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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Was the 3DS game as fully developed as GBU/GAS? There's also Gundam Memories, but I've yet to get any kind of comfirmation that it's an artdink game.
  2. With that many females in the cast, I hope they resisted the temptation to have a "thing" sex scene. It'd be far too traumatic to be eaten by a "thing" vagina.
  3. Transforming wasn't a necessity for firing the gun in the Macross Class & New Macross Class (as shown by Battle 25), but it does have three advantages. 1-All range firing, that gunship can be fired in virtually any direction. 2-PINPOINT BARRIER PUNCH!/DAEDELUS ATTACK! 3-The Gunship is ejectable in case of an emergency. As for the time it takes to transform, that's negligable, especially since the tranformation usualy goes on while the gunship is still charging. Also, it looks pretty freakin' cool, so STFU.
  4. Hmm, now I'm even more intrigued.
  5. Be prepaired, the next HG convention panel will have Mckeever walking around with a box collecting everyones cell phones, which will result in only 2 people attending!
  6. That is the ugliest Mk II I've ever seen.
  7. I actually think Macross has shown that yeah, humanity makes the same mistakes, but adapt better to correcting them than the P.C. did.
  8. Probably won't be until October/Nobember.
  9. If you're referring to G-Savoir, that was hardly Hollywood. it was more like straight to video Canadian.
  10. That in itself should tell you all you need to know.
  11. It's actually hard to go back to the theatre cut once you know what's missing.
  12. Ok here you go, I found you a southern cross helicoptor toy, it's the second one. Now STFU already.
  13. There are a lot of little additions, and a couple new scenes. The biggest change would probably be the addition of the full musical from the end credits, a full new scene with "the high roller," and an extended fight on the way to the dragon.
  14. Troll harder!
  15. Yup, Disappearance will be on both Bluray & DVD.
  16. -Why does Tommy claim they can release any Macross series they want? -Why does Tommy not know how breast physics (or any other kind ofr that matter work)? -Why can't Tommy seem to make a production within an even remotely reasonable timeframe? -Why didn't Tommy use words like "Zentradi," or anything that even remotely resembled a Macross or Southern Cross character in SC ("Louis is about as distant from the original SC character design as their version of "Rick Hunter" was). As to your question, much like "The Sentinels" that was a pre-existing use of that footage. However, considering he hasn't, chances are he's just full of more B.S.
  17. Actually, considering they haven't touched any SC stock footage in their SC making of feature, I think there may be a problem there.
  18. Just imagine what would happen if someone actually purchased it. HG would probably sue them for darring to watch their movie!
  19. As predicted, the forum staff are handling this developement hilariously. Post a link to the clip of the new animation? Instaban! WTF are they on over there?
  20. Bioshock Infinate, anybody check out the extended E3 trailer? Never had much interest in the first one, and be it a lot of my initial interest in this one has to do with the fanservice, but it actually looks like it'll be cool.
  21. Did Shadow Chronicles teach you guys nothing? They are in no way shape or form obligated to comform to pre-existing animation. The whole beginning of SC omitted 90% of the main Mospeada cast in the redo scene. I also predict that Mint will be retconned to be a big fake titied midget, since the Yune crew seems terrified of anything of anything even remotely loli.
  22. I wonder if the HG alarm has sounded yet though. "OH NOO'S, IT'S ON THE NET." How will they react to the non-believers seeing their new footage? Undoubtably the robotech.com hit counter will raise with this new footage being out. Can their servers handle it?
  23. Looks to be at about a 2003 videogame level of animation/cg. That in itself is a step up from SC. I hope that's not actual music from the production though...
  24. I think they actually did do another version of Giant Robo, didn't turn out anywhere near as well.
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