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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I've been having the problem since the new board went up. Frequency is pretty random, sometimes a lot, sometimes not so much. Here's another question though, do you guys plan on bringing back the forum jump thing that used to be at the bottom of each page? I Totally miss that!
  2. It's not a matter of pride or humility at this point, it's out & out franchise squatting. HG filed a fraudulent trademark on "Macross, end of story. There's absolutely no reason Big West should ever compromise with them.
  3. 1 episode is 50 minutes long though, and they can still be had domestically for $40-ish. Of course the major difference in import prices between now and when the first ep was released is the current horrible exchange rate.
  4. Fortunately, that's a wildly inaccuracte description of 7. Regardless, hater's gonna hate, but Basara doesn't care if you like him or not, he's not singing for you!
  5. Not true, nobody (here) wants to see these things fail, we just know the probability that they will is pretty freakin' high.
  6. For a Japanese release, which this essentially is, it's quite reasonably priced on bluray.
  7. The most obvious break will be the name "Akira" from whatever they end up churning out.
  8. Excep Except that Palpatine is the one who called back Anakin, assumedly leaving his troops in that situation to prompt some anti-Jedi ire from Anakin.
  9. Speaker pod related fatalities? Nope, not a single one, proof or it didn't happen. As for Basara not carring for his "comrads," that's also grossly incorrect. Don't confuse his teasing of Mylene for not carring about anybody. Hell, aside from Honey, Bobby, or Barton, there was no one who didn't end up befriending Basara, or that he didn't wind up sticking his neck out for. But let's put this scenario into the context of another Macross series. There was no weapon that the Protodevelin couldn't out manuever. A knock out brawl/fire ifght with them would have wound up in a loss on the U.N. Spacies side. Their extra-dimensional nature would easily overwhelm the Vajra, and the universe would have fallen to the Spiritia black hole. Bottom line, Basara "was" right the whole time, deal with it. The point of the series was that sometimes there's an enemy that will always outgun you, and you either have to compromise with them or die.
  10. I've got a feeling that this arc may very well end with no one but Krell knowing what really happened to the 501st.
  11. The paper Itano Circus was definately nice, and I agree that there's no shame in this series taking its time building up. As we saw before, likely things shown here will come into better perspective with anohter pre-crash flashback episode.
  12. You guys are missing the bigger picture about that picture. The design change on "zor" (cough/laugh/cough) pretty much solidifies that Big West ain't letting them using Southern Cross designs. I suspected this when "Louis" was different in TSC, but this is as close to confirmation as we're going to get from HG.
  13. That's old news. Check out Galaxy Railways if you haven't already. It's already an older series now too, but full of Matsumoto awesomeness. As for this new Yamato series, It's got some good staff involved, but the chances of Matsumoto character cameo's is about 0% without his involvement. Besides, look at the ships, they're too stubby to have had his involvement in this version.
  14. The character designs are a bit...Tezuka'd up, which is weird for a non-Tezuka anime. The ship designs also seem a bit...stubby. At this point, anything has got to be better than Rebirth/Ressurection, but they really should have brought in Matsumoto.
  15. Flight suit grace is still my favorite
  16. HG l iquidating their assets would do one very important thing for Macros fans. No one would be left to upkeep the fraudulent copyrights they filed for "Macross." Without that, there's nothing stopping other companies from licensing Frontier & the rest.
  17. Tried Black Ops & wasn't impressed with it, so I'll skip MW3. Instead, MGS HD collection!
  18. We can always hope his assets are liquidated, then HG would be gone
  19. It's not about how bald he is, it's about how big his beard is!
  20. Just about everything you need is in disc order, except for the first batch of webisodes Razorsits right before season 4, and the disc is in the set in that order so you're cool. The one thing I wish they'd kept from the original series was the big bright lolipop colored robot things instead of them.
  21. Razor is included. The Plan would be a lot less annoying without a certain group of obnoxious basestar computers singing about things burning...
  22. Glad it worked, it's just too bad they don't make HDD a mandatory task. BTW, have you tried 2.22 or any other skipping blurays yet?
  23. It's arguable in golion since it was a "legend" that was never explored during the series itself.
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