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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The PSP games have captured something that's rarely done in gaming, successfully making you feel like you're playing through the actual events of the show. Last Frontier ups that a notch by including a new animation window that synch's up scenes from the movies to the action as it goes on. It's hard to explain, but it's incredibly well done. Add to that the awesome graphics upgrade, and I can't wait to see a full Macross game done this way. I'll gladly take a retread of events being played through like this, over a game where you play a new story any day. Both seeing it in action, and using it in game really improved my view of the YF-29. Exactly for the reasons you've said, it perfectly blends the VF-4 with the YF-19 using VF-25 stylings.
  2. It wasn't him who said something to the effect of "you can view it this way or that way, but the storyline follows the TV series." It's been so damn long.
  3. Quick correction As for the whole issue of canon, while it's possible he may change his mind, Kawamori has remained pretty staunch about keeping hte original TV series as canon, don't see why he'd change his mind here.
  4. Yeah, there's a bit of slowdown with all the flak & missiles flying from giant capitol ships & whatnot, but it is still a demo build of the game so I wouldn't worry too much. About the ending
  5. The Tornado pack cannons and the YF-29 counterparts are beautiful, I can't imagine that there isn't some game shop in Hong Kong that doesn't have a demo setup. It'd be a shame for you to miss out on at least trying this version. Also, the guy in that video has no idea how to play the game, poor fool not using Gerwalk to avoid crashing into the ground, and jumping head first into every enemy SP attack
  6. Did you just travel in time from the past? Because the game came out tuesday
  7. Just finished the movie, and DAAAAAMMMMNNNN!!! My new favorite movie. So much awesomeness contained in less than 2 hours should be against the law. I'm still processing everything, but talk about a great way to one up previous works. Anyone who hates this movie should just quit watching anime right now, you obviously don't deserve to.
  8. What am I up to right now? -Re-reads news about Love Live Alive being recycled into new robotech project -Checks out shiny new Sayonara no Tsubasa bluray -Laughs hysterically at robotech fans It's good to be a macross fan
  9. Got mine earlier. Some quick thoughts: Game = AWESOME!! As expected, it only covers Itsuwari no Utahime & Sayonara no Tsubasa, but it plays perfectly, everything is beautiful, and once you see how much flak comes from any given Vajra capitol ship, you'll know that this is what everything before was building up to. OMG!! Also, plays more like MUF than MTF, I'm guessing the newer missile lock mechanic wasn't super popular. There are 10 stages, 5 for each movie, an like the demo last year the first round of stages have locked characters/mecha, and once you beat them all, you can play with mecha/characters you've unlocked. There's a decent amount of Trophies, and so far no sign of being able to level up mecha. Also, the YF-29 is teh hotness!! I haven't watched the movie yet, but I did check out some of the extra's, and peak at a couple scenes. The encodingi s phenominal, this is probably the prettiest bluray, anime or otherwise, I've ever seen. I'll probably watch the movie this afternoon. Don't waste time with sh!tty youtube riips, you need to see this proper to appreciate it.
  10. "It was you fans, I learned it by watching YOU!" lol.
  11. I think it's best to leave the two seperate, that way we don't have to deal with Count Ibly, the white light ships, the fact that the Cylon's only screwed with humans from Caprica, and left most of the other worlds they came across genocide free, and worst of all, Galactica 1980.
  12. Has anyone seen any flat cover scans of the LE box or the regular edition sleeve anywhere yet?
  13. I disagree, I hate when they try to run shows infinitum until they get canceled or the crew gives up on them. Give me a good story with a set beginning, middle, and end any day.
  14. Can Schwartzenager play Tetsuo? His one liners would be hilarious.
  15. Sonf of Cyberpunk-anarchy? May be a bit too tempting for the studio to pass up...ugh
  16. Do it, it's hilarious!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt_vJyTiXUQ Finally, some gameplay footage, this is the 3rd stage. And finally we know why a full console game will take a while, they're making the effort to synch up actual animation scenes with the stages...BRILLIANT!! I can't wait to play DYRL & 7 stages like this, simply beautiful.
  18. Considering how they treat the original series rights holders, does it really surprise you how they'd treat anyone else?
  19. I actually liked it, nice little nod to Escaflowne & all. Besides, you're going to tell me Kara popping up out of nowhere at the end of 4.1 wasn't one wasn't right up there as one of the best scenes, right along with the jump into New Caprica orbit to launch vipers? I don't even want to know what broadcast watchers went through waiting for that to be resolved. I actually liked what they did with the ending arc of the series. Only place the show really dragged for me was New Caprica, and stupid fatsuit Apollo..
  20. Are you suggesting that Rick Hunter's dad turned to the darkside of the Protoculture and became Jonothan Wolf? BRILLIANT!! Jonathan Wolf: Roy never told you what happened to your father did he? Rick Hunter: He told me enough, he told me you killed him. Jonathan Wolf: I am your father!' Rick Hunter: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's not true, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! Roy: There is another.... Edwards: If Rick Hunter won't be turned to the Darkside... Jonathan Wolf: Your feelings betray you and your...brother. Scott Bernard: Somehow I've known, somehow I've always known...
  21. lol "you can get it in that really cool (drunken crotch thrusting) stance." Also, looks like he nearly came talking about the 4" allura figure...
  22. To be fair, the new series is "done." I'm sure there were some exec's unhappy that they ended things with a definative ending.
  23. I'm strangely curious about this too.
  24. Amazon almost always price matches the lowest available price for an item, and when you combine that with the lack of tax (for now), it amounts to being cheaper & more conveinent than a brick and mortor store. Now import shipping prices can sometimes be pricey, but it usually works out. On another topic, I'm officially wishing that I get a filmstrip featuring Sheryl's ass. ::crosses fingers::
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