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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The Dark Arachnid? Still not impressed. Where's the wisecrackin' spiderman?
  2. Do we know for sure it's just going to be a demo? There has been a full year since the last game, and untlike Trial, the title doesn't have the implication of demo in it.
  3. Couldn't hurt to try. NCS says they can restock it. http://www.shopncsx.com/macrosstrianglefrontier-1.aspx But play asia says they have it. http://www.play-asia.com/Macross_Triangle_Frontier_Itsuwari_no_Utahime_Pack/paOS-13-71-9f-49-en-70-426r.html
  4. TV broadcast is definately too slow. I say bluray or nuthin'!
  5. OOP son.
  6. Have you gotten around to those more important things yet?
  7. Wow, I feel incredibly stupid for missing this, Kyon is Leon in Frontier!
  8. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Toby Mcguirre must be a secret huge Macross fan. Not only did he swoop in and single handledly raise the hopes of the remaining robotech fanbase, but also successfully crushed them in the same fell swoop. Well played sir, well played. As suspected when Battle LA came out, Warner only wanted the license to quell any potential legal actual action due to vague story similarities.
  9. That article looks strangely familiar....
  10. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/07/15/hideo-kojima-talks-metal-gear-solid-hd-collection-peace-walker-hd-ps-vita/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hideo-kojima-talks-metal-gear-solid-hd-collection-peace-walker-hd-ps-vita I hope someone takes the ball and runs with it, if that's not an open invitation, I don't know wha tis.
  11. Definately check out the extended version. I watched the theatrical second, and honestly, it's missing so much that I'll stick with the extended from now on. Yeah, the ending is basically One Flew Over The Cookoo's next/Brazil/etc, but it's still a great take on it.
  12. Dude, there's like 25 years of anime out there that has been made after southern cross, go watch some dude. In other news, hey look, I found the robotech movie! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1663662/
  13. The PC successfully sealed away the Protodevelin, "but" in order to fight the PD they had to remove the restraints on the Zentradi that kept them from attacking PC citizens/military. When they tried to demilitarize the Zentradi, it was seen as a threat, and the Zentradi actually polished off the remainder of hte PC.
  14. It wasn't that smart. It tried to hide the shite stained long johns instead of burning them One aspect I'd like to see that wasn't really touched, would be someone actually conversing with it. Assumedly, it obsorbs a persons memory along with their body, which means it's capable of more than just freaky screams (since we see people talking before they're revealed). In that, we'd have to assume it understands its hosts motivations, but for some reason it just doesn't give a f^ck.
  15. I'd place the CG more towards the Last Starfighter end of the spectrum myself. The best part of the movie is picturing Mark Hammil laughing all the way to the bank.
  16. Exactly, it wouldn't stop with just a fetus, it'd swaller her whole.
  17. Don't worry, they're already small enough... As for the release in general, no Rocket = Fail.
  18. The worst part, you couldn't even scream for help
  19. Regardless of the results, it was a brilliant scam. "Whool, meet eyes."
  20. I actually think that the PS3/Vita had a little something to do with Triangle not being as complete as it should have been. You'll note that they put out an awesome, though incredibly limited PS3 demo while they were working on Triangle. My hope is that they've spent this past year working on turning that into a full PS3/PSV double pack game that shares the same save file. I also don't doubt that there's more material that can go into another Gundam game, but the fact that they were still using as archaic an engine as they did in Assault Survive, coupled with the lack of announcement for a sequel game in almost two years doesn't bode well. Of course that could also be getting a PSV/PS3 release.
  21. Is the Russian version that fast on the actual disc? Because that's way too fast. As for the English dub version, Bandai actually did end up doing another version to fix it.
  22. That's because dubs suck, watch it with the original audio!
  23. Yeah, I cancelled my pre-order as soon as I saw the first screens from Memories, it just looked too different. I get the feeling that there was some kind of studio break-up inside artdink. This is all pure theory, but I'm willing to bet team boredum with Gundam led to Ace Frontier, and the success from that got more money put behind Ultimate/Triangle. If you look at Assualt Survive, you'll notice a few things that are a little "too" backwards from the improvements that were made on the Macross side of things, and the overall awkwardness of some things leads me to believe that the leftover Gundam crew were stripped down. So the real question is, is anyone left to give us a proper followup in the Gundam side of the Battle seires? Though to be honest, if not, I think the right choice was made in putting Macross first.
  24. Wait a minute now, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, & Dennis Leary? This movie has fail written all over it (note: all of the afore mentioned actors are fine on their own). Get Emma Stone hell out of there before it's too late!
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