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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Is it just me, or does Tesler look like Jamitov Hyman from Zeta Gundam?
  2. Over a year after it was announced, Disney's decided to uncharactaristically unveil the first episode of the new series for free on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjbwVzJR8w4&feature=player_embedded Just watched the whole thing, and after expecting absolutely nothing from a Disney XD series, I was totally blown away. The story, design style, acting, execution, all suprisingly awesome. Dare I say better than the first episode of the new Thundercats series. The character design & animation reminds me of a combination of Tron Legacy & the old Out Of This World PC game series. Dare I say this first episode was so good i totally expect this series to get canceleld becasue there's no way I trust a kids cable network to support it. Here's hoping I'm wrong and it has a full story arc run. I also hope they can keep up the story & animation quality, but considering it's got a heavy dose of CG, the aesthetic should at least hold up. Oh, and did I mention Starbuck is the voice of the grid?
  3. NECROMANCY! Looks like Kick-Ass 2 is back on. http://www.fandompost.com/2012/05/09/kick-ass-2-heads-to-universal/
  4. Model needed some Zaku's & GM's.
  5. I'm hoping for August/September. Even with these types of ticket sales, theater's aren't what they used to be.
  6. Keeping in mind that The Dark Knight while great is far from perfect. It's a superhero movie that succeeds because of the awesomeness & acting ability of it's central villain, and hopes you just kinda forget that the main hero only has 2 acting modes (douche, & bad gravilly voice).
  7. All file sizes are usually listed up on the PSN, but I think they average at about a gig, sometimes smaller depending on the game. PS1 support still hasn't happened, but the list of compatible PSP games has just increased. In general, I'd reccomend upgrading to a higher memory card. I've got a 32 gig, and only have about 10 gigs left, mind you 7 gig is MP3, and the rest is misc download stuff.
  8. And there you go again right back out the window.
  9. Live up to the hype? It didn't just live it up, it threw a nuclear missile through a portal into space and blew it up!
  10. I do believe that's the most understandable thing you've ever said. Good job!
  11. I see where you're confused. You confuse Mumrah's ineptitude in doing anything "but" destroying one pocket galaxy, with and his s'posed masters being able to wreck just about anything. Fact: Mumrah is all bark & no bite, needs others to do just about everything for him (probably wrap him too), and can't even keep his ranks in check. Basara on the otherhand defeated interdimensional energy beings with the capability to nuke you, vaporize you, fold just about anywhere they want, and (for the most part) can keep their crew together. So no, Basara clearly wins this one.
  12. Nope, that was a deconstruction of a superhero team up movie.
  13. Name "1" live action super hero team up movie that's better than this. And "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai" doesn't count.
  14. Why so serious?
  15. Nope, closest I got was "Shining The Holy Ark," which bored me to tears.
  16. Why is that roided up hampster dressed like Captain America? That has "everything" to do with it. At the very least you should have seen Iron Man 1&2, Captain America, & Thor.
  17. Mumrah is nothing to Basara, one speaker pod gamma into his ship, and all of the species would band together to toss Mumrah out into space. Basara took out the Protodevelin, ancience spirits of evil ain't sh!t!
  18. The ultimate release wait still beongs to Giant Robo. I'd say the current robotech movie projects trump even that, but there's no intent to actually make anything there in the first place.
  19. Why spend more time fleshing out characters when each character pretty much had their own previous movie? This was all about throwing too many characters together for epic battles, that's why it worked.
  20. Y'all gonna make me finally get around to watching Ideon aren't you? And for the record, I'm pretty sure Eva is first & foremost a repair of what happened to Nadia
  21. Being top Macross 7 fan isn't about gifs or toys, it's about most fervently preaching the word of Basara! And that is why you fail.
  22. We transcend moderation.
  23. Like of Macross 7 is taken "very" seriously around these parts. Macross 7 fans are considered "elite" around here. You can tell this because I am king of all U.S. 7 fans.
  24. It's actually a combination between the slow repetative beginning of Udoo City followed by the awesome non-stop battles of Kunmen Jungle. Those first few episodes though are murder, but then storywise I guess they're supposed to be (you'll understand when you watch). Let's just say there's a bit of pscyhological warfare.
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