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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Here's another option for those who haven't had luck elsewhere http://www.shopncsx.com/macrosssdf-2-1.aspx That's right, NCS has them up for pre-order now. It's almost as much as yesasia, but it's also a domestic shop.
  2. Has anyone else gotten that message?
  3. That sucks, had they aldeady comfirmed your order?
  4. For MOSPEADA, that's a bit pricey. Especially since it doesn't have LLA listed as part of it yet. Hopefully that'll get released seperately.
  5. And then Ressurection happened. As far as me goes, I own Alien & Aliens on bluray, and Prometheus is shaping up to go right along side them.
  6. I'm sorry, I thought I was on a forum with other nearly middle aged men who could handle T&A...
  7. "Pre-authorization."
  8. Anime reboots don't go as wrong as hollywood reboots do (in general). Hell, what do you think DYRL was? Personally, I'd love to see a new version of the original Macross. Not because of HG & robotech, not because the animation is dated, and not for catharsis. I'd love to see it because it'd be freakin' awesome to see it done. Who hasn't drooled over that pachinko game footage?
  9. Have you guys learned nothing from manga being translated into anime? TV producers are never restrained by where a manga ends, they can easily put "The First" into series form, and blend in some of the later tv elements. Personally, I'd love to see a shiny new 16:9 Macross series with the newer Valkyrie paint schemes, maybe even lead it into the Megaroad launch proper, that'd be an awesome ending.
  10. The popularity of this will only boost our chances of seeing a Macross The First series.
  11. Hater's don't deserve Nono!
  12. I actually like the last Resident Evil, hated the one in the desert before that (zombie crows, really?), Afterlife was just enough of a hilarious Matrix action scene rip-off to make me smile.
  13. Protip: If you finished watching the OVA yiou'd realize how premature these observations are so far, or rather, you're thinking exactly what they want you to think at this point in the story.
  14. Like the HD remaster DVD a few years ago, it'd be an OVA + Movie set. As for how Plus got released, no loophole, Manga legally licensed it from Big West. They just avoided HG's harassment by handling their digital distribution for them. Seriously, look at any digital download copies of robotech, and you'll see they're handled by Manga.
  15. Ah, then this is what they announced like 6 months ago then.
  16. Actually, I liked the Karate Kid remake too...
  17. I actually wouldn't be surprised if the Plus set has subtitles when it's announced. Though it'll probably only have the dub.
  18. Also, we already had Hot Tub Time Machine fill this role.
  19. They're exploiting some old PSP homebrew cheat to run a suedo CFW that let's them do it. The un-official reason/speculation as to why you can't just remote play any PS3 game is because of hardware/game licensing issues. Same thing is speculated to be the reason we don't have PS1 support yet. You would have thought Sony would have tried to iron out any licensing issues while the system was still in developement to get things ready before release, but oh well.
  20. I've nearly got the new SPG 3D surround sound system ready for it. "SPEAKER POD GAMMA:- ORE NO UTA WO KIIKE!!"
  21. Boy, did they sure peg that 3D movie craze, though I would have preferred hoverboards.
  22. Satisfying endings, hmm: -Gunbuster -Gurren Lagann -Nadia -Megazone 23 Part 2 (note, not 3!) -Orguss -Eureka Seven -Great Teacher Onizuka -Galaxy Express 999 (movies + TV series) -Irresponsible Captain Tylor (TV & Tylor's War, only to be ruined by the incomplete last OVA series) -Mahoromatic -School Rumble (ionce you come to turns with it being the only real ending that could have happened there) -Votoms (even if it did heavily rip-off 2001, such an awesome battle leading up to the end) -Wings of Honneamise -Yamato 1 & 2 (especially the knock down drag out brawl with the comet empire that would shape shows like DBZ for years to come). Note I've left out obvious things like various Macross & Gundam series.
  23. Should work out okay. I read up on cdjapan's requested item info, and it looks like they may actually be ordering direct from Bandai's store. So far the only recent bluray set's I've heard having english subs are the Haruhi Suzumiya complete set, the Haruhi chan/nyoro~n churuya chan set, Gundam Unicorn, Gundam Age, & the new Gundam SEED HD set's all have english subs. There are more like Big O & Paranoia Agent which have dubs (but no subs), but subs are still few & far between.
  24. I barely understand what any of that means. Is it some kind of cellphone or facebook type game?
  25. Yeah, the tv setdoes have an LE version.
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