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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I don't think you're doing this right
  2. You're going to tell me that the Evil Dead series is "not" a pardy on horror movies?...
  3. --2 bluray/hybrid releases, one regular edition, one limited edition with more external bonuses. -Both the movie & game will play on any region A capable PS3 (North America & Japan), outside of that I'm not sure. -At this stage, the game appears to be 2 campaigns, one for Itsuwari no Utahime, one for Sayonara no Tsubasa. How many stages are in each campaign isn't clear yet, and it's doubtful that there will be any mecha selectable from outside of the Frontier series/movies.
  4. Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness. Check and mate!
  5. I've been keeping an eye out to see if this trailer winds up on the Japanese playstation network, and so far no luck.
  6. It's clearly a typo, nothing more, nothing less.
  7. Bad news, I just got this response back from Bandai Visual I still may pick this up, as its not obscenely priced, has that bonus episode, and I just don't see Bandai Entertainment putting it out themsevles. Maybe we should pester Funimation...
  8. Your Lagann icon is revoked!
  9. Beyond Freeze & TAS freeze were teh same damn Freeze.
  10. Dude, you are such a f^ckin' hater. That pilot was full of at least 12 kinds of awesome.
  11. This was surprisingly good. Just the right amount of new & nods to the old. Definately way better than Burton's Apes. I also liked how they threw in a bit of for good measure. The subtle left them enough wiggle room to continue this series, or leave it as a potential beginning for the original. Ceasar for the win.
  12. And he didn't just top it, he made Jack Nicholson look like Sid Ceasar.
  13. I'd be surprised if that hasn't been done. Naked gun toting Makoto for the win! As for Yuki, I agree, she'd be all Agent Smith an'sh!t.
  14. I don't know, I wasn't very excited about seeing The Joker again until seeing him in action. I'm willing to give Bane & Catwoman the same chance. I think Penguin or The Riddler would have been a worse choice. And I don't think anyone will touch Mr. Freeze again or decades to come. Which is sad, because TAS version was pretty awesome.
  15. Now and Then is "cat smashingly" good. As for Votoms, I'd actually stop after the series. The ending is very satisfying, if a bit reminiscent of a certain major sci-fi movie classic. FLCL gets better every time I watch it, a very worthy showing that ushered in the second generation of Gainax. As for Code Geass, the ending was a bit rushed, but I think it works in the context of what was going on. The fact that it feels like everythign is falling apart adds credence to what's going on in the story at the time. Right now I've wrapping up the second arc of Utena episodes, and I really like what this show did for the Mahou Shoujo genre. I just wish I'd seen it before Princess Tutu, so it'd be more of a surprise.
  16. It made so much sense to use Daft Punk that I'm surprised Disney actually did it.
  17. Moby Dick episode was pretty stock plot wise, but if it replaces things like Lion-O's annountment, then we're still better off. Besides, Mum-Rah torturing Jaga was pretty badass.
  18. You just seem to be missing the point of HD. I'll tell you that I started my bluray adventure running my PS3 through component cables on a 27 inch CRT, and I thought that was as awesome as it got. Then when my CRT died, I moved up to an HD set and hooked it up through HDMI, and that's when the true difference really hits you. But all that aside, considering most bluray players have decent to great upscaling capabilities, as well as superior audio/video outputs (assuming you have a TV & sound system to take advantage of them), there's really no reason to keep such an ancient DVD player in active use. Besides, as high end as it may have been at one time, I guaruntee you the software it came pre-loaded with has been outdated for some time, as newer players over the years improved their ability to handle mpeg 2, though results still varied. Fact of the matter is, the only thing that looiks good on SD sets & hardware, is non-anamorphic SD material. To get back on topic, less than a month and a half until Disappearance!
  19. No, that's "Tokin' Action" Rick Hunter. Shaorin must have lost the "protobong" he came with.
  20. Congrats. Since you have it, how does it store the video in it? I wonder if it's possible to do a full high quality rip of all the video clips, that'd be a great addition to the MW DVD that's been talked about for years.
  21. "If I knew it was gonna be that kinda party, I'da put my d!ck in the mashed potatoes"
  22. Right now with the observation that Third Earth could be Europa, I'm leaning towards the revelation that all inhabitents are genetic experiments, and the fight will eventually lead back to Earth.
  23. No, in the Avengers moive we will find out that he's really Snake Pliskin from the Ultimate Universe!
  24. Yes, and then you can smoke the leftover mess they made.
  25. It'd also be nice to see a scene of Sentinel actually transforming
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