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Everything posted by Keith

  1. No, I mean the "true" Chunky Misa!
  2. Problem with the Batman games are the big stupid monsters + Joker turning into one. Remove that aspect, and yeah.
  3. I also got the impression that it wasn't so much an issue of it running out of power, as the suit's usage exceeded the reactor's ability to produce.
  4. Alright, so who will be cast as the next Batman. To cash in on the Twilight/Hunger Games craze, he'll have to be a lot younger than Bale, perhaps a tweenimagining of Year One, with Teenage Bruce Wayne fighitng crime by night, and going to high school by day.
  5. Awesome movie, and I agree that TDKR will be an entirely different kind of awesome than this movie went for, no need for comparison. I also get the impression that Ed Norton Hulk has been completely written out since As for the ending, I'm not up on my Marvel badguy lore, so just who exactly is Also for some reason didn't realize Joss Wheden directed until the credits hit, he did a great job continuing on with the Iron Man character. This franchise owe's everything to John Favreau, it's too bad he won't be doing IM3.
  6. Badguy wins? Watchmen, duh!
  7. May want to check out The Irresponsible Captain Tylor when you're done.
  8. 22nd? Thought it was the 25th, either way, Laupta & Whisper of the Heart are coming out with it
  9. wtf is that? Where's Chunky Misa when you need her!
  10. This is true. I just wonder what other little surprises this movie will have. If the Khan info is true, it's just being leaked so we won't look for the real treat in the story. Kinda like how the first actually showed the Kobiyashi Maru excersize, complete with an apple chomp. I'm hoping for a quick reference & subsequent squashing of "NOMAD."
  11. You can laugh all you want, until you remember "Mermaid Gundam."
  12. You do realize that was a paordy of Afrodite-A's missile attack right?
  13. What's with the K-On hate?
  14. LOL, Seto & Mike started it, someone had to finish
  15. Nonono, we're talking about The Avengers, not Green Lantern.
  16. Excuse me, I don't mean to inturrupt, but well i'm a contractor myself, i'm a roofer, and speaking as a roofer i can tell you a roofers personal politics come into play heavily when choosing jobs. Three weeks ago I was offered a job up in the hills, beautiful houses, tons of property, A simple reshingling job. They told me if I could finish it in one day, I would double my price. But then I realized who's house it was, Dominic "Babyface" Bambino's, the gangster. The money was right, but the risk was too high. I knew who he was, and based on that I turned the job over to a friend of mine. And the next week, the Foresy family put a hit on hit on Babyfaces house. My friend was shot and killed, didn't even finish reshingling. I'm alive because I knew the risk involved in that particular client, my friend wasn't so lucky. Any contractor working on that Orbital Fleet knew the risk involved. If they got killed it's their fault. A contracter listens to his heart, not his wallet.
  17. Considering the original TV engineering section was kind of nebulous in its look, I'd have hoped they'd go with the ST:TMP style engineering room, but oh well, even the new BSG's engine room looked like a steam engine.
  18. And churned out MW games and Artdinks Macross games have the same number of programmers working on them of course... uh huh. Let's look at it another way, "Ace" was the testbed to see if the Macross series would be popular enough to spin-off the Gundam Battle series, and of course it was (in fact looks like it took over as the primary for now). What was present in Ace was pretty meaty, but obviously not quite finished. Same thing happened when Battle Tactics came out. I don't know what kind of budget the dev team gets, but they've obviously taken the "spend what we've got here, spend more to add on in the next game" mold. If you follow through from Tactics-Royal-Chronicle-Universe-Assault Survive, that's just what they've done. The release slowdown comes when they take time to beef up their renders. Ace essentially used the "Universe" version of the Gundam Battle engine. "Ultimate" customized it into it's own Macross varient, refining the melee, specials, pilot skills, and overall handling. "Triangle" took the opportunity to add in a lot of graphics engines tweaks (zooming in on ships as you get near them to make them appear even bigger was the biggest & most novel so far). Do you think it's a coincidence that Gundam skipped 2 years of release, and even then U.C. is being passed over in lieu of C.E.? Yeah, it's SEED's 10th, and that's definately got somethin' to do with it, but fact is it would take a lot more time to do the extensive list of U.C. MS than it would to do the more bite sized (but still extensive) C.E. MS. You can see this same thinking going into the Hybrid Pack releases. "Trial" setup the HD version of the engine, "Last" refined it back into a full playable "Ultimate" version with newer graphics, and "Watashi no Kare Wa" is expanding it into the original Macross set of Valkyries. I know your pessimism won't let you think anything but the most money grubbing worst about these releases, but I've yet to see Artdink integrate Bamco's regular DLC model into their games, and as of yet, GSBD has yet to announce any. Only time will tell, we'll either get a Macross Plus/7 hybrid pack release next year, or we'll get a full Vita/PS3 game. Btu all I kow is so far, there's been no attempt at DLC cash-ins, and the price of admission for these games has been free, as the movies themselves have been standard Japanese movie retail prices (yup, they and the LE's are usually that expensive).
  19. They can eject teh warp core/cores without ejecting the whole engineering room. Besides, looked like they got things back up & running for the last scene.
  20. Shatner sure doesn't have good luck with bridges does he? As for the new movie, I've yet to hear the thing I most want to hear. "Engineering refit."
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