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Everything posted by Keith

  1. OMG! Someone on 4chan decrypted that "script" for shadow rising, and plugged it into a plausability matrix. Hidden in the files was some production artwork for the next robotech movie!!
  2. That's a cool setup, but might I suggest going for a more Macross-esque mounting of the flight stick on your right.
  3. Return it, tell her replacements are on backorder
  4. It does have the big skull, but I don't have the means of taking any decent pictures. Speaking of which, has anyone else been playing? Right now I've cleared all of the red missions with SS & Ultimate, but I still need 10 SS & 4 Ultimate clears on the blue character missions. Also, I did at some point get the custome Sheryl/Ranka art for the Koenig Monster, though I have no idea when I did, and it switches logo's where other mecha switch fast packs. Still no sign of a cannon fodder or white YF-29 though.
  5. Common misconception: Basara doesn't believe that fighting is necessary at all. Basara openly admits that there are those who need to fight. He doesn't smack the gunpods out of anyones hands, and he doesn't block any allied misisle attacks. He never goes into Macross cannon firing range yelling "you musn't kill anybody." What Basara does do is jump right in with the fighters and uses music competatively. The other teams may fight, but Sound Force sings, etc. In-fact the only person Basara ever stops from using deadly force is Mylene. As a member of Fire Bomber, and later a member of Sound Force, "she" is not allowed to use force. You guys act like Basara took out the freakin' gunship.
  6. I personally loved Niji-Iro Kuma Kuma, and the sequence it played in. dshootingstarb is still my favorite song of the album, but I don't see ho wanyone can dislike this soundtrack. The new (live) version of Seikan Hikou is freakin' aweosme, and while I prefer Flying Rock to Kousuku Climax, I also really dug "Get It On." Sayonara no Tsubasa is no DYRL, but it fits the movie, and Hougake Overflow is probably one of the strongest Ranka songs. I'm still disappointed that Izolado didn't make the films, but I'll get over it.
  7. Take the BD drive apart again & make sure you didn't miss anything when re-assembling it?
  8. ::sigh:: superdead. Just be glad you didn't have a disc in there, I hear it's a b!tch to get them out once this happens. Given that I've also got a 60 gig, I've been trying to use it as much as possible. I figure if it's going to go, I want to put as much mileage as possible on it.
  9. Regardless of the writing process, this should be the editing process.
  10. Seems to me that the series is leading up to introducing all of the components of Mum-Rah's ship that rebelled against him. Berbil's were obviously the repair crew aboard, which is why they can build a new enigne for the Thundertank. This story is totally going in a Xenogears like direction, which I'm cool with. Eventually the Thundercats will build up enough of an arsenal & alliance to go straight up against Mum-Rah.
  11. The forgot to right "pause" at the end.
  12. Hey Yui, you should move to the U.S., you can get all the shite dubs you want.
  13. "I'm going to live with underground grandma!"
  14. Except that Japanese game engines tend to be designed to run speicifc games, as opposed to the more western idea of a general engine build with general applications. This is why Kojima's upcoming "Fox Engine" is unique being designed for multiple applications from teh ground up.
  15. You know, if they did it while drving that huge invinceble SUV from Africa into HG's offices, that'd be even more hilarious
  16. When did they confirm that?
  17. New thought. I think it'd be hilarious if someone with too much money infiltrated HG's building in the middle of the night, and hid speakers in every nook and cranny, then set it to blast stagefright through the whole building the next day....
  18. Since fold isn't FTL travel, it doesn't have the relativity problems like in Gunbuster. Disruption due to faults however would explain it.
  19. ??? http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/characters/viewcharacter.php?id=40 What version of Zero were you watching?
  20. And take your time, 2025-ish is good for me.
  21. Recent discovery, long time problem before they knew why. Also explains why it took the Bodolza fleet several days to get to Earth and the heavy turbulence Diamond Force had using the fold boosters.
  22. Dear Tommy Yune, Hey, I heard somewhere that you can draw comics. Why don't you put that together with your love for powerpont presentations & make the Robotech fanbase some new material. Sincerely, Keith P.S. re-using LLA? That was a bitch move.
  23. The precedent for Fold Faults existing is Misa's dialogue when she gets captured with Hikaru & co. She mentions the time difference between they & everyone onboard the Macross. This with current info implies foreknowledge of the existence of Fold Faults.
  24. The whole series is actually streaming free on youtube & hulu, all they'd be able to go after are amv's & such.
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