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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I'm the guy who doesn't pretend people deserve some kind of respect ofr dying. That's blunt, not ignorant.
  2. Using the sword to stun has been around since MGS2.
  3. And again, this time in bold But as I said, this is getting silly. Raise your hands if you actually subscribed to the animeigo newsletters & read them during the original pre-order.
  4. In the future, all resturants are Taco Bell.
  5. Pretty sure they only used local actors from HK.
  6. 4kids doesn't count. -Funimation -Sentia Filmworks (aka ADV in disguise) -Media Blasters -Nozomi (rightstuf's label) -Manga Entertainment -NIS -Aniplex -AnimEigo (no new licenses, but still releasing stuff they own).
  7. "in 8 years" Dude who sang the intro?
  8. Or perhaps a hybrid between Akira & "Zapped."
  9. Untrue. The Animeigo Japanese track is crystal clear. The ADV Japanese track is muddy & crackly.
  10. Doesn't get much clearer than " I recall news being sent out that audio masters had to be received from Japan to due the degradation of the audio tapes harmony gold had on hand." and " we provided HG with all of the materials we received or produced ourselves " Anything aside from that is just being nitpicky.
  11. So much doubt for no reason, sheesh. Do you need me to forwards you the e-mail too?
  12. I'm really surprised they chose SEED instead of 00 or Age.I get the feeling that the chose it due ot the variety of types of mobile suits, and hopefully the next installment will include more U.C. content.
  13. Alright, I e-mailed the AnimEigo head on the issue. His response was: This is pretty much a confirmation that they "did" import the audio tapes to remaster them, and did share them with HG. Which means against all sane reason, they chose "not" to use it for both ADV's Macross & robotech remastered. WTF were they thinking? Also, I checked my set, and the AnimEigo disc's did indeed include a seperate audio track with the music on one channel, and SFX on the other. The reason for it was for fans who wanted to make their own fandubs. When you add in this info with the info that the original SFX are burried under the robotech remastered 5.1 crap mix, you really have to wonder what they were smoking when putting together that set.
  14. If he's always right on facts, and you're saying I'm wrong about this particular issue, then his fact streak has ended.
  15. Guess he finally broke that record then!
  16. Story? Nope, that's remained the same since it was reported to pre-order customers by Robert Woodhead of AnimEigo through their newsletter to pre-order customers over 10 years ago. Don't blame me if you didn't pre-order & subscribe to the mailing list newsletter.
  17. Import a copy of the DYRL HD Remaster DVD, pick up a region free DVD player that upscales, and mount that LD on the wall or something, it's useless!
  18. The first artdink game for the vita has been announced: http://www.the-magicbox.com/1112/game111227a.shtml That's right, it's the next entry into the Gundam Battle series, and unfortunately, it's only going to be SEED related. And here I was hoping for some GB Unicorn goodness... The upside, it looks pretty good. Hell, the models look a lot like gunpla. Now it's only a matter of time before we see a full on rendition of the Macross series, hopefully spanning what's already been covered +. It should be easier with the fewer number of Valkyries vs the tons of mobile suits that have come out over hte many series.
  19. I won't let myself forget, can't afford to have a surprise charge that big One thing to note as well, epsodes 1-5 will be 1080i, while 6 will be 1080p. Likely, they're using the 1080p version of ep6 from the movie bluray release.
  20. The SFX were different. For some reason or another, either HG lost their seperate dialogue/SFX tracks, or perhaps they were only given an SFX track, and a Japanese dialogue+SFX track initially. As the story went 12 years ago, the audio mix that HG had of the oriignal Macross was in pretty bad shape, so AnimEigo contacted Japan and negotiated better quality masters (which they remiastered themselves). They wanted to do the same for the video, but HG insisted that they remaster from "their" copies, which as time has told us was so that they would have a copy of the video on hand. So what happened to those audio tracks from Japan? They went back to Japan, and HG wasn't able to touch them once the licnese with AnimEigo was up. When HG didn't renew the license with AnimEigo, it was so they could give it to ADV. ADV's "robotech remastered" and own Macross release were both made from that video, though strangely their releases were interlaced instead of progressive (like the AnimEigo release). Worse yet, even though they couldn't get a hold of AnimEigo's remastered audio, they did nothing to attempt to clean up HG's audio tapes for Macross (luckily they did clean up the SC & Mospeada audio), and released a very degraded/scratchy soundtrack along with the interlaced video. It's because of that lack/inability to remaster or seperate the SFX tracks from HG's held master, that the "legacy" set had all new SFX used. The same new SFX were used for ADV's Macross dub. Come to think of it, that dub had the original music, so it had to be laziness on ADV & HG's part in remastering the SFX track. The funniest part? If I recall correctly, AnimEigo included a seperate audio track on their DVD's with the music on one channel, and the SFX on another. So maybe what ADV/HG lacked was a seperate dialogue track for Macross. Who knows.
  21. This is the box art for the upcoming bluray set. While I want to pass due to the lack of subtitles, I just can't seem to make myself cancel the order. Diebuster is also getting a similar release in August, though since that one also won't have subtitles, I can't quite justify the import cost on it. Unlike Gunbuster, Diebusters U.S. DVD release didn't have gimped audio. Hopefully my willpower will be able to hold out on it.
  22. Ignorance is ignorant
  23. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just download final fight HD on PSN?
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