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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Re-enactment? Or perhaps to help convince someone that one of their friends doesn't really have herpies, they were just wearing make-up for the show? Yeah, that sounds like something they'd do.
  2. OMG, that's an awesome idea! No, not cancelling it midway through, but overlaying wrestling on top of all their shows. Just think about it, they could have a special green wrestling ring, and just have all wrestling on top of every show. That'd be ratings gold. I here by stake a claim on this idea over the entire internet, anyone using it must pay me 90% of all profits!
  3. Sounds like you ripped it badly, the oriignal Japanese DVD was anamorphic, and progressive scan if I recall correctly, it just wasn't cleaned up.
  4. Off the top of my head: - Gurren Lagann. Yeah Spike dying is sad, but Simone "knowing" he was going to lose Nia, then going through with the wedding anyway only to have her fade off right as they kiss. SAD. -Giant Robo: Gin-Rei, knuff said. One giant mis-understanding spooled into bitterness & revenge resulting in a completely unncessary death. -Grave of the Fireflies! -School Rumble: Possibly the most epic tale of man. -Galaxy Express 999: When Tetsuro realizes Maetel has set off again without him. And of course -Gunbuster: Noriko & Kazumi make the near ultimate sacrifice, not death, but leaving behind everything they know by 10,000 years. They find an apparently dead Earth, making their effort pointless, only to be surprised with a welcome home message. Epic!
  5. lol, yet more wasted opportunities that could have been a Cowboy Bebop parody hentai. It's right up there with the mystery of an almost complete and total lack of Faye doujinshi on the net.
  6. As soon as that game get's marked down, I'm so downloading it on my Vita.
  7. That's a moot point, no one could possibly love you more than you
  8. You've got much to see if you think Bebop has one of the saddest endings, hell, Bebop's ending is down right happy compared to some.
  9. Said the dude with the half naked avatar of himself....
  10. It's not so confusing. The regular version has just the movie & game on one disc. The LE version has that plus everything else.
  11. About the hair As for the year thing, that is a possibility, but then there's the existence of current countries to account for too.
  12. It's not being prudish, it's demanding a proportionate amount of female nudity. As it stands the balance is way off right now.
  13. Actually, I get the impression AO is a complete redo. Forgot to mention that the paper dolls let you dress up Mahoro & Shikijuo in various Gainax character costumes.. As for the second season, I enjoyed it, just strap yourself in for that ending, it's a doosey.
  14. Yup, also Lion-o's mom was hot.
  15. Alright, just watched the first ep on low quality youtube stream. I'm not convinced that this is a sequal to the original series. While we didn't see much of the surface, it didn't seem to be at all inhabited when Renton & Eureka explored it, while this world seems to be progressing along a pretty contemporary (2025) calander. While there's mention of "foreigners," there doesn't seem to be any indication that those "foreigners" came from above the "scub" surface seen in the first series. The scub bursts's are a lot like the seven swelll effect, but now they pop out anti-spirals! Right now I'm leaning towards this being an alternate universe story, prequel at best. Yeah Ao's mother appears to be "an" Eureka, but the Amita Drive-like bracelet she possessed (in the brief glimpse we get of her) fell into the hands of the Japanese government. This first episode has a lot of similar yet different aspects to the original series, just like the movie did. And since the movie tossed the whole bone in about being an alternate (yet somehow connected) universe with the first series (movie Renton saw TV Renton's message to TV Eureka burned into the moon) it's likely that this series will take a similar route...though we haven't gotten a great look at the moon. While I could be wrong, the existence of Japan & China + that 2025 date lead me to believe otherwise.
  16. What's not rarer in hollywood these days is male nudity, wtf is up with that?
  17. Is it streaming thorugh any site's?
  18. No Tigra family reuinion discussion? Who would have thought we'd get a level headed Lion-o episode so soon.
  19. Good news, Rightstuf has just listed Unicorn vol 5 (bluray) at the regular pre-order price. For those who may be unaware, Amazon listed it the otherday for the obscene price of $127.99. But as we hoped, the bluray release will indeed continue in the U.S.
  20. Plus we don't know what FB 2012 is gonna look like. The intro & ending may end up looking awesome, with the inbetween bits looking like crap.
  21. And the whole Universal Bunny concert scene from the first movie, I don't see how anyone can say Frontier's service doesn't have style.
  22. Flight suit grace was also worth 3 naked Minmay's.
  23. It should also be noted that this story has already been made into a movie (Even got Keenan Wayans to play me!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq0XVM0uQLY
  24. I'll wait for the Macross muiscal bluray. Bound to be hilarious.
  25. Don't forget Kakizaki's brother, "Bukkakezaki."
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