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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Gentlemen, amongst all the bad news in the anime industry this year so far (all 2 weeks of it) comes some of the greatest news ever! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-01-16/smore-entertainment-adds-galaxy-express-tv-anime That's right, GE:999 TV is getting a U.S. DVD release. Now if we can just get Galaxy Railways season 2 & its OVA...
  2. I didn't say they'd just rip it either, but in order to license it they'd have to not only pay Big West & Tatsunoko, but also get permission from both. That's more than an issue of strange licensing, it's also a matter of working out a license which would allow them to use Big West's HD masters "without" giving Tatsunoko access to them. If you think that has any chance of happening, then you're far more optimistic than I.
  3. Yeah, but more often than not google searches turn up porn or viruses. While I've no problem with porn, this doesn;'t seem like such a bad place to get a safe & direct answer...
  4. Since Tatsunoko legitimately owns international distribution of Macross TV, Madman would be painting a big "sue me" sign on themselvfes for trying. Now if they wanted to license 7 or Frontier, that'd be another matter. Something else to think about, a current trend in AU & general European bluray releases has been to set the frame rate at 1080i/50fps. So even bypassing region issues, you'd still have to ensure you had a TV/player that can handle PAL framerates. This was done with Madman's release of the live action Yamato movie, and the French release of Caprica. Unfortunately, licensor's are wising up to U.S. importers.
  5. The lack of subs has to do with Bandai Visual not wanting to spent on translating & timing a sub script. Sure it's a negligable cost, and sure it'd be fairly easy to do, but the U.S. market isn't the target audience, and there's no significant English speaking market in Japan. What's interesting is that part of Bamco's decision to close down Bandai Entertainment in the U.S. apparently had some small part to do with the sales of Unicorn, basically realizing there "is" some profit to be made from producing one product and exporting it to the U.S. It's unfortunately too soon for that to help with releases like Macross TV or Gunbuster (Gunbuster btw BV "does" have a translated sub script in hand for), but maybe around the time DYRL or Plus come around on BD things will have changed. And then of course there's always the hope that maybe these releases will have english subs, and they're just not telling anybody, but that's more denial than anything. Before anyone says anything, yeah AnimEigo did do a sub script, but that's in the hands of HG, BV or Big West have no claim on it.
  6. Go back to your mental ATM and withdraw sojme attention, since you'll be needing to pay some.
  7. That's a pretty good analysis of SKL, though to be fair, this is the first non-main cast related Mazinger we've had since Great, which still had ties iwth the main storyline. It was still fun though.
  8. To replicate the feel of a WWII movie.
  9. You know, amongst all the things HG has done over the years, they've finally done something I can respect. "Maybe this stranger will be cute, and you'll strike up a conversation about anime. And then get to know each other, trade phone numbers..." That's right, HG has finally decided to openly promote gay nerd love. And here we were thinking that they didn't understand their fanbase!
  10. What's the fun in that?
  11. Just watched Redline & First Squad. Redline totalyly delivered on everything it promised. First Squad on the other hand didn't have the WWII combat its trailer promised. Protip: Select "short version" if you want to watch it in Japanese. Selecting "Long Version" only gives you the Russian & English option, and has bad live action fake "expert" bits that add absolutely nothing.
  12. Você senhor é a pesca à corrica da semana, move-se agora longitudinalmente e joga-se em algum lugar mais
  13. If you've already played Triangle Frontier, and you're still here talking nonsense, then you're clearly a troll. Yeah, we all knew you were from the start, but we're nice enough to give everyone a fair shake. Mosey on now little douggie. The future is hear, Gundam Extreme Vs ia already quite out and online.
  14. That's no decision, if you have the option of watching the OVA version, then that's what you watch.
  15. Not Battlefield, Macross Triangle Frontier on the PSP Go buy a PSP, and import the game.
  16. Ok, not really CW related, but still loosely SW related. For years I've been trying to remember the name of a cheesey kids show I used to watch that had an R2D2 knock-off in it, and now finally that search has ended. Now I'm sharing for anyone else who may have forgotten.
  17. You may be dissapointed on the maid outfit thing
  18. It wasn't included, but it was self-parodied in Otaku no Video.
  19. Probably an alternate story since it doesn't quite mesh with the little pre-history we got with the first series, or the alternate/possible prequal take of the movie. Still fuzzy on the movie actually since it had Renton's sig on the moon. It could possibly be a sequal though, since the scub coral that everyone was living on and thought was the surface left, leaving the Earth underneath it restored. But alternate story seems to be the simplest answer.
  20. Harmony Gold hates its fans, so they'd inevitably be told to stop as well, as has happened with various robotech fan projects. Solution? Go be a fan of something else. Also, It's doubtful something fan-made could capture the Macross feel that artdink has with their Macross games. Perfect combination of professional refinement, and fan love.
  21. That's the stupidest idea ever, why would EA want to waste resources on a dead franchise like robotech, let alone a first/third person shooter which doesn't even make sense for the property.You're lucky there's even a cellphone game.
  22. Macross Plus, Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, and Galaxy Express 999 are the only instances I can think of where the movie version(s) fully exceeded the TV/O/VA counterpart. DYRL did a lot right, but still needs the TV series to fully appreciate it. Escaflowne's movie was an interesting and good take too. What's really funny is how much better Yamato 2 was than Arrividerci.
  23. Uh huh, lizards & count Iblis who is also the devil is a much better storyline....sure The only thing I liked better about the original was the technicolor lightbulb headed commanders over the obnoxious Lilith-Fair attending basestar computers in the new series. Everything else was gravy. Things like design aesthetics, english language, etc, I think was supposed to be one of those human constants that "happen again." At least that's a nice way to explain that stuff away while keeping the design budget down & the show grounded in a realistic aesthetic. Either way, it works. But I reallhy liked the plot twist of having the first Earth & the 13th tribe actually being long dead humanoid cylons. It's both a nice twist, and a nice knock at Galactica 1980's finding of the contemporary Earth.
  24. OVA's, the movie is a truncated version.
  25. They hit a couple planets that had some space military strenght, and usually just wound up fighting with those people. That's one thing that bugged me about the original BSG in general. The Cylons were so gung-ho on wiping out the colonial fleet, but allowed almost every other humanoid planet they came across to live, some of which they'd clearly been to before. WTF? In other news, just finished Caprica, and honestly, I really liked it. Even though it got cut short, I think it succeeded in doing its main task, i.e. fleshing out a few parts of BSG there wasn't time for. Now we know specificaly where the colonial cylons came from, which gives us a pretty good idea of how the original Kobal cyclons came about. We know they weren't just A.I.'s that wanted to become human, and in fact were human minds raised in mechanical bodies that wanted to get back to being human...though still were just as petty as the other humans. We get a pretty good look at how their religion came about, and why they believe what they believe. My favorite part? Ressurection, the cylon images they navigated the basestars with, angels, and likely the literal deus ex machina that was guiding everyone and prodding things to happen? All wifi-network based. Ok, maybe bluetooth based, but hilarious & ingenius in equal measure. Only major question I felt are still left unanswered were just what was that which didn't like to be called god? The implication I get is that it was the original Kobal incarnation of what Zoe's avatar became. Why were humans able to pick up on cylon wifi-halucinations? Since cylon brains are based on human ones, the wifi too is something that's inherently based on a human ability. That explains why Baltar could tap into it. Perhaps also why everyone was able to see Starbuck after she died, in fact, that does make a good bit of sense more now. The biggest whole Caprica getting canceled left is what happens to Tamara, she's literally just left hanging. To a lessor extent, what happens to Zoe once the Cylon war starts. Does she join with the other wifi god? Is she war collateral? I wouldn't mind a web short at some point touching on those issues. All in all, I think Caprica did what it was most intended to do, raise my like of BSG a bit more.
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