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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Meh, they should have just gotten Stalone again.
  2. They forgot to list the 3 bonus episodes, but I'm sure they're there. These sets are surprisingly reasonably priced.
  3. Poor Lion-o, first he loses out to whiny-bitch Tygra, now moldy old Mumrah. Can't win for losin'.
  4. Included with the previous DVD edition actually.
  5. Speaking of unlockables, I've been playing Gundam SEED Battle Destiny (Vita) Pretty hardcore the last couple days. Haven't quite unlocked everything yet, but here's the quick & dirty: The Good -Graphics are pretty, still think the mobile suits look like Gunpla -The control scheme is awesome, once you get used to using the right stick for the camera, you won't miss the removal of horizontal up/down boosting. -Weapon switching is a dream, no cycling of the past necessary. You can either touch screen switch, or flick the left stick (or corss pad depending on your chosen scheme) to switch. -Anytime switchable weapons packs! (for applicable mobile suits) -Ejectable armor/Meteor packs (for applicable mobile suits). The Bad: -No more underwater parts to stages, you'll automatically hover over any body of water. -All of the new engine changes made to Assault Survive are gone. No more flight mode (unless it's a MA or transformable mobile suit). And I kinda liked the custom parts equiping in Assault Survive. Hell, I even liked the multi-gate stage system. -Back to the old one save/one faction system. -Low cielings (though the stages are wide). In fact, this game pretty much builds on the Battle Universe engine, mixing in some newer Macross game elements. -Multi-lock weapons -A combo between AS & Macross styled pilot skills -MA/flight controls are greatly improved over the older gundam titles. All in all I'm pretty happy.
  6. Arguing that an analog highly compressed format is somehow more "true" is inane. But whatever floats your boat.
  7. I find it highly doubtful they'll re-encode the feature disc when they can just re-press what they've already got.
  8. Looks like it will just be ths Final Cut BD+DVD and djgital copy, plus a digibook(new), and possibly a different version of the car that came with the briefcase set. That's alot less than the previous release which had every version of fhe film+Dangerous Days. I'll stick with my 5 disc which also had superior art.
  9. I'm going to agree with you, so long as that %05 that didn't suck is the original Stargate movie. He should definately watch BSG next.
  10. As cool as that sounds, I don't know if I could stop myself from laughin gif Robocop winds up like Raiden.
  11. Does firing the synchro cannon make the toy completely fall apart?
  12. It was never meant to be seen on giant archaic analog disc's.
  13. First the Iron Patriot paint job, and now those shoulders. Someone definately appears to be a Gurren Lagann fan on the design team.
  14. Yes, it's that good. As for the designs, while highly stylized, I wouldn't call them "moe."
  15. The thing that most needs cleaning up after the last remaster is the soundtrack. There were so many pops in the HD version from a few yaers ago that it was jarring. Mind you comparatively they've been in the soundtrack for quite a while, whatever they did really emphasized it. Also, don't be alarmed when you notice a frame of animation out of place as Bodolza's fortress falling apart. It was noticeable in the last remaster, but it should be extra clear in the bluray version. Kinda like how that one random frame of Hikaru's poor dead fan-racer overlayed on a shot of Misa is more noticable on the recent TV blurays.
  16. Oh yeah, Kyubey is definately up there will the all time greats of sonovabitchdom.
  17. The trailers remind me of Evil Dead Regeneration + a hot cheerleader. I want it, but will have to wait a while.
  18. Can't help but wonder if Silver Hawks will pop up soon since we're in the sky now, or if they'll wait unitl the Thundercats go to space.
  19. While I'd buy that for a dollar, I'd rather see Hugh Laurie in a remake of Max Hedroom.
  20. Actually, the subs on the FX release were revised sometime in the last few years, it now has perfect subs, and hard subbed songs, but teh video quality that came from the first edition DVD is still the same (i.e. not remastered, but it is anamorphic & prog scan).
  21. Just finished Madoka Magica. As much as I loved Utena, Princess Tutu, & Puchi Puri, Madoka crushes them all. Dare I say it's the Gurren Lagann of magical girl shows.
  22. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
  23. Already gone, just post the image in the spoiler.
  24. May want to direct yourself to the DYRL bluray topic...
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