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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Flat chested & ugly, no thank you!
  2. ZOE HD colleciton is coming on PS3 & Vita. Maybe the 360 too, who knows And mark my words, Rising will be awesome, I just wish they'd included a demo as Snake's dream during the prison scene in Snake Eater HD, instead of putting nothing there...
  3. Rightstuf.com has dropped their listing for the first volume, and the other 3 have inventory counters on them, which usually means OOP. As for the pricing, this is strictly a Japanese release issue, and even then, we're paying a bit less than the import.
  4. Sexy! On another topic, anyone else besides Dizman & I playing Extreme Vs?
  5. It looks like the U.S. Unicorn blurays are quietly going OOP, with volume 1 already becoming hard to find. Anyone interested may want to pick them up sooner than later. The upside, the Japanese blurays still have english subs. Hopefully this isn't bad news for the 5th & 6th episodes being released here.
  6. I'm calling shennanigans on the very idea. I just don't think even Macek would still believe that you could repcakage 25 year old animation in this day and age. This is 100% Yune's idea, no question about it.
  7. Yup, that's the only one with subs, and from what little I've heard, should still be the Viz script. Getting it outside of ebay on the other hand is somewhat difficult.
  8. I'd wager he meant "Barnes & Noble." Grab both movies now!
  9. There are several different stoyrlines that intersect, and jump back and forth through different time periods, just keep your eyes open and you'll be cool.
  10. I stack that more towards Simone's kill than Kamina's, especially since Kamina was essentially dead at that point anyway.
  11. I still don't think the ending was open, just a nice little final poke at the fans, making us be very attentive to catch the happy enidng.
  12. Watching the second season of Haruhi without seeing the first, is like only seeing Jedi without seeing ANH or Empire, in other words, that makes no sense whatsoever!
  13. More orgasmic gattai? i'm up for it.
  14. I actually kinda liked Speed Racer....
  15. No one can tell you what Haruhi is about, it is something you must experience for yourself.
  16. What is war? Is war fighting? What about a cold war? What about an information war? Would a pacifist nto participate in a tug of war? Bare bones definition from Merriam Websters: "opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes" Opposition at its core is a type of fight no?
  17. And miss a prime opportunity for a motorcycle licensing tie-in?
  18. It really is stupid that Nintendo is giving sh!t over Twin Snakes, especially when MGS3 is coming out on the 3DS. You'd think that would have been a fair enough trade, but oh well. I was actually hoping they'd tweak (spoiler for Shaorin if he hasn't finished MGS4) , but oh well. The HD collection is pretty awesome as is, though MGS3 & Peace Walker are the clear stars, MGS2 hasn't aged quite as well. As for MGS1 in general, Konami's reccomended solution is to download it from the PSN and just play the PS1 emu, though I'll be damned if the tank fight doesn't feel like it's moving too fast. Maybe I'm just remembering things differently though.
  19. lol, "Ky Reed."
  20. I'm almost afraid to download the demo...
  21. The real question, will they incorporate the B-squad t hundercats from the original series.
  22. Correction, by the time they stop copying Gundam, they move on to copying Zeta
  23. And it's probably not going to be on bluray anytime soon. Don't worry, the new DVD's look great upscaled.
  24. This just makes Cheetara out to be a super tease, since she's clearly been favoring Lion-o for most of the series. But if events play out like the book of Omens history, he'll find a hot Panther chick, so all is well.
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