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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Still say the character designs look too Tezuka-ey.
  2. Clearly Basara, his has subwoofers.
  3. By your (lack of) logic, 99% of non-hentai anime characters are homosexual. If you can't discuss things civily, then I suggest you join a forum that's more akin to your type of discussion. Here, I'll even give you a link. PERFECT FORUM FOR OLD NASH!
  4. What ever happened to that flash version of the old nes game someone posted years ago?
  5. Meh, I say same/better. Kare Kano, School Rumble, Clannad, Spice & Wolf, Utena, all great romantic series from the past 10-15 years. I also don't have a problem with Harem comedies, provided they don't forget that they're harem comedies. Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki vs Tenchi Muyo TV are great examples of this. Ryo-Ohki never forgot what it was supposed to be, and as such, the resolution was the harem itself. Tenchi TV/Movies on the other hand completely missed the point, which is why the preference wound up falling with Ryoko in the last movie. Being part of the OVA universe, GXP revelled in its haremness, with a hilariously perfect ending. I've yet to see a series of any kind that better embodies the epic journey of a man in love like School Rumble does, though FLCL comes pretty close. Equal parts heartwrenching & hilarious, with the only possible conclusion it could have, definately one of my favorites. Kare Kano is also pretty realistic in its portrayal of young love, though it doesn't heart that Anno has a talent for bringing drawing the audience into characters in a really short period of time.
  6. Watch it now, you're getting borderline homophobic with your posts.
  7. I love everything except for the translation.
  8. Uh huh, keep on believin' that
  9. Don't confuse not hittin' anyhting with a pulse for not gettin' any. The facts are: Basara's chick list: -Rex -Emilia -Sivl Basara however has two traits Isamu lacks. He know's not to dip his donut in the office coffee, and he know's not to kiss & tell. Basara's interactions with Rex are proof enough that they got together, not to mention there was plenty of off-screen time for it to happen. Rex is savy enough to know when to walk away, nd there's no way she would have fawned over Basara like she did if htey weren't having the occasional booty call. Second, do you really think Emilia would own a giant bra & not wear it on a sorite? The G's alone would warrent wearing it. The fact that her bra & panties were disgarded into the laundry, combined with zipped down flight suit to show she wasn't currently wearing one, proves that she & Basara got together while Pedro was napping. As for Sivil, do you really think Basara was singing the whole time they were on their universal tour? Sure Gigil was there, but what you didn't see was Gigil geting knocked out by Sivil & dropped off while she and Basara had their romp. He was later woken up & picked back up before delivering Basra back home. Now of course you're wondering "why didn't Basara sleep with Akiko or Mylene." The answer to that is quite simple, Basara was "s-m-a-r-t-. As soon as he sleeps with Akiko, Ray would hit the sh!t, and you saw what happened to the last dude who dated Akiko!. As for Mylene, regardless of Milia's approval, you absolutel, under no circumstances whatsoever, no matter how tempting it would be, f^ck the daughter of the fleet commander. It's bad for him anyway you cut it, and ensures that Mylene hangs around way too much (not giving Basara time for Rex or anyone else). But then you ask, "what about Emilia, she was Max's daughter too?" At which point I have to remind you that Basara was "s-m-a-r-t." Emilia didn't live in her parents fleet, there's no way her paretns would find out, she was older than Mylene, and really, how often to you get to get with a Macronized Meltran? Totally worth the minimal risk. Bonus - Flower Girl: Basara totally rocked her world back when he was foolish enough to sleep with groupies, and totally forgot about her. Now how do I know these things? The same way I know that Kakizaki slept with whores in the red light distrct, and Hikaru actually "did" have sex during the course of the Macross series. That's right, do you really think Minmay slept on the couch? Anyone who believes that is just delusional. Now let's get back to Isamu, Lucy wasn't hte first operator he slept with, but I can guaruntee you that he'd slept with enough to know better. Too clingy, and you do not dip your donut in the office coffee. As soon as you piss off your operator/girlfriend, you risk winding up in backwoods assignments doing sh!t clean-up work! In this case, why did Millard really let Isamu & Guld "steal" their fighters & go up against Earth's defense net? Because Millard was also hittin' Lucy, and wasn't too fond of sharring. If that were true, there would have been no problem with Basara & "Honey." Basara wasn't "safe," he was just "smart." Do you think it's a coincidence that Bobby wound up in the Jamming Birds? Max intentionally put him there hoping he would become a target. Had he actually succeeded in having his "cake," Bobby would have wound up disappearing out an airlock.
  10. Actually, considering Akusho was tacked onto City 7 as his own private testground, for his own private fighter, as part of a military sanctioned project (Project M), and private flight instruction (Ray), Basara very much "was" a pilot.
  11. But is she hotter than Maverick playing hafl naked sweaty all male volleyball?
  12. Actually, Basara flys and sings, he doesn't play at the same time (until Dynamite anyway). The guitar control scheme is just an alternate "looking" setup, and works in much the same way as the stick & throttle control setup. By the time of Dynamite, he'd been flying so long that he could hit the throttle & stick with his guitar, that alone puts him above most pilots. Basara = Singer/musician/pilot Isamu = reckless pilot with a death wish.
  13. Let's see: -Macross flashback episodes to the U.N. Wars do not show Roy being a reckless showboater who puts people in danger, just a womanizer. -Macross Zero: Same. Baseless assumption is baseless!! Even deciphering your speech, you make absolutely no sense whatsoever. All I can deduce from this is that you've obviously only seen Macross Plus. Because nothing you're talking about happens in Macross 7 or Macross TV. That's not Isamu, that's Amuro Ray! Actually, Isamu was a regular military pilot until they shuffled him over to the test pilot division. Considering the history of the YF-19's testing, I don't think they intended for him to live through it. Basara on the other hand can be considered a special forces pilot, since he was officially sanctioned in a miilitary operation. As for "flying in formation," he did that with Sound Force, and protected the ENTIRE 7 FLEET! WTF are you still talking about top gun for? Top Gun has nothing to do with this whatsoever. But while we're on the topic, Maverick wasn't even half the pilot that Iceman was, he wans't exceptionally skilled, and didn't even understand the concept of "jetwash." Idito. It's actually more akin to Neo (The Matrix) going into a crowd with automatic rifles, no danger whatsoever. Has nothing even to do with Spiritia. Fact is, the U.N. Spacy was "WAAY" outgunned. The only outcome was death or surrender when you fight an enemy that overpowers you to that degree. How much sense does it make to keep throwing rocks at an enemy with tanks? No matter what you do, those rocks will never penetrate the tank armor, stop the treads, or make them stop shooting at you. At that point, singing to them and hoping they like your song enough to stop shooting at you is a much more productive excersize. How did we get on this subject? Your ignorance of what actually happens in the series.
  14. Do you even know what you're saying? First off, Roy wasn't a showboating pilot, if anything he discouraged it. You'll recall his chewing out Hikaru for crashing the launch ceremony. Isamu did some pretty stupidly dangerous sh!t. Dashing in front of Guld & dropping his booster right in front of him to take otu the HMM's? Dangerous. Letting his squad take extra flack so he could get a flashier kill at the beginning of the OVA? Also stupidly dangerous. No doubt he's skilled, by Sharon was pretty straight on with calling out his deathwish. Basara on the other hand didn't need Gamlin or anyone else to cover his ass, more often than not he wound up saving other pilots. No doubt the PPB allowed him to hang out a bit more than a lower end fighter would, but he more than hsowed his piloting skills.
  15. That is a bitch move by Sony, but then the biggest deomographic of people affected would be game renters. Since the rental shop is damn near dead anyway, it won't affect them much at all. And while it'll definately hurt resale value a bit, I think Sony should consider doing things that will make people "want" to purchase a Vita, more than reasons not to.
  16. And you have to see that Basara was never intended to be a soldier, which is a "good thing." The level of technology possesed by the Protodevelin was far more than the 7 fleet could handle, once Gepelnitch was at full strength, more than any approaching fleet could handle. Bottom line, if not for Basara, the U.N. Spacy would have had to surrender and become enslaved. When faced with that reality, would you prefer to surrender or to convince your enemy to co-exist? Somehow infering that Basara was an inferior pilot because he didn't shoot is just inane. Despite the popularity of it, kill count and flying ability aren't the same thing.
  17. So wait a minute, Basara singing is dangerous, but Isamu shooting isn't? BULLSH!T!!! Also, the EVIL are only terrying to "Zentradi." They were designed by one side of the Protoculture as Zentradi killers, and a safety against the impending threat of their potential to rebel against the PC, which as we know they eventualy did.
  18. That's just it, Basara & Isamu do have the same personality, the difference is Basara's passion lies in singing, while Isamu's lies in chasing clouds. Isamu is guilty of all of the same self indulgent behavior that Basara is, disobaying orders, showboating on the battlefield, etc. Though arguably, Isamu actually "did" put friendlies at risk, while Basara did not.
  19. Yup, while it's true that Sony "could" have supported the PS3 version of linux to lock it up from hacks & requiring a specific build to use, it's not their proprietary software, and I'm sure was seen as more of a headache than anything after the bootlegged games started. Don't blame Sony for that one, you know who's fault it is.
  20. This is no sequel boy, NO SEQUEL!!
  21. We aren't even remotely close to an A.I. like Sharon Apple, and no amount of discovery channel clips will change that fact. A.I. mimicry is still rudimentary, though Watson's ability to pull up facts and deciver speech is no doubt impressive. Doesn't mean it can hold a conversation. You still ignore the fact that Sharon's A.I. is based on a bridge between bio & mechanical, Marj basically "cheating" his original intention of an all silicon based system with illegal hardware. But regardless, the problem now with the Protodevelin seems to be aesthetic design. That's an extremely nitpicky issue, and an arbitrary one to condemn a whole show on. Fact is, the Protodevelin weren't represented as "monsters of the week," there were only 7 (and a half) of them for 49 episodes. All of their technology was based on things we'd already seen from the Protoculture, and their design aesthetic isn't drastically different from the later seen AFOS. Everything we've seen of the Protoculture's artisitc aesthetic is congruent with what we seen in the "EVIL" designs, including the mobile fortresses. So I say again, "get over it." As for the Isamu issue, you do realize that claiming the fact that he kills somehow makes his embodiment of the same traits that Basara posseses is nonsnesicle. "I don't like Basara because he does this" is trumped now by "I don't like Basara because he doesn't killl." Ok...whatever dude.
  22. Throwing the word "magic" in doesn't help your argument at all, nor does comparing 7 with Ultraman, at least one of the two you've obviously never seen. Bottom line, you either do not, or refuse to accept the concept that later Protoculture technology was based in biologicaly recreated what they already did mechanically, which in turn (as of Frontier) we know was originally done biologically by the Vajra. This isn't a concept exclusive to anime, or eastern sci-fi. It pops up fairly often in western sci-fi too. Computer A.i./Brain, beam weapon/organ that can create beams too, etc. Hell, if you really want to get down on this issue, how did Sharon's A.I. really work? A freakin' "BIO-NEURAL CHIP." If you're going to call hte Protodevelin magical for their bio-science, then you'll have to call Sharon magical too since she incorportated a bio-aspect to the very core of how she worked. I also don't see you complaining about DYRL mobile fortress Bodolza. One giant living ship that also had a bio-based super cannon.
  23. If Tommy simply wanted to recreate the series in his own image, then he could have taken any given part of the past 12 years and fashioned a completelly new take on the series. Since that hasn't happened, we can assume that isn't his goal either.
  24. As opposed to magica aliens with acid blood that can have sex with your face and make babies in zero atmosphere? Claiming computer A.I.'s are "hard scifi" when no one has ever been able to make anything close sounds equally magical.
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