
  11. At this rate, I wish one reliable import shop would carry the Korean blurays. They're all region, and have english subtitles. But irght now the only place to get them is ebay, and I'm not willing to go there.
  12. Of course, the fat pilots voltron face is fatter. I mean really, what else would happen....
  13. Look at it this way. You're a company that wants to produce an anime series, and has some very hot, but inexperienced young talent involved (Kawamoir, Mikimoto, etc). What are you going to do to make sure things turn out successful? Bring in a seasoned professional to direct them. Doesn't make him the creator, but it does give everyone else the benefit of his experience.
  14. I'm still waiting for the announcement that pirates have hit the ships carrying robotech toys and are selling them on the black market. You're gonna have to wait until the insurance money comes in before they can produce a new batch.
  15. From what I hear, it's actually more of a Gordon story, than a straight up "Batman" story, definately looks interesting.
  16. Kumen Jungle baby, wade through the first story arc, once you get to the second, it's all badass & awesome.
  17. It's just a shame that there weren't a ton of bots on both sides with their heads ripped apart that could have been used for voicebox parts. Also, what good is the Matrix if it can revive dead robots, but not dead voice boxes! You know what? I think Bee just liked screwing with Sam. he could speak perfectly fine through 2 & 3, but he found it hilarious to use the radio.
  18. All I'm sayin' is "New Thundercats." Well thought out new series, actual effort & professionalism put into making it. Internet campaign to advertise it. Why HG seems to fight this model is anyone's guess.
  19. Wait a minute, I thought we were all here to antagonize Doug Bendo into making those hilarious youtube video's. I'm so confused!
  20. To be fair, after seeing the Hi-Nu, the Nu loses a lot of its charm.
  21. Dude, you missedt he re.fire album? Came out a couple years ago around the same time as Ultimate Frontier (PSP Game).
  22. ::crossing fingers:: PLEASE be a PSV/PS3 game!
  23. Slightly off-topic, but I had an ephiphany when seeing a trailor for some baseball movie before TF the other day. Brad Pitt is....SNAKE PLISKIN in a new Escape From movie. He'd also work in a similar Russel-esque rolle in The Thing.
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