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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Found some more pictures of the Vita's upcoming Gundam SEED Battle Destiny: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2012/03/psvita-gundam-seed-battle-destiny-new.html This game is looking "good." Can't wait until it's out!
  2. I also decided to check out the bluray set. Haven't watched any of it yet, but reviews have been positive enough to make me curious. Of course I haven't gotten arround to watching the last CN transformers series either, how does this one compare with that?
  3. That picture could be a movie in itself!
  4. Solution: Have Wes Anderson direct/co-write. Bill Murray will be sure to follow, plus the new recruits can be Owen Wilson & Jason Schwartzman = Sequencial win!
  5. Figured I'd relaunch our videogame discussion topic with the news that I've finally platinum'd Gundam Extreme Vs. Is anyone else still playing? There's some epic hilarity to be had playing through ranked online. Also, I'm not sure how much longer it'll be up (may expire at midnight), but Motorstorm RC for the Vita is/was a free full game download today.
  6. I just don't see where you guys are getting ST franchise = deep meaningful insightful sci-fi. Hell, the most thought provoking movie of the franchise is written off as the most boring by fans & critics alike. Are you really claiming that the new movie is more actiony (well, maybe somewhat) & has more plot conveniences by the most popular movies of the franchise (II, VI, First Contact, etc). I don't think so.
  7. To be fair, do you really think information like "we borrowed advanced technology from a mystery ship" would really trickle down from top brass? They probably figured the Kelvin took out out (since it disappeared), or someone else got a hold of it. All the more reason to quietly beef up the fleet.
  8. Second!
  9. The whole point of it being a mining ship was so that it could plausably be abused to destroy planets. The benefit of it bieng from 129 years in the future is that it has later era shields, phasers, torpedo's, etc. That in itself makes it plausable, at least as plausable as time traveling stories go.
  10. Looks to be Matsumoto's way of getting around the embargo placed on him working on his own creation. Good for him!
  11. I wonder though, was the knife sceen re-animated in the pachinko footage?
  12. I still don't see where you're getting "hundreds" from. Considering the Klingons & the Romulaans were just as hostile with each other, in addition to the many other alien races out there, it's not like there was much risk of them attacking at the same time. I can easily see all parties having a 40-50 ships each, raising the importance for alliances & treaties.
  13. I never got the impression in the original ST, or movies that Starflight was a "hundreds of ships" kind of operation personally.
  14. Sorry, I should have prefaced with "if they actually want to be successful with the franchise." Obviously it should be burried like the beaten horse it is
  15. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. HG "should have" worked out a clause in their contract with WB to get Bruce Timm's animation team to do mini-robotech movies.
  16. Didn't want to start a new topic, so I resurrected this one. Indiana Jones on bluray is finally set for this fall, Raiders, Temple, Last Crusade, & Crystal Skull all in one set. Amazon's got it up to pre-order currently at $74.99 http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=8283
  17. Yeah, but those were all the shiny new ships. The ones out on patrol were the older already commissioned ships.
  18. Madman's bluray box was AnimEigo's licensed through HG. This is why the quality was good + the crappy Yune art.
  19. I'm not really sure why they haven't put the games up for download. It's not like there aren't any other bamco games up. And no doubt they'd be popular downloads. It may be a music rights issue (too expensive for digital licensing?) who knows. Similar problems have prevented Crisis Core & Birth By Sleep from having download versions.
  20. So far it's pretty freakin' sweet, though we'll know just how sweet when GSBD comes out.
  21. And yet there's that 100 minutes of pachinko game footage...
  22. I don't know, I seem to recall a pretty universal pan on that preview (rightfully so mind you). In this case, fan opinion may have very well mattered that much.
  23. Come to think of it, that's the source of all the con panel "secrecy" now. As you remember: Comic-con preview of Robotech 3000 ----> widespread fan hate on the internet = firing of Carl Macek & canning of hte project. OMG it makes perfect sense, why didn't I see this before. The reason Yune & gang ban forum discussions & panel info from leaking out is so their bosses don't fire them immediately
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