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Everything posted by Keith

  1. That was series footage in LLA, from the sounds of this they won't be using any of that. Just the limited new concert footage, Yellow riding his motorcycle footage, and if they really want to mindf^ck the fanbase, the camping footage that doesn't fit in with what was shown in TSC at all.
  2. When in doubt, unplug everything and reset everything from scratch.
  3. Considering Blood & Chrome hasn't appeared yet, there's a high probability it may wind up being this.
  4. You can save, but does the game have online multiplayer? I found an unboxing video for those interested.
  5. Not a pro Not a problem.
  6. Well, considering they already have rights to Mospeada, picking up a 25 year old OVA couldn't have cost them much. Adding in any other full series, classic or otherwise would definately blow their budget.
  7. Life's too short to wait for subs, you're paying for it, might as well watch it.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNy73PP-YeI
  9. Hmm, sounds like this may be....THE BEST LE EVER!! Ok, well maybe not, but still pretty sweet.
  10. I've got a launch system too, and that's the first I've heard of it happening. I'm assuming you've gone through with r-synching your controllers, and using the manual reset on the back of the controller, etc. May also want to go into the PS3 diagnostic menu and redo your file structure (whichever option defrags the hard drive but doesn't format it, be careful with that actually).
  11. Black Lagoon is definately a fun show, I jsut wish Funi would hurry up and release the OVA's.
  12. What do you mean by the blutooth is slow?
  13. After some experimentation, no, turning off the editing options doesn't make a difference. Just seems to be a crapshoot whether or not the post will freeze or go through. Decided to try using a non-animated gif avatar to see if that's the issue, since it's not display right with the update anyway. lol, and as I go to post this, it freezes again. That's not the problem either
  14. An executive producer credit doesn't mean he's on board, likely it's just an honorary credit.
  15. Here's a question, does Sayonara no Tsubasa come with a slip case over it in addition to the box (a slip like the regular edition has)?
  16. All I realy want to know, is why they didn't bother to add scene transitions for the scenes they didn't take the time to transition. And ofr that matter, why do we still never see Nimoy-bot transform?
  17. lol at Robotech fans who have been waiting for a film to get greenlit at least a year longer than Akira has been licensed for production.
  18. A game like that shouldn't take more than a half hour on a slow day, check your connection. What tier of internet service are you on from your provider? If you're ona budget DSL or something, that could also explain the slow ass speed. If not, try going in and resetting all your internet settings. Even 5 hours is way too long.
  19. PROTOCULCHA!! Nope, already Macross, Mospeada, & Southern Cross sub sets, as well as the Sentinels & Codename Robotech disc's. There's nothing in this set that I want.
  20. That's actually pretty hilarious, and Renato, any chance you could scan the sides of the box so we can do an awesome wallpaper of th enew YF-29 images? And also....HOW'S THE GAME?!
  21. You know, I can remember robotech fans tossing great idea's HG's way for things they could include in their new sideproject. This one dude specifically wrote them a whole story outline, and all they gave him for his trouble was a ban. It even looks like he wrote his story in memo-ese to make it more understandable for HG & the remainder of their fans. I don't know about you guys, but that's totally a movie I'd watch.
  22. It's getting to be pretty frequent with my posting, I wonder what's up.
  23. Fact of the matter is, if you asked a group of 80's pop culture afficianado's, they'd be much more inclined to remember Voltron than Robotech. As the care level goes down, Robotech's notoriety drops even futher. There are only two groups in the U.S. that care about Robotech's impact on anime. Macross fans, and what's left of the robotech fanbase, which is dying a little bit every day.
  24. I really don't see all the comparison with Black Swan, as Black Swan sucked and didn't have an ESPER manager manipulating a crazed fan into terrorizing an idol. But that's me.
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