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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I would love it if someone would finally lay the legal smack on HG though. Someday...
  2. Wow, they haven't had this big of a fangasm since the Pierre Bernard thing. Maybe it's a good thing they don't have any new shows/movies to follow, I think they'd all have a heart attack. Their fanbase is gettin' pretty on in years, and I doubt they're watching their colesterol
  3. Wow, that's a lot of irrational hate you got goin' on there, but hell, I'll play along. Yamato pretty succesfully set's out what it wanted to do, combine the first series & Arrividerci into one cohesive movie, and that it excells at. Meanwhile all 3 TF movies have yet to throw down any plot more complex than "bad robots want something, we gotta stop them, fight, etc. Yamato delivered on recognizble characters, Transformers delivered on bi-polar Optimus Prime. Don't get me wrong, I actually like all of the franchises we're discussiong here despite various problems witha ll of them, but Yamato definately comes out on top o fthis heap. As for BSG, I don't see how you can hammer Yamato for melodrama when BSG was full of episodes of nothing but soap opera-ey melodrama. But that wasn't where my comparison stemmed from in the first place, it was from concept originality. As for the CG, that was pretty much even keel between the two. No matter what you like, fact is Yamato did it first, and BSG payed proper homage complete with doing their version of the countdown at the end of each episode, though theirs was a survivor tally at the beginning. If you weren't big on Yamato, that's fine, I'm not saying the movie was problem free. Just don't act like it was some piece of Asylum trash.
  4. And the situation here is that he is paying upfront while placing pre-orders weeks/months in advance. That's a huge difference from paying when something is about to ship.
  5. Protip: Never do business with someone who charges you "before" something ships.
  6. I actually wound up going with play-asia, and airmail was slow as all hell. Took 6 days from when it said it shipped to actually ship, and then another 4 days to actually travel. Aside from that, it was cool.
  7. The Hong Kong bluray release is awesome, & 100% legit. The video is great, the sound is awesome, if not a bit on the extra loud side, and the menu's are in English & Chnese, so they're easy to navigate. The subtitles are perfect, aside from a couple instances of lagging a second or two too long, but most won't even notice that. As for the film itself, I really liked it. Yeah it feels a lot like SW, ST (movies), Armageddon, & BSG, bu tthere's damn good reason for that. All of the above borrowed a lot from Yamato to begin with, this film almost seems like it's "taking it back." My main gripe is still that Nishizaki obviously had a little too much imput, but I walked in expecting that. But like I said, good movie, and definately better than all 3 Transformers.
  8. It wouldn't be so bad if there were a bigger spectrum of ships in the ST universe, and things like the Miranda & Akira class varients make enough sense. But when you start just randomly mixing even more generic designs, things enter the stupid realm Sidenote, I never knew they released a CD version with recorded dialogue. The game was fun in a really basic wing commander kind of way, especially if you turned up the brightness on the screen to see any cloaked ships, why didn't they ever think of that in the show/movies?
  9. It woiuld be insanely easy with blurays streamlined version of seemless branching, not anywhere near as glitchy as the DVD version. It would indeed get everyone to STFU, and might even bring us world peace. HOWEVER, tain't gonna happen anytime soon, as I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas even got his kids in on the burrying of the original cuts.
  10. See, the problem is that you're assuming that if this actually "did" happen, they wouldn't bump up Sawa to legal age. Beside's, Kite is just a softcore version of "Leon The Professional," the latter of which will probably be closer to the end product.
  11. Fact is they can....but it's in a really sh!tty looking low-res matted widescreen. As for EU fans, they don't call it "eww" for nuthin'.
  12. I call foul. Zack Snyder clearly showed he was the right man for the job with Sucker Punch.
  13. I almost forgot how tweaked Victory got, poor bikini troop...
  14. Well, since no one seemed interested in this news, I went and ordered myself a copy to find out what's what. I probably won't watch it until tomorrow, but I checked the disc out. The subs are good, and it's definately RA compatable.
  15. In other news, only a week and 3 days until the blurays are out!
  16. Of course Luke was the worst Jedi. NOBODY EVER REALLY TRAINED HIM! Ben tried to give him a crash course in sword technique, then promptly died before anything was achieved. Yoda saw the futulity trying to teach him how to fight in such a short time, and focused on his force powers, then Luke took off. With a rudimentary knowledge of force powers, and an undertanding that you have to swing a sword, Luke set out to fight the empire. But really, who did he have to fight? Two old cripples, one a burned up cyborg, neither who were in real fighting condition. Palps knew this and just decided to toast him. Vader knew this and just decided to throw sh!t at him as a destraction. In a perfect world, Lucas would have gotten somoene to train the actors in all the movies in how to fake Japanese sword styles, but he either didn't have the time, budget, or foresight to make that happen. The Jedi should have fought like samurai, but that's spilt milk.
  17. Speaking of video game mish-mashes. Did anyone else play the ancient DOS Star Trek 25th Anniversary PC game? One of the enemy ships in that was literally an upsidedown mixed up Klingon Battle Cruiser.
  18. They're saving that for the eventual movie
  19. Definately coulda used more Ishtar, and more budget. I've said it before, and I'll say it again though, Frontier definately softened my hate for Macross II.
  20. I was actually surprised with how much I liked the redesign. If I had to chang one thing, it'd be to angle the pylons back a bit more, and lower the saucer a bit to match.
  21. You only have yourself to blame for watching bad dubs.
  22. Just be glad it's not "catastrophe." I also loved the backstory, very Xenogears.
  23. Voyager killed ST, plain and simple. Too much borg, too much Janeway, too much Chakotay. The organ doner aliens were weak, species 1234567 were weak, and the one interesting plot point they did have, i.e. fixing the ship up with borg technology & killing off a substancial number of the crew, they broke with more time travel! 36DD of 9 was too little too late of a last ditch effort to "patch" the show an audience, and that's where I left. I don't know how it ended, and I don't care how it ended. Also, Neelix was ST's Jar Jar, and hell, I almost successfully blocked him out. Voyager was "cool," but clearly, they saw what B5 was doing, and jumped on the "me too" bandwagon when they tossed in the Dominion War & decided to make Captain Hawk part of some legendary epic battle. The show had potential, but B5 was always a step ahead, and always did it better. As for NG, one thing, and one thing only needed to be fixed on that show. They should have always used military style uniforms instead of the stupid pajama's. It's hard to take a luxurybattleship crew serious when they're wearing their pajama's every day. If they had gone with a slight update on the ST movie naval uniforms, or if they had been smart enough to think up the later season/NG movie uniforms sooner, that show would have been so much better. Also, too much Q. It's hard to take any threat of the week serious when you know there's Q out there that can either fix or break all of existence. Some truly great cliffhangers though. Data's head in a cave? Awesome. Picard captured by the borg? How many here were hoping that Rike would take over and have to actually kill him (pussy-ass american writing wouldn't allow that though). Enterprise-C? That show had cliffhangers in the bag. And Enterprise, I never watched a single episode. Voyager left me so disgusted with the franchise, that I didn't go back to it for years. Hell, I only got around to seeing Insurrection & Nemesis like 3-4 years ago. But JJ Trek was f^ckin' awesome. That's the ST I want to see continue in the future....with a real engine room instead of a brewery though.
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