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Everything posted by Keith

  1. All afodementioned ST movies have classic qualities protecting them from "worst movie" status, even ST:Operafion Data's Suicide aka "Nemesis." Real ferrible movies would be more akin to just about anything made by syfy. Hrere are three of my choices: -Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow -E.Y.E.S of Mars -Some movie I can't remember the name of that was so low budget that it used stock footage of BSG for all its effects shots. honorable mention also goes to Ice Pirates and Batle Beyond the Stars for being way too easy targets.
  2. Kids these days prefer melodrama over real passion.
  3. I don't even wanna know how much that costs.
  4. Scared me for a minute there, thought he was gonna ruin this song with a terrible cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzFmCCKQHns
  5. That douche that unleased the 12 monkeys virus!
  6. Be careful, Zombie-ism is an STD.
  7. Considering that 99% of all Japanese releases "don't" have english subtitles, I don't see why some are acting like it's a big surprise or some kind of knock at the U.S. fanbase, especialliy considering we're not the target sales demographic for these releases. But to anyone who thinks that way, I ask you to go look at your collection of domestic releases, and see how many of them have Japanese subtitles.
  8. They have 2 songs!
  9. Can we make it a rule that anyone asking this question in the face of blatant lack of subs gets an automatic ban?
  10. Nonono, we're talking about "Dark Knight," not "Batman Forever."
  11. And sometimes releases aren't region locked at all but use funky PAL encoding just to f^ck with everyone, like the french release of Caprica.
  12. You do realize posting awards doesn't negate a claim of being "overrated" don't you? With that said, he was an awesome Joker.
  13. You should probably say something about how cute & awesome Nono is, or perhaps ask why a previous pilot left a Top Squadren flight suit inside Dix Nuef's true cockpit
  14. The only disappointing aspect to that packaging is that the RE got a bluray sized box with bluray cases using the same art. That said, it looks like the extra's more than make up for that. As far as I can tell, it's the height of 1 DVD case + and length of 2 DVD cases laid flat? How thick is it? I'd like to see a side profile shot against another box for comparison. And while I'm at it, if anyoen could do individiual case cover scans to add to the release section on the main site, that'd be awesome.
  15. Still don't like that the robocop design sounds like it will be more "8 Man" than Robocop.
  16. Will this movie succeed or fail? At this point, it rests on how awesom their super robot looks.
  17. bluray is still region coded, but the regions are a lot broader. North America & Japan for instance are region A, the UK/Franch/Australia are Region B (not sure where else that expands), and so forth. I'm sure maps of the region seperation are easily searchable. As for being multi-imput, that still depends on your hardware (not all bluray players do the conversion for you). Problems usually pop up there when European studio's use the older PAL framerates. As usual, it's always best to research a release before you purchase, but from my experience all Madman disc's are usually locked to region B.
  18. VFX-2 would work better as an OVA than a series, 4 episodes would be enough to expand on the characters there and still pack in plenty of Koenig Monster goodness.
  19. When was that now? But hell, no one is saying you can't watch & like Macross II, but it's foolish to ignore the blatant recycling. It's easier to list the things that are different than the things that are the same, but hell, let's go through this again. Differences: -Claudia (Vash) is Hikaru's (Hibiki) friend instead Misa's (Silvie). -The roles of Hikaru & Misa are shifted around so that now Misa (Silvie) is a pilot that for some reason hangs out with a top ranking official, while Hikaru (Hibiki) is a reporter. -The role of Minmay (Ishtar) is shifted around a bit so that now Minmay comes from the enemy side to learn Earth culture to take back to the enemy, instead of being on Earth's side to bring Earth's culture to the enemy... -Max (Nexx) does not get a hot alien chick. -Kim, Shammy & Vanessa are not piots (Fairy Squadren). -Bodolza (Ingus) is now reduced from a cunniving military strategist leader, to a dictator. -Britai (Feff) falls in love with Minmay (Ishtar) -Anything relating to the "Alus" mythos. -Now for some of the many scene reproductions, slight reworks: -Drunken Sempai Roy (Dennis) dies invading an enemy ship, Hikaru (Hibiki) rescues a girl on his way out (this time it's Minmay/Ishtar instead of Misa/Silvie) -Culture park date scene montage/Hikaru Minmay date scene montag -Silvie & Wendy get captured in the unarmed Metal Siren/Hikaru & Minmay get captured in the unarmed VT-1 -Vash gives Hibiki dating advice at a bar (via phone), Claudia gives Misa dating advice in a bar (via the next stool) -Banana Moon of Love Minmay attack scene/ Shao Pai Loon cocnert into attack scene -Hibiki & Silvie raise the Macross which is blasted down by Ingus, Hikaru & Misa raise the Protoculture city which is blasted down by Laplamiz -Ishtar sings at the end and broadcasts herself to the Ingus fleet, Feff takes command due to Ignus being a douche & blasting his own men, Minmay is broadcast to the Bodol fleet, Britai takes command due to Bodolza being a douche and blasting his own men. And it goes on and on like that. What doesnt' mirror a DYRL scene is usually lifted straight from the TV series, such as the Macross Cannon gunships being parallels to the Grand Cannons. But II strives a little too hard to replicate what happened before, as opposed to Frontiers winks & nods to what happened before.
  20. Oh yes it is!
  21. Of course Macross II is familiar, it's a near scene ofr scene reproduction of DYRL.
  22. Plus the SEED remaster has a lot of cropping. Why the hell would you want them to crop Macross?
  23. No the Marduk weren't Supervision Army, they were another Earth like planet that came across the Zentradi & defeated them with "culture." The difference being that they enslaved them rather than joining with them. As for the 2036 canon being more natural, I don't see it.
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