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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Some anime you don't know? You should be banned from the internet for saying that!
  2. Less than a month away folks. Here are some internal shots of the set. I sitll wish we had regular hubs and older poster style artwork, but it does its job. http://www.hometheat...rt#post_3842951 There are also some shots there of the reclaimed frame in the PT movies.
  3. Damnit, got me all excited for a new Ah Megami Sama series, only to find out it's a manga bundle only OVA.
  4. Sounds like it's on the right track, at least they're saying the right things. As for Kurt Russel, he can't be in it. I demand that his next movie be John Carpenter's "Escape From Earth."
  5. I'll say it, this show is better than the original. It's like Beast Wars times 10.
  6. Note that in the original GoLion, that was a relative of hers that actually had become his sex slave.
  7. Excellent, I'll check that out. I hope it doesn't take too long to get licensed as Funimation seems to be Gainax's #1 licensor lately..
  8. I really like how they've improved the animation on this show each season while still maintaining the same style. The season premiere being on the same day that the SW blurays come out however may be asking for people to DVR it
  9. Following the Gaianx.co.jp splash pages as I do, I noticed they've got a new show out, Dantalian no Shoka. It looks like one of their less deep series (This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, Melody of Oblivion, Shikabane Hime), but the animation in this intro is pretty awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaTTz2nKFwk
  10. Can't blame me, most here "should" be old enough to remember.
  11. It's not like they didn't have the example of Megas XLR to show how an American super robot show could work. They only have themselves to blame for failing so hard. And yet, they still made more of an effort than HG ever has.
  12. ...WTF? I had no idea such a thing existed.
  13. Final Episode of Robotech: It was all Dr. Lang's dream.
  14. I think it's pretty safe to assume Harrison Ford wants nothing to do with it, which is good, since it should revolve around entirely new characters anyway.
  15. I don't know, it kinda reminds me of the badguy's helicoptor from M.A.S.K.
  16. Good news regarding PS3's, the 160 gig just dropped to $249, & the 320 gig just dropped to $299.
  17. Has anyone checked this out yet? http://www.yesasia.com/global/1024745471-0-0-0-en/info.html It's a bit pricey, but it's an official HK release, and has English subs. If they're the same subs that were showing in some theatres/airline flights I think we should be cool.
  18. Also be aware, running old firmware will mean that you can't connect to the playstation network.
  19. My spies have smuggled this video out of HG headquarters. It's from staff meating regarding the current state of the boat of Robotech toys that's been docked in China.
  20. Only way you're going to play Macross PS1 games is with a Japanese PS3, porblem with that is that some of your local blurays (region B) will be locked out. And unfortunately, there are no PS2 compatable slims, which is odd, since all of these "HD" collections with PS2 engine games keep cominng out...
  21. Good episode, but awesome ending. Hopefully we'll get some more awesome all the way through episodes though.
  22. If HG's crew were capable of committing to something like that, they wouldn't be in the mess that they're in now.
  23. You can't go wrong with either, so no worries. And Shaorin, "Someday in the Rain" is 100% filler, but you have to understand that they couldn't really attack another story arc without bumping the episode count up more than they were willing to at the time. When you see Disappearance however (not until after season 2), you'll see why they couldn't move forward at the time.
  24. Nothing personal, I just think you're jumping the gun on the pilot a bit. While yeah it's following the movie, it also has to establish itself again since it's in a new medium.
  25. Before you make any final judgements on Mikuru, watch the second season. More exposure to who she grows up to be may just change your mind. Also be prepaired to hate then love Haruhi all over again. I won't say more, since it could potentially spoil the movie, but prepaire to order Disappearance, it's out next month.
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