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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Except Makoto Shinkai already proved that you can produce "good" movies by yourself in less of the timespan it takes to make a robotech movie with pre-existing animation from the 80's. -She And Her Cat -Voices From A Distant Star -Place Promised In Our Early Days -5cm Per Second -Whatever his current one is called. Sure the staff and budgets have gotten bigger, but the fact is that he still churned out more animation himself than anyone at HG has. I forget who first pointed out that robotech was HG's tax shelter, but really, nothing else makes sense.
  2. Beat both versions of the MIchel mission, and as previously stated, it was "hard." Probably the hardest ultimate mode mission in the game. I still have two more red missions to finish on ultimate, then about 8 more in blue. After that, it's just a matter of figuring out how to SS the blue missions (have the first one at least), and that's a wrap. I'm fairly certain at this point that there's no white YF-29, as there's still no sign of it.
  3. Just think abou tit, we'd get domestic "Sniper Bazooka" T-shirts!!
  4. That's the point, their fanbase is dropping like fly's. They literally have nohting to lose by rebooting.
  5. Speicfically, bamco DLC is super ridiculous.
  6. Definately check out the original Last Exile, though Fam seems to either take place before it. Theorizing aside from that would only go into spoiler territory, suffice it to say there aren't any hard links between the shows aside from style and the type of setting so far. As for me, I'm just about done watching Rayearth, then I'll probably go into Oreimo and Clannad.
  7. Being a Gordon story was pretty much the point of this one, and I personally thought it came out great. Pacing wise, I'm suprrised how well it flowed and how full it was for the hour runtime. The Catwoman bonus was also pretty good.
  8. Still haven't decided whether or not to pick up the gane, but the new Kawamori fighter just went up on the PSN for $7.99, anyone bite, and is it the end all be all of awesome if you did?
  9. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, dip their toes in by breaking each series into 3 movies, revert the Legioss design back a bit and replace all Macross mecha with it, replace all SC mecha with an alt version of Ride Armor, give the Zentradi a new name (or simply call them aliens, lol), use a non-transformable battleship instead of the Macross (since they don't seem interested in using transformable ships at this point anyway), and gasp, change the one name they didn't change, i.e. Minmay. Pull in a few of the older actors to come back if they can, cast replacements for others who don't want to (you need a new minmay guys btw), and go at it. This is an opportunity that a "truly" creative person would jump at, all the while having the safety net of a pre-existing story skeleton. Better yet, they will barely have to change anything when they get to the Mospeada portion, lucky them. They can re-use their newly "remastered" music, they can use their same sh!tty new SFX that they jsut did, and kill that god-awful narration once and for all. Hell, they can even use the same crap songs, but re-record them with someone who can actually sing. Do this, and I will buy it for pure curiosity value.
  10. Any chance you could scan the box & outer movie sleeve?
  11. 3 Trophies to go, I'm only an hour away from the 10 hours one. Ultimate mode is definately going to be tough, at least for Michel's mission. The good news is that the blue versions aren't as dififcult. The bad news is that I'm pretty sure whoever programmed Sad Sniper from Ace Frontier did both Ulitmate versions of this second mission. You know, the sick f^ck who thinks it's hilairous to send hordes of missile launching small Vajra & uber strong beam cannon firing Large Vajra at the poor 25G. I hate that guy so much!!
  12. I'd answer that question, but apparently you aren't reading posts to begin with.... As for everyone else, how far have you progressed? I've got all 12 the red missions SS ranked, with only the first blue SS ranked. I've still got 4 trophies left to unlock, no sign of the white YF-29 or the Sheryl/Ranka Koenig monster. Has anyone translated the trophies yet? P.S. Ultimate Mode...omg. The last wave of Vajra in the second mission is lethal. Even when I survive them I still run out of time with 2 or 3 left...grrr. Should probably skip that one for now and see if I can clear any other missions in ultimate. Never mind, found it myself. Here's a machine translation of the trophy requirements: If missions finish, come for return. Missions "イツワリノウタヒメ" were cleared. It is a wind to wings! It is a song to the Galaxy! missions -- "-- good-bye, ノツバサ " was cleared. Taking, it is the bonus which protected us. Missions "reverse side and イツワリノウタヒメ" were cleared. Even as for when, a miracle will be occurring if everybody calls! missions -- "-- reverse side - good-bye, ノツバサ " was cleared. it is work -- it cannot return today 50 or more were the total number of sorties. now, he can sleep and is my friend -- good-bye -- だ -- we will meet again 1500 or more were the total number of shooting down. You cannot be called a princess any longer. All the missions were cleared by S or more ranks. Probably, there is no reason for depositing a life with amateur something. Play time turned into 5 hours or more. Because the Galaxy is shaken and shown in the song of アタシ! The number of missile launches became 5000 or more shots. Me .... He likes Mr. Alto! All the missions were cleared by SS rank. I want you to call it なら and a 空飛ぶ pro at any rate. Play time turned into 10 hours or more. .... Oh, -- Galaxy is trembling. -- The number of missile launches became 10000 or more shots. Secret Trophies The wings are ヴァルキュリア. All the ultimate missions were cleared. and the original text if someone wants to do a better translation. ミッションが終わったら、返しに来なさい ミッション「イツワリノウタヒメ」をクリアした。 翼に風を!銀河に歌を! ミッション「サヨナラノツバサ」をクリアした。 とっといて、それは私たちを守ってくれたボーナスよ ミッション「裏・イツワリノウタヒメ」をクリアした。 みんなが呼んでくれるなら、いつだって奇跡は起きるの! ミッション「裏・サヨナラノツバサ」をクリアした。 仕事だ、今日は帰れない 総出撃数が50以上となった。 今は眠れ、我が友よ、さらばだ、また会おう 総撃墜数が1500以上となった。 もうお前を姫とは呼べないな 全ミッションをSランク以上でクリアした。 アマチュアなんかに命を預けるわけないでしょ プレイ時間が5時間以上となった。 アタシの歌で銀河を震わせてみせるから! ミサイル発射数が5000発以上となった。 私……アルト君が好きです! 全ミッションをSSランクでクリアした。 どうせなら、空飛ぶプロと言って欲しいな プレイ時間が10時間以上となった。 ……ああ…銀河が震えている… ミサイル発射数が10000発以上となった。 Secret Trophies その翼はヴァルキュリア 全アルティメットミッションをクリアした。 The missile & playtime trophies will be easy enough to get while trying to SS all the blue missions. The ultimate mode...I need to see if the rest of the missions are as bad as the second.
  13. Yeah, I totally hate cantalope...THREAD CLOSED!!
  14. Well see, that's the thing. for security reasons, in order to protect the exclusivity of the feature it will be scrambled like 80's cable porn channels, and any who purchase may luck out and be able to see the top secret whereabouts of Rick Hunter!! If he's not scrambled that is...
  15. I hope you guys realize that by getting yourselves banned from the robotech.com forums, you've ensured that you'll never see the new robotech movie. It will only be sold to the elite members in good standing of robotech.com directly from harmony gold through the robotech..com store. Each copy will be personally burned in a DVD-R by kevin mckeever & steve yun, with each cover sleeve being personally laser printed in black & white by tommy yune. This will be a limited edition item.
  16. To be fair, we don't know that the Protoculture didn't try to control the Vajra. The fact that they adapt to weapons so quickly may imply that they already fought with the Protoculture to develope their current level of combat ability. Perhaps the Protoculture were just smart enough to see that they weren't going to win that particular arms race. As for the Ginga Kujira, their ties with Zola may well imply that like the Zolans, they were engineered/altered by the Protoculture. They at the very least seemed to be Zola's version of the AFOS test. Then when it comes down to it, maybe humans are just better hackers than the Protoculture were, and they never thought to wire one of their own into the Vajra network as a bridge.
  17. Both the game and the movie work on a U.S. PS3.
  18. I'm talking about the actual execution of melee attacks. You might as well paint a big target on yourself just about any time you go in for one. As for Assault survive, Exia can hover too, learn the controls And Tochiro, we're going to have to disagree on this for now. I haven't played Extreme (won't be out until December), but I have played ever other Vs game. No doubt the models & backgrounds were prettier in the PSP versions of Next & Next Plus, but ground detail & debatable. Take a look at any of the captiol ships in Last, and Sheryl's ship from the the Obelisk concert scene. No doubt the engine sitll needs some polish, but from what's there so far, there's no reason to think that they aren't working on adding HD graphics to the existing framework. So far, they're succeeding. I just don't see the benefit of trying to pin this game into Extreme's engine, the gameplay limitations would far outweigh any graphics benefit. Back to the game itself though, I've S ranked all blue & red missions (SS only 3 or so out of all) (12 in all for each color counting the two enemy missions). Still haven't unlocked the white YF-29 or the Sheryl/Ranka Koenig Monster for red mision use (just the one with the SMS insignia on it), but I've got good news for you. It definately looks like artdink has been listening to the fans, Ultimate Mode is back, and insanely fierce. Even grunts go into SP mode, and I'll be damned if I can clear the second mission so far (using Ozma's YF-29). I still need about 5 trophies, so chances are most of those will be dependant on clearing ultimate mode.
  19. I am all over a Macross PS3/Vita hybrid pack the second it's announced. May have to wait a bit for the Vita itself, but that game will be mine!
  20. Maybe we're being unfair of the reusage of LLA. The whole thing is 50 minutes, with like 90% of that being TV footage. so 10 minutes of LLA original footage (which I think is a fair estimate) could maybe be part of one montage, or maybe bridge new animation bits. I'm being really generous here giving HG the benefit of the doubt....really generaous. Assuming they toss out the camping scene since there's no way in hell that would fit in with TSC without a valid excuse of why Stik (scott) & Aisha (ariel) ditched their shiny new spandex outfits, that's even less new footage for them to choose from. All they're really left with is Yellow riding up past some Inbit wrechage & trash, a couple interviews,a couple conert scenes (incomplete since they're mixed with stock TV footage), and Yellow's cabin. So either one of two things are going to happen. This will be mostly new animation with some bridging LLA footage. Or it will be mostly LLA including the stock Mospeada footage in which case they should just close up shop now and tell their fanbase Robotech has been over for 20 years, sorry for wasting their time .
  21. You guys need to stop convoluting things. The Vs engine: -Federation Vs Zeon -Gundam Vs Zeta -Alliance Vs Zaft -Alliance Vs Zaft II -Gundam Vs Gundam, -Gundam Vs Gundam Next -Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus & -Gundam Extreme Vs (current) is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT engine from the PSP Battle series. ' -Gunam Battle Tactics -Gundam Battle Royal -Gundam Battle Chronicle -Gundam Battle Universe -Gundam Assault Survive And the Macross engine spawned from Battle Universe -Macross Ace Frontier -Macross Ultimate Frontier --Macross Trial Frontier -Macross Triangle Frontier --Macross Last Frontier (Current). No doubt Battle Tactics was inspired by the original Federation Vs Zeon's home version campaign mode, but it's an entirely different play engine that spawned all later PSP Gundam Battle Games & Ace Frontier, with subsequent Macross games using a very much customized "Macross-centric' engine. To put it bluntly, to call Last (or even Trial) Frontier simply "upsized PSP games" is to completely ignore all the love that went the all new HD renders for the Valkyries, Vajra & capitol ships. These are far from the PSP models, which while great for that hardware, don't have a quarter of the detail that's in the PS3 versions. You also imply that the Vs engine is superior, which is debatlable as far as Gundam is concerned, but flat out wrong in regards to a Macross game. The Vs engine excells at one thing, high speed arcadey matches. The Battle/Macross Engine has full misson based levels, in depth weapon selection (you're stuck with your standard loadouts in VS) and upgradability, you fight targets as small as gun turrets and as large as the captiol ships they're attatched too, etc. Vs as of current (haven't played Extreme yet) still has cramped single stages that focus more of simple shoot & dodge mechanics than anything else. While the addition of charged attacks has been nice in the Vs games (Gundam X's satellite cannon for exmaple), melee is still trash, and mobile armor/transformable suits are still based on dash meter hogging dash moves rather than true transformations (like in the Battle/Macross games). My point is, Macross wouldn't work with the VS engine, missiles would have to be simplified to crap like in the first VFX or Robotech Battlecry (a simple burst of missiles with each button tap), and transformations would be locked into battroid except for when you double tap dash. Fighter would be fairly useless with that engine, and I don't see how they'd pull off the necessit for Gerwalk. While the original Battle Tactics was an archaic slight improvement on the old mission based Fed vs Zeon campaign mode, it's evolved into very deep show re-enacting scenario missions. As of current, the Vs games still have a tiny roster, while the last several Gundam Battle games have still had a couple hundred plus Mobile Suits, and the PSP Macross games have been prety comprehensive as well in regards to pilot & mecha choices. Basically, smaller stages, stock pilot/mecha choices, crap melee attacks, and twitch gameplay = Vs Deeper missions, bigger stages, bigger variety in enemy type and variety, awesome weapon selection and usage (ITANO FREAKIN' CIRCUS), SP attacks, suppeort characters, smart-ish A.I. wingmen, custom soundtracks, fast packs/armor, etc, Macross/Battle/Assault engine. Again, actually take a look at last frontier, while it does slow down a bit (still a demo build afterall, all the fine detail in vernier control, wing lights, missile ports opening & launching, fast pack usage and ejections level detail, and the freakin' flak coming off of those Vajra ships. Hell, even the launch scenes which have custom animation depending on whether you're in the atmosphere & space are beautiful. You guys are acting like this is Another Century Episode with its shite old school clunky control scheme. Don't get me wrong here, I do enjoy the Vs gamees, but if you think about it seriously, that won't work for Macross at all. And nothing I've seen of Extreme so far makes me think it's prettier than Tiral & Last Frontier.
  22. Have they started jealously bashing Sayonara Tsubasa over on the rt.com forums yet? Can't bother myself to look.
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