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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Dub? Tony Oliver? I though were were trying to confince people to watch this show! As for Ryo-Ohki 3, guess I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed it. Especially after the mess that was the Tenchi TV canon's way over favoritism of Ryoko (mind you I really like Ryoko, but movie II's resolution was just wrong), seeing the way things were handled in Ryo-Ohki 3 seemed to be in direct response to all of that. Considering how many years it's been out I don't think it's much of a spoiler to talk about the revelations about just how big Tenchi's Earth Jurai family turned out to be, or the whole business with confusing his sister with his mother. Or dad basically saying "yeah, I knew about all of this the whole time." It all seemed to be in response to Tenchi Muyo In Love 1 & 2's over-dramatization of things. The resolution was also a lot more realistic, i.e. existing harem + and Tenchi not alienating any of the girls.
  2. That's neither confusing nor a retcon, we just didn't have a proper (read non-robotech) translating until 12 years ago (animeigo release). Old software overriting new software and causing massive conflicts makes a lot more sense then "oops, we f^cked up when backwards engineering." Fact is, Claudia & co were genuinely suprrised things didn't work properly, they were all trained for several years on the new hardware. Field tested or not, gravity generators tearing away from the ship & accidentally folding an entire island to Pluto are well behind the realm of "miscalculations."
  3. Read the quoted text, the film elements aren't around anymore! Not surprising considering the video editing techniques they used at the time. All we can hope is that they've been able to reasonably upscale from a high quality analog master. It won't look great, but it could look decent.
  4. That's really good.
  5. Nope, the gun firing "was" the booby trap. The rest of the system failures/errors were a cascading effect of the booby trap activating/conflicting with the new human OS. Seriously, watch "Global Report."
  6. The only Wing Commander I ever played was the Sega CD port of the original. Used to love that game, and do playthrough's of trying to take out every single Kilrathi that moved without running. It was always rewarding to limp back to the Tiger's Claw with barely one functioning weapon, no shields, tore up engines, etc. And always hilarious taking out one of the Kilrathi carriers in the same condition, just popping away at it with my last functioning weapon for 10+ minutes. Ace Combat (pre-Assault Horizon) is the cloest thing I ever found to that.
  7. Yeah, I wrote CDJapan 2 days ago, no response. Even tried begging AmazonJP to re-classify it as a bluray, no dice (but they were kind enough to respond). The fact that Amazon hasn't closed its pre-orders leads me to believe that A: They got the lions share of pre-orders from BV, or B: This item won't be as limited as every shop that ships to the U.S. is making it look. Regardless, those extra's are pretty freakin' sweet.
  8. GXP definately didn't get the love it deserved when it was new. The whole "Unko" thing alone was hilarious.
  9. I know they're doing it to tease me...
  10. Wow, $70 markup over CDjapan, I wonder how if they'll actually be able to fill the order with that markup.
  11. That's the thing, complaining about price would be great, if we could get freakin' pre-orders in!
  12. Are you kidding, I missed it again?............definately getting annoyed with this.
  13. Same problem, regular version can't be shipped through amazonjp because they catagorize it as a game. That version won't be hard to get though. Also, I'm thinking shops are limiting pre-orders right now because they have no idea what their fulfillment will be. And I'm going to stick with that delusion until I pre-order a copy...
  14. AmazonJP has some crazy rule about selling anything software/game related internationally. No idea why, and all they have to do is "not" catagorize this freakin' thing as a game.
  15. OMFG, WTF!! How can the pre-orders be selling out so freakin' fast everywhere!! I take a freakin' shower & CD Japan has both listed it & stopped taking orders. Guess I broke the cardinal otaku rule about bathing... ::goes to refresh several browser windows, comes back to rant:: Ok, I understand the whole point of LE items, but they shouldn't be LE THIS QUICK!! Hell, the Macross TV LE orders are still up, wtf is the problem with this...and yes, most of my anger is over missing out on FB 2012 on bluray, which I know isn't gonna look great, but I want it anyway!!
  16. Only question, why was it a necessary move. Could syfy be so stupid as to try & bury it completely? Well, they did forgot how to spell their own name...
  17. To be fair, Gatchaman is over 100 episodes, Mospeada being a quarter of that should hopefully be a quarter of the price.
  18. You know, it'd kill syfy to make 1 or 2 "less" churned out sh!tfests and greenlight a 12-13 episode series. Looks like they're still blaming the fanbase even though they didn't know how to market Caprica. Sidenote: The more I look at that trailer, the more that Cylon reminds me of a Boomer from BGC.
  19. Also, the loss of the fold drive, miss fold, gravity generators ripping out, and various other malfunctions weren't due to a lack hof understanding during backwards engineering. They were caused by cinflicts in the computers orimpfed by the activation of thr "bobytrap," as stated by Global in his flashback/clipshow episode.
  20. As awesome as Sayonara no Tsubasa's box was, you definately want it.
  21. Apparently someone at Tatsunoko just realized that we were on a new format now, and decided to start dropping their catalog on bluray. That's right, Mospeada on bluray in 2013!
  22. He seems to be trying to stir th is issue up every other week.....what part of the rt forums did he slink over from agian?
  23. 2 hour pilot bodes well for a simultanious/close timeframe bluray, excellent.
  24. And yet your argument seems to be that dubbing something somehow makes it more intuitive, as opposed to watching it with a subtitle translation which maintains too much of a foreign structure to "understand.' Yet you don't take your flawed argument to its natural conclusion. If dubbing something makes it more natual, then the only way to make it "truly" compatible with a viewing audience would be to remake it from the ground up using character designs, locations, & music that is more familiar to the market its being sold in. If this is something you truly believe, then you shouldn't be watching anime in the first place, since it's inception lies in something too "foreign" for you to understand. As for your little smark about illegal subs, last time I checked Macross had been released subtitled over these parts 2 and a half times, of which I won two versions. Not counting Plus & II. All 3 series have a dubbed counterpart, none of which I choose to watch. Yeah, no one said subtitles are guarunteed to be 100% accurate, but they leave the option of the oriignal language there right along with them.
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