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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Probably a little from column A & B. Standard practice would be to ship you a comparable model that's already been repaired, but since there are likely fewer left in their hands, you have to wait until they get around to fixing yours before you'll get it back. Why does that take so long? Because they stopped manufacturing parts on the older models, and have to order up special. Instead of charging you an extra $99, they should fess up and say it's not cost effective for them to fix it, and just send you the slim for the $129 you've already paid. May want to bring that up if you have to contact customer service.
  2. I didn't say it wasn't stupid, nor was it rational. What I'm saying is the fact that it happened didn't even remotely seem to change Yune's thoughts on how he handles things. If anything, it's just made him do the same things harder.
  3. WTF, since when were there aliens in battleship? That's like making a movie about Twister, and making it about a tornado....oh wait...
  4. Are we still not talking about the robotech fan who pied Steve? Because that synched up the fanbase situation right there.
  5. Oh hell no. Comics are badly drawn and throw away any sense of canon like it's going out of style. Art aside, if they actually stuck to one, maybe two versions of the same story, and then let it end forever/kept characters dead/made new ones & freakin' moved on, that'd be another thing. But when there are 6 dozen different takes on superman/spiderman/batman/every super hero under the sun, they lose all credability in my book.
  6. Unfortunately, that HDD now also belongs to HG. If you do not fedex it to them by 9:00 AM tomorrow, legal action will be taken against you.
  7. This movie needs two more things. Bruce Campbell AND Mclovin.
  8. No, they'd rename it something far more predictable, "Adam."
  9. Why? Because they have no clue on how to make a new show, including writing a new story. And refuse to pay someone who "could" be creative, because that would take the power away from the Yunes.
  10. To be fair, most of the actual robotech fan forums have been stamped/burned out. What was a suedo active fanbase 10+ years ago has pretty much dried up. For the most part, ex fans wind up here, and active fans wind up being driven away by their fascist "official forum" policies. What I'm saying is, where else would they go to read about the franchise? Speaking of which, whatever happened to the zealot DOZ fan group. What little I've been able to find of their forum remains seem to be super dead.
  11. I'd actually think it would be more of an issue of downloading an HD version of something you only purchased in SD, rather than subtitles in general.
  12. "It Looks Gooood!" Yeah, 3D needs to stop. As for the American Flag, you didn't exactly see that in every scene of Private Ryan, Tora Tora Tora, or many actual WWII era movies either, so I wouldn't necessarily take that as a knock against.
  13. This topic is stupid, and will be locked!
  14. Be mindful of the dangers.
  15. It's not confirmed, but considering she tries to "sacrifice" herself at least once a season, things aren't looking in her favor.
  16. As long as it's better than Green Lantern, which by all indications it seems to be.
  17. No, pretty sure those rights only extend through the U.S.
  18. Nope, not in the miniseries, and at the rate she's going, she'll be deader than Data in Nemesis, with just as telegraphed a death.
  19. If you've seen Frontier, you should have a general idea of the story. If you've seen a decent amount of subtitled anime, you should be able to pick up a bit on what's going on in the dialogue. Never be afraid of raw anime, especially when it won't be licensed in the forseeable future, and comes with an awesome game demo.
  20. ARRGGHHH! I was in there, made it two songs in, then home booted me out, and I couldn't get back. Is it up on youtube yet? After the second song, a red Vajra appeared, and kicked me out of the concert. BASTARDS!
  21. After Sucker Punch, that isn't such a bad idea.
  22. Unless one of her Ultra's involved whipping out her cock and sodomizing Heihatchi, I'm still not impressed.
  23. I would have thought Yune's fetish for drawing big fake titied whores would have prompted that very act by now. How does he resist?
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