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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I Second this. The CotB dub has far more heart in it than any U.S. dub ever has. As for the Evangelion dub, The guy they have playing Shinji is almost as terrible as dub Tenchi. The chick they had playing Asuka is far too obnoxious, and the guy they had playing Gendo came off as more generic conniving badguy than the proper cold & calgulated character t hat the character actually is.
  2. Fanfic's are nothing more than fanwanking by people to afraid to even attempt to write something original. I don't go around that part of the forum for a reason, if you really want to know why, look up some old alt.fan.macross posts. Costomizing models isn't in the same catagory as all of this, and for some reason garage kits & fanart aren't either. Perhaps because those things pay more homage to the property. This case specifically is literally an unnecessary excorsize. He seems to want to play a game that's imued with the Macross "experience," and yet admits he's only played a rom of one. If he wants to play a Macross styled game, it exists, all he needs to do is put his money where his mouth is, rather than hoping that someone makes him one for free.
  3. Remember that was also an inhabited city, the concern was more likely over collateral from both the explosion & the fallout.
  4. "The Galaxy Is Calling Me" takes place precisely between episodes 42 & 43. After the attempted capture of Glabil, but before Operation Stargazer.
  5. Watching Gurren Lagann dubbed only strengthen's the ant-spirals!
  6. All fanfics, and most homebrews. Mods are interesting in that they can bring new life to long dead PC games. In this specific case, we already have a great series of games that brings home the "Macross Experience." I'm failing to see the need to put effort into making a game that already exists triumphantly. Now if he was talking about trying to get someone to license or bring over the artdink games, then obviously someone would have to inform him about the licensing issues.
  7. OMG that dude's hilarious!
  8. You kids better start playing nice, or I'll make you all pop in an episode of Macross iI.
  9. Would only work with the Wii version, since that also has motion control Complains & does nothing, except enjoy & financially support the releases of the awesome games we have, instead of wishing someone would make a crappy & unnecessary homebrew.
  10. Basara is Basara, that's all you need to know. BOMBA!
  11. lol, they are beating every inch of that dead horse aren't they? "Hey, what can we do to stall now?" "Let's release ep's of each individual song, that way we can prolong trying to do actual work for another 2 years."
  12. So you expect to make a game that's somwhow "better" than the PSP games using a DS game maker utility? Why can't you just play the PSP games again???
  13. None of those stats explain why it takes so long to release something that's 95% already animated! Are they doing their own inbetween animation in house at the HG office? Are the animators stuck on a boat from China?
  14. Gundam SEED Battle Destiny! Plus you know there's going to be a Macross game within a year.
  15. That's loser talk! And then you were disproven beyond the shadow of a down, and classified as Wanzerfan 2012.
  16. If only there were a super robot that incoroporated the best features of both. Oh wait, there is, GAOGAIGAR!
  17. Optimus Prime is just a truck rip-off of the RX-78 Gundam. Check and mate! You haters sure now how to run away & go off tangent w hen you're losing though. Anyone can shoot first, Basara got right up into the enemies faces & sang first. Besides which, don't think I need to get into how solo embodies all the same qualities of a non-changing static character through out SW.
  18. Somewhat interesting news. Bandai Visual just announced that they're including English subs with the AGE blurays. I'm still hoping for a surprise announcement about subs on the Macross & Gunbuster blurays...
  19. The point is that the things being complained about in Macross 7 are common themes/occurances in many anime series. Besides which, complaining about facial features on mecha is just as stupid as complaining about fingers on mecha. You guys might as well be crying out "robots should have claws, not hands." MAHQ is searching hard? You guys are hilarious!
  20. Wow, now G Gundam bashing. Do you guys even watch anime? BTW, take a close look at the F91 http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/f91/lineart/f91-openhead.jpg And tell me that thing doesn't have a mouth. All Gundam types have eyes, and some variation on samurai armor mask/face. Hating on mecha for having something that resembles a face is a weakass argument to make.
  21. You know, I hope some toy company announces a higher quality re-release of Dairugger XV before that sale closes, and the seller never see's anything close to that.
  22. I never leave disc's in my PS3, but my brother always did, until his PS3 got the RLOD, had a game stuck in there for months until he finally broke down & dismantled it (had an 80 gig, replaced it with a slim). Now more than ever, I'm careful not to leave disc's in my 60 gig (which is doing fine btw). If your drive is making funky noises, try vacuming it out (put the hose up to the drive), and vaccume out the other vents while you're at it. Like anything else, if parts in the drive get dusty, their girp will lesson.
  23. Gundam's have faces, Mustaches, the whole shabang.
  24. I actually like that, it has a strong Matsumoto influence. Has anyone done a pony version of GE:999?
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