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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Not sure why you hate the Madoka designs so much, it's not like they have Escaflowne noses
  2. That's why I didn't ask if HG put up video, I'm asking if whichever HG sock monkey puts up the video's put it up.
  3. But also set's a bad precedent for licensing at their normal rates, which is exactly why it won't happen.
  4. Any youtube video of this announcement? Or was it another one of those "camera's off" moments?
  5. How far have you gotten? Unicorn has stayed pretty consistent with its quality through out these first 4 episodes. Dare I say the best thing Gundam since Zeta & Turn-A.
  6. And you will have a Vita when the innevitable Macross game comes out there too, and enjoy the high res renders that we've been enoying on the PS3 demo's.
  7. Still haven't started Star Driver yet, but I did just watch the first volume of Madoka Magica, which was just as awesome as advertised.
  8. Since BV (Japan) was doing that themselvse too, it'll probably still be there.
  9. Uh huh, sure it is. Although it's been what, 4-5 years? That's enough time for a non-compete embargo to end if indeed WB made HG sign one.
  10. ] John Lennon never married Paul Mccartney.
  11. That explains much
  12. Wait, does that mean Amano sempai was really Takizawa's mother, and not the bar owner? No wonder he couldn't find her!
  13. I actually thought there was an announcement not long ago about artdink making a smartphone version of their Macross games. As for the 3DS, the Gundam Battle game that was ported to it didn't do so hot.
  14. Still not 100% sure on this, but we may not have to import the 4th & 5th episodes afterall. Rightstuf has the first 4 disc's back up for order (bluray), and after writing them they implied that the release is still on track (as far as they know). It'll still be a good month or two before they'd begin listing episode 5 though. As for the DVD version of 5 & 6, that's still off unless someone decides to relicense it.
  15. So you prefer Reba West's drunken warbling? Ok....
  16. That's Jimi Lennon to you!
  17. He's just lucky I'm not a mod, it'd totally end up being his member title
  18. If your point is hinging on claiming the original language + text translation is somehow less original content & meaning than a complete re-dub/localization, then you're point defeated itsef before you made it. Aside from that, I never claimed watching subtitled anime will make you fluent in Japanese, it will however give you a familiarity with the language & context that dubs won't.
  19. Super Robot Wars Alpha/Z Well, Macross Plus Game Edition was a 3D fighting game of sorts.. Exactly what we all need, Macross tetris...
  20. If you fail to see the relevence in a topic that spawned this one, then that's your limitation. As for the seperate matter of fan projects: -Mods (aside from scratch builds) take pre-existing merch usually to produce varients that don't currently exist. Still supporting the franchise. -Fanart/Fanfiction, two entirely different ends of the spectrum. Bottom line, far more often than not, attempts at fanfiction are rarely done in the name of "tribute." They routinely wind up as a means of pretending to be creative. Fanart on the other hand more often than not fals into the tribute catagory. Dare I say if we didn't already have a great game franchise to support, a fanproject might be a viable option, but really, there's no point in it.
  21. Initially no, but the more you watch, the more you pick up. No one says you actually "have" to actively learn the language, that is what the subtitles are for. Your analogy is pretty flawed. It'd be more akin to saying you should read a translation of a book, rather than listening to a re-written & localized book on tape version of the book.]
  22. Can't help but wonder what kind of ass-backwards bootleg you've watched if you saw a paragraph of text on screen, but the logic in watching something subtitled over dubbed is simple. -It's got the oriignal language that the property was made in. -It's got the original direction of the actor's playing the characters, i.e. the characters are portrayed in the way that the creator's intend them to be. -It's got the original dialogue, i.e. no "smart" rewrites by amature writers that are rampant in dubs, and no "localization" replacing something that was originally there with something more familiar (note, this does happen from time to time in subtitle scripts too, but the original dialogue is still present when that happens). -We live in a world with many different languages, get used to it! -You actually pick up important nuances about languages when you expose yourself to them. -You'd be surprised abotu how much you start to pick up from just listening to the language with the subtitles, after a while you get to a point where you can spot "bad" subtitle translatesions when you come across them, but still understand what's actually being said. But for me, and most importantly, if you're watching something dubbed into another language, you're not actually watching what was made, just someone elses version of it.
  23. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36178&view=findpost&p=950925 "I believe we could do something even better than Namco-Bandai, or at least acceptable. After all, the fans do things better than the giant firms" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36178&view=findpost&p=951456 "Only after a long time, played the psp games (first Ultimate borrowed, and then the Ace via ISO). I have not had chance to play theTriangler ,but seeing the graphics, I want to buy it."
  24. And yet they're mostly the same cast. Pass on that dub thank you
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