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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Oh, Pokemon & Power Rangers too. OMFG Pokemon & Power Rangers were merch power houses that caused a huge licensing scramble for anything Japanese that could have the same impact.
  2. Not to mention anime that was broadcast after it that was infinately more popular. I'm looking at you DBZ! Even Sailor Moon was a heap more popular than Robotech. The fact that Voltron has an active fanbase-ish right now also proves its much more popular.
  3. Wait a minute, he has a sister and hasn't prominantly cast her as Minmay or something in Robotech? Shock and awe!
  4. Except that you acknowledge that you'd seen Gatchaman first
  5. It makes perfect sense to me. Yune & co actually "hate" the robotech fanbase, and they're doing all they can to make sure that lthey don't procreate. You can be damn sure any female in the vicinity of a man owning such a CD would defend her eggs from ever coming into contact with his seed.
  6. All we need now is Macross the First, and we're set for the year.
  7. Now that's not fair. Maybe they keep scartching their DVD's or getting cheeto dust on them, and have to keep replacing them. Or maybe they lend sets out to co-workers who never bother to watch them, and say they accidentally lost them so they'll stop bugging them about it.
  8. HG claims they won't interfere with Manga releasing Plus & II, and yet Manga has been handling the online distribution of Robotech, or at least was before Netflix, Youtube, & Hulu. Coincidence?
  9. If you watched the Media Blasters release of Tekkaman Blade, it has all of the bonus material released with the series, including this:
  10. I'm used to seeiing it here, I just didn't expect to see it so frequently with Japanese gamers for some reason
  11. It's justa too bad she got bone-itis.
  12. I wouldn't worry about that, this is the studio that brought us Bayonetta
  13. One of us seriously needs to win the lottery, then buy the contract out from Tatsunoko
  14. Similar feel, but yeah, it definately kicks things up past 11.
  15. I've still got a couple crazy hard trial missions to clear, and I'm about 56 out of 120 something wins online. Funny thing though, what I initially thought was a random host disconnect I'm starting to think is a surprising number of Japanese players that can't handle losing...
  16. Except that HG's stance seems to be zero advertising & info = SUCCESS!!
  17. Just finished the New Utena sets. Definately enjoyable, though I probably would have liked the series even more if I hadn't seen Princess Tutu first. As for the movie, all I can say is "wow."
  18. Make no mistake, analog media, like old composit cable NES systems & such will look like crap no matter what you do. One dilemma I've come across is that the PS1 port of DYRL will not output through component on my modded PS2, it 'll only go out through composit. This makes the game look "extra" sh!tty. Unfortunately, Sony region locked PS1 games in the PS3, so it'll be a while before I know what this game looks like upscaled. These things don't look like crap because of HD, they look like crap because SD hid the low resolution of it. One of the first things I did was replace every matted widescreen non-anamorphic DVD I had with an anamorphic DVD or bluray counterpart. Regardless, the best results I've had are to turn off most upscaling features, and if your HD TV has a game mode, make damn sure that's turned on. All the smoothing/etc features that are standard left on cause miliseconds of dispaly lag that will get you killed in any online game.
  19. Do you remember Volgin punching into the Shagohad & controlling it iwth his lighting powers? More directly, I think this is a lesson Kojima is giving his young programmers. Finish your game, or someone else will, and they'll turn it into their own game. It looks like they may just understand the lesson from all the sh!t they had to eat in that interview.
  20. Yup, and then you're smacked down by the harsh reality of Newtype level trials, & trying to play against japanese pro's online
  21. It's about damn time. BTW, if that's your PS3 on the lower left, you may want to move it up to a higher/highest shelf. They breathe better, and pick up better wifi if you stick them up higher than lower.
  22. Who the f^ck is bossal? His name is NEKKI BASARA, "ORE NO UTA WO KIIKE!"
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