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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Break from Kumen Jungle to watch Macross II? Why the hell would you do that! Wait until after you finish it, since the next arc is a bit slower.
  2. The people that left with the scub were aware of what they were doing, so it's not too likely they'd suddenly choose to dream an existence where they weren't there.
  3. Belmont, Yellow Belmont.
  4. lol, that'll end well.
  5. I see your 90's Iron Man, and raise you 60's Iron Man! He's so strong, he doesn't even need to be animated!
  6. Welcome to the club... Just wait until you get to the extremely boring and very un-acecombat like parts where you have to mow down "terrorists" with a helicoptor mounted machine gun.
  7. Alright, I fished around the official site again, and found the's comparison pic's between what I think says the 25th anniv HD remaster, and the new 30th anviv remaster. Overall, looks like they handled things quite nicely.
  8. Truthfully, I'd already picked up both recen Marvel anime releases (X-Men & Iron Man), but hadn't watched them yet. Just watched through X-Men, and it took a while to get going, but it was fun. I'm about half way through Iron Man, and so far I'm enjoying that one more, just wish they weren't freakin' dubtitled. After some reccomendations here, I watched a couple episodes of X-Men Evolution & Wolverine & the X-Men. Evolution hasn't quite grown on me yet, but Wolverine is indeed awesome, decided to stop netfilxing that one and just order the bluray. I'll get around to watching the Ultimate Avengers movies when I get some spare time. Netflix is surprisingly handy. Ah, also watched an episode of IM Armored Adventures....doesn't quite work as well as the anime version of Iron Man. Maybe because it looks like an episode of SD Gundam Force, or maybe because this story seems a bit too Batman Beyond-Light, but It's definately not as good as the anime version. Saving Grace, it's not the 90's Iron Man cartoon...
  9. It's a specific nod to Evangelion when Rei says she's "replaceable." I'm watching through Funimations stream, so they should be back up to speed next week.
  10. I'm still waiting for the last bluray next month, but so far I'm loving Madoka.
  11. Never ceases to amaze me just how many haters we have around here.
  12. Alright, episodes 3 & 4 are up today. Wasn't sure for the first two episodes, but I'm pretty comfortable it'll be a good show from this point. I'd still like to know why they're fighting Anti-Spirals though... It should also be pretty clear to anyone following that this definately is "not" a sequel to the original, at best it's a prequel (since we never found out how LFO's were burried in the scub coral in the first place). Major clue, and this isn't a spoiler. A character makes a direct reference to Evangelion by quoting it from it as a quote from an anime series.
  13. I have no idea what you're talking about, Adieu was full of win.
  14. Wonder what the chances are of seeing Charlize Theron in a tiny tank & panties at the end now...
  15. That's a non issue, since it would automatically squeeze out during the shrinkdown. The real problem is "green ball."
  16. Damn you guys, I thought there was actual release news. Any sign of a bluray (preferable over a syfy broadcast) on the horizon?
  17. Uh huh, and if your only experience of Macross was Hikaru hiding under a table of bra's & panties, or riding his flying bicycle, you probably wouldn't watch Macrsos either. Hell, what are you so busy doing, go watch 7.
  18. This is something you should have watched years ago, for shame on you, for shame!
  19. Well I know that, but that wasn't the question. With Nishizaki's looney reign at an end, there's no reason for his son to continue ruining Yamato..
  20. Just got around to fully watching the bluray set the other day, will I ever not tear up at the end? I've lost count of how many times I've seen Gunbuster, and it gets me every time!
  21. Marvel animation took a sharp nose dive since the 90's X-Men series (mind you I haven't watched any follow up X-Men series, but I also haven't been interested in them enough to bother). Marvel Live Action is where it's at. DC on the other hand has a pretty firm grip on both, though their LA either tends to be awesome (Dark Knight) or crap (Green Lantern).
  22. I"m still fuzzy on if Matsumoto passed on this new series, or if he was denied/not asked to join in.
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