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Everything posted by Keith

  1. -Evangelion Rebuild -Yamato 2199 -Gundam: The Origin -Casshern Sins -Tekkaman Blade -Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Just a few examples of how probable it is to get a remake of a series. Considering Mikimoto already started Macross The First raises the probability of it happening with Macross. As for Kawamori, since he just did Aquarion Evol, we know he hasn't recently changed his mind about redo's, and all he's really said is that he wouldn't continue the original series story, never said he wouldn't remake it.
  2. Please keep all fanfiction in the fanfiction section. Failure to do so results in me ripping it to shreds.
  3. How about the Megaroad-01 VS Sara + Shinn + AFOS Gesthalt superweapon! In otherwords, ain't gonna happen!
  4. Before you hear it on the street, Aniplex just announced that they licensed Bakemonogatari. No word on whether we'll get blurays or not yet, but hopefully ti'll be a release similar to Madoka.
  5. A.D. Police, Parasite Dolls, etc were cool, but lacked that fundamental BGC flare.
  6. So you're saying Michel is more forced than Roy? You guys are just talkin' crazy talk now. Or do some of you have wives reading your posts? lol. "Really, depictions of sexualized teenage girls disgust me!"
  7. ADV was infamous for dumping analog VHS masters on DVD and calling it a day, Manga was also "very" guilty of it. Luckily both companies shaped up over the years. As for Samurai Champloo, the re-release actually used the Japanese master, and looks a lot better than their first release. Back to Macross, one thing that bugged me about the AnimEigo remaster was that htey added artificial grain back in. If they'd have just cleaned up, and not gone so crazy with the color it would look a lot better.
  8. In case anyone is still on the fence about GSBD
  9. Just a reminder, this was the Gunbuster box art, and it does indeed look like they'll look awesome together.
  10. The official cover art for the Diebuster bluray set is finally up. Niiiiice.
  11. Sure as hell isn't us Macross fans. Also, since I haven't said it yet, if there isn't a 3 titied whore in this movie, it's automatic fail.
  12. Making a sticker of the nude Misa cameo in Orguss and sticking that in a scene would be the ultimate easter egg..
  13. Good things about Jedi: -Bikini Leia -IT'S A TRAP (and the rest of the rebel fleet assault on the Death Star II) -Speeder bike chase. -Final duel between Luke & Vader. The low's are more than outweighed by the high's, and even the new additions aren't that bad after you've seen them a few times (I'm looking at you new Jabba's palace song!). What's Alien 3 got? Bald Riply, a completely anti-climactic follow-up intro to the ending of Aliens (really, killing Newt just completely invalidates the bulk of Aliens), and a planet full of space prisoners that who cares if they get slaughtered by aliens. Bad story, bad canon, bad execution, bad movie. Alien Ressurection just plunges that turd back up to experience it all over again, now with alien/human hybrid baby!
  14. HIkaru was like Launchpad McQuack. A great pilot who couldn't stick his landings.
  15. Difference being, Aliens has a resolution to the story, Empire does not.
  16. Protip: If you want to watch First Squad in Japanese, just select the short version of the film, and it gives you a Japanese language option. This is true for the bluray at least. It also cuts out those stupid live action bits.
  17. Personally, I never understood all the 0080 love, and while 0083 & 08th MS Team are fun, they miss the whole Newtype/Oldtype core that all mainline Gundam stories are about. If you guys want a Macross sidestory that isn't about singing idols, transforming robots, etc, and focuses on grunts, dare I say that's not Macross.
  18. Actually, there was a significant control difference between Ace & Ultimate. Ace still played like the Gundam Battle series, Ultimate changed the series into a whole new animal. But there'd be no beneift of a "real" flight stick control scheme in these games, at least not without some serious custom control mapping, and a double tap friendly stick.
  19. I'd actually like to see them give one final update to games that gives players the ability to setup peer to peer games if they still want to play online. No servers for developers to manage, and at least some usage still possible with the old games.
  20. Speaking of dying games. Metal Gear Online goes down on June 12th. I love MGS4, but I really love MGO, the online online shooter to date that speaks to my sensabilities. It will be sorely missed.
  21. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with Amy Adams in the Muppets, aside from perhaps too much clothing.
  22. I love AnimEigo, and I know they did the best with what they had to work with, but their Arcadia DVD is a travesty when viewed on an HD setup.
  23. Assuming the next gen of systems still use disc based media, I don't see how this would work in the doom & gloom way it's being advertised. We already have some games that require the purchase of an activation key to use online features if they're purchased used, but I haven't actually picked up one of those games. Do they come with a code you have to imput initially to play online? If so, I'd imaigne this would work like that. I've heard Vita games block out trophies if you try to use them on another account/system, but I haven't tried that yet either, so not sure how that's going. Personally, I think it's too soon for a next gen of systems anyway, I know the 360 is 7, and the PS3 is 5 or 6, but aside from Microsoft needing to move onto a higher storage medium (read: blu-ray), I don't see much need for higher end hardware yet.
  24. The ending was pretty open, but I still enjoyed the series. Some parts get episodic, ut when the sh!t hits the fan in general, things stay pretty interesting. As did I, looks like I'll be checking it & the new G.I. Joe out.
  25. Excellent, if this does well enough, they're sure to release the remastered Arcadia of My Youth. Also of note for anyone who doesn't know, another company licensed the complete Galaxy Express 999 TV series for DVD release.
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