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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Unless it's an import model, that's not gonna happen even with an older ps3.
  3. Unfortunately, unless something is announced in the next year, I can only assume that artdink has stopped doing Gundam. "Although," they could surprise us with a super awesome more complete than Battle Universe & Assault Survive super pretty Vita launch game...
  4. Once again, Boondocks for the win. "Deez Nuts Nyuggah"
  5. This is going to be a long two months. At least SW comes out a month before to make the wait a bit more bearable. But damn, I can't wait to see this movie.
  6. Solidly delivered on all counts, a solid round of congratulations to the production crew on showing "how it's done."
  7. CN should stream it within a week, I wouldn't worry too much.
  8. January 20th? F^ck that, I wanna go see this now! -Tuskegee Airmen? CHECK! -Beautiful dogfighting scenes? CHECK! -Written by but not directed by George Lucas? CHECK! Sign me up, in the future I've both paid to see this in a theatre & bought the bluray, everything in the middle is just waiting. Hell, they even brought Bryan dub Dyson Cranston back for his second WWII tour (Private Ryan being the first), this movie is set to win.
  9. Strangely enough, www.evangelion.co.jp and from little I can understand with machine translations, whatever's going on with the next movie is supposed to have some epic Asuka action.
  10. F*ck that! Behold, a true image representing what's to come.
  11. You're taking it out of the bigger context. Anakin from the get go has been a fairly selfish person. The Jedi order (in general) tries to keep a big picture perspective, while Anakin keeps an "Anakin" perspective. Just about everything he does is based around his own impulsiveness. "Hey pod racing is cool, and I really want to stick it to Subulba I'm gonna race." "Padme went pedo for me once, and even though it's not allowed, I totally want to hit that, I'm gonna go stalk her."And once the sand people raped his mom, hel went and slaughtered a whole village. A justified response? Maybe, but not for a Jedi. Through out the clone wars series, you can see that he takes more of an ends justified the means, and results are the important thing kind of attitude. Then we get back to episode III, and some interesting things happen. Not only does he suspect that the Jedi are wary of him, he's got full comfirmation. Palpatine all but says "hey, I'm a Sith, and I can make it so your paranoia of your girlfriend dying completely disappears." Let's take another step back a little though. Anakin very likely knew he didn't have a father. He very likely was aware of why Qui Gon thought he was "the chosen one." And once Palpatine tells him that Plagueis had the ability to control midichlorians, he had to have some idea of where he really came from. And if not? Some type of natural or force intuition would tug him towards knowing there was a connection between he & Palpatine. So now what happens, Mace Windu rolls up and says "we're ending this sh!t now" and gets ready to off Sidius. Not only would that ruin his chance at attaining the power of his dreams, but leaves the question of just what the Jedi will do with a slightly tainted jedi once their bigger threat was gone. I see his act being one of a percieved self preservation, the ends again justifying the means. So yeah,. he helps Palpatine kill Windu, and now what? He's officially an enemy of the Jedi. Whether that's rationally true or not, it would be how he saw things. So yeah, he's going to accept Palpatine's pact, at that point there's no real choice, espeically seeing first hand that he's outclassed by Palpatine. After that, I chalk up his actions to a darkside enduced roid rage. Now he's got that raw darkside energy flowing through him, and it influences his judgement. Younglings? Hell, they're just Jedi in training, and as such a threat to him. Padme working with Obi Wan? Now she's betrayed him, choke that bitch. Yeah Lucas isn't great at getting believable emotions from his actors, but the progressive setup for Anakin's mentality is still there.
  12. Wait a minute, are Wyly Kat/Kit Jazmin from the Boondocks?
  13. Someone defaced some mikimoto art?
  14. If Capcom is gonna go there, they should go full assed! As for the 3DS, good move Nintendo, that will definately help combat the Vita. Of course, I still want a Vita more.
  15. Fact of the matter is, if WB wanted it to happen, we'd have had trailers 3 years ago. There's a freakin' battleship movie already. Smurf's is relevant for its 80's nostalgia, importing has nothing to do with this particular issue. And I'm not inclined to disagree with Toby wanted a tax shelter, robotech has so much fail written on it, it makes absolute sense. Especially with the announcement of Pacific Rim, anyone who believes that there's a legitimate chance of a live action Robotech movie coming from anywhere outisde of Asylum is delusional.
  16. You have to understand, despite the hype, Robotech is way off the radar as far as anyone but us, and the remainder of the robotech fanbase are concerned. It only ran in syndicated slots, never had network marketing behind it, and the original toyline was epic failure. In all likelyhood, the only reason it got licensed for a live action movie at all was becasue for some reason Toby Mcguirre remembered it during post Transformers 1 nostalgic licensing blitz. Let's look at this in comparable terms. Transformers: Hugely successfuly toyline, 98 episodes + a movie. Followed by Beast Wars, Car Robots, Cybertron, Animated, Prime, etc. G.I. Joe: Hugely successful toyline + 95 episode series + movie, G.I. Joe Extreme, Sigma Six, Resolute, whatever the current thing is called Thundercats: Moderately active toyline, 135 episodes produced Smurfs: A ton of crap that was a marketting success initially, TV series + movie, etc Voltron: Probably had decent sales for its 15 minutes, but more importantly, it was popular enough to actually produce 20+ episodes of new animation + a shitty movie. Do you see where this is going? All of the above actually made enough to warrent paying for a substancial amount of animation to be produced. What happened to Robotech? Barely 3 episodes of original animation were produced before funding was pulled. Trying to market Megazone 23 to kids turned out to be an obvious mistep and was pulled before release. Nothing of Robotech showed that it made enough money to prove its relevance. You can talk about comics until you're blue in the face, but the fact there is that it was cheaply produced toilet paper in an already niche market. Hell, HG can't eve pay to upgrade their website to bring it itno the current decade, Robotech is obviously not profitable. Niche broken toys, a movie that uses vastly out of date technology in its production, and a repackage of the same old DVD;s only prove the shortsightedness of those running the franchise. At this piont, I can't help but wonder if Tatsunoko is paying HG to sit on the license and file dubius trademarks in order to piss off Big West. But let's put this into pop culture relevance. Robot Chicken? No Roboteck Family Guy/Cleveland Show? No Robotech Simpsons? No Robotech Talk shoes? a surprising (though still small) amount, music on Lettermand, and a reference from Pierre Bernard Movies? An arguable Macross/SDF-1 reference in Spaceballs Again, it's off the radar. The biggest acknowedgement Robotech has had in the past 20 years was the obvious nod, and vast improvement that Exosquad was. But then, where's that now?
  17. What would be the point in approaching? Again, Steve Yune refuses to give up creatie control, unfortunately, he also refuses to excorcise it. If Warner really wanted to effectly use their license, they'd renegotiate it from a LAM, to a 2-3 animated movie series, and let Bruce Timm's gang handle it. Start off with a 2-3 movie reboot of the Macross portion that's different enough to distinguish it from Macross = Only chance of franchise necromancy.
  18. Oh, then call them up, get your $30, and take that new slim. My 60 gig is still kicking, and it has quite a bit of milleage on it. I can't help but wonder if replacing the HDD helped, but I hope I won't have to worry about replacing it. I don't even care about the backwards compatability at this point, I just love my fat model.
  19. HG got exactly what they deserved with Toynami. Don't forget, it's that unholy allliance that's responsable for no Yammies in the U.S.
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