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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Street Fighter The Movie? Also in that meeting, was that one of the robots from Berzerk?
  2. That trailer is only missing one thing, Yoda saying "Real, this sh!t just got."
  3. Guys, I count on you to keep me up to date on these things, and you're seriously dropping the ball. First Tron Uprising, and now this!
  4. Hopefully it's just an overworked vocal chord thing.
  5. Who needs Ghosts? It'd be a wasted opportunity to "NOT" have George Clooney as the ultimate ghostly evil!
  6. He means that even though the story/genre is anime inspired, they're tossing out the design aesthetic that goes along with it.
  7. I'd like to take a minute and remind everyone that MGO is going down this Monday at 23:59 JST (I think 11am Eastern, 8am Pacific) forever. RIP greatest of all online tactical espianage action games! And wow, just looked up my total play time, "968:10:34 "
  8. There's definately a lot of filler going on right now, which was a major problem with the original series. If they stuck with core story episodes things would be a lot better. As it stands I can't quite figure out why Mum-rah's geenrals aren't on thier ass right now.
  9. Dub dialogue never coutns, NEVER!
  10. I can see that from the lankyness of the characters, but the actual design details still remind me of older CG productions like that Dire Straits video & the Out of This World game series. Doubt Olivia Wilde's character will pop up, but at the same time, you never know. The part of the gird that Flynn is hold up in seems to be closer to Tron City. Plus the end of the prequel game left her & Flynn pretty much licking their wounds after the system monitor got taken out.
  11. I'd actually love to see some enterprising production studio hire retired aerospace engineers to help them design well...anything. I wonder if Pixar would consider it if they ever take a shot at any kind of mecha/super robot movie. And this is because Kawamori is still a product of the old guard. He studied aerospace design before he even started on anime, and to this day plans out al lhis transformations in lego long before anything is modeled.
  12. OMG, you weren't supposed to open that, it's a collcetors item! lol, but seriously, the remaster brings out so much detail it's scary. And I think I've decided that "Love Concert" & "Dropout" are the worst animated episodes of the series, it's exception how sloppy they are. After this TV remaster, I'm very excited to see how DYRL came out.
  13. Mind you I haven't seen Prometheus yet, but from what I've been reading, this may very well explain a bit from the Alien/Aliens "ONLY" canon. For starters, the supposed "distress signal" in the original film, as well as the necessity for space marines in Aliens. With a bit more gap filling, it could be construed that space marines downed the Space Jockey ship from Alien, but weren't able to land/persue it, hence the need to divert the Nostromo to pick up samples for the company. As for the level of technology, I'm actually totally willing to buy using stripped down bare bones tech for mining missions & what not, while the exec's get the suped up rides.
  14. At this point I'd blame Bamco/Big West more than Artdink directly, though we know it "will" happen, it's just a matter of when. The funny thing is that they seem to have the impression that these hybrid releases play a factor in sales. I seriously doubt anyone (aside from a small portion of the already small import audience) is saying "wow, a game + movie, I wasn't gonna buy it before, but I sure will now." Considering Zero was released pre-hybrid pack, and Macross TV didn't get one included, it's doubtful 7 or Plus will have a game/bluray combo going on. This means that the next release "should" be a full game, and hopefully it'll be a PS3/Vita hybrid pack with save sharring. The upside to this whole thing is that a big chunk of the full game engine is done now, nearly everything they need for Macross TV/DYRL, & Frontier TV + Movie campaigns. All they really need to render out is Plus, 7, II, and the extra units. Considering GSBD just came out, I think it's pretty safe to assume that finishing off the next Macross console or Vita game is the next job. We could even see a game as early as October.
  15. Last Frontier already showcased many of the cinsole refinements, including the second stick and R2 L2 yaw control
  16. Second 2 episodes are holding up pretty well. I'm very pleased so far.
  17. As lame as? The PSP games have been awesome.
  18. My copy of GSBD probably won't ship until next week ::sob::
  19. And now the real question everyone wants to know about, is there a comparable tank & panty scene?
  20. That's why that looked so familiar, doubt it's a coincidence.
  21. In the future, I have already bought this movie.
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