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Everything posted by Keith

  1. There are a couple of reasons. first of all, the Mk II was a prototype not meant for actual combat. Its main purpose was to test the movable frame 360° cockpit. Second, therr were only 3 produced. The AEUG initilly stole 2, dismantlig one for research. Forgot what happened to the third but I think Kamilles father abandoned it so he could steal Quatro's Rick Dias. or perhaps it was taken out during the initial theft. Lastly, the Mk II was not top of the line. It wasn't much more than a suped up RX-78. The Titans already had new superior models like the Byalant, Ashimar, and just about anything Jerid pilofed post Hizack. Anneheim used it a bit in their Zeta project MS, but most of those also outperformed the Mk II. If anything, I think the Mk II wound up being the basis for developing the Nemo. or rather, the Nemo was its GM.
  2. Don't you know? In America (u.s.) all spanish speaking countries are Mexico. Kinda like how in the future, all resturants are Taco Bell.
  3. In this movie it will be revealed that cocaine is actually protoculture, which is why the Zentradi are invading Mexico.
  4. I took it (from the film) as a Blade Runner style of mixed culture future. i.e. in the future of SST, even the white people are hispanic due to mass culture mixing.
  5. So is this supposed to be a theatrically released movie, online deal, direct home release?
  6. lol, yup that's the one!
  7. Hater's gonna hate, don't let that discourage you.
  8. At this point, if they packed a whole season on bluray with an ending to the story arc, I'd be all over it.
  9. Mystery is great, but I think too much hinged on the actions of the engineers to leave their motivations "that" vague. Considering this is a suedo prequel to a movie from '79, it's not that obscure a reference. The Captain was obviously from the south, had an affinity towards light country-ish music as well as memorabilia related to it. In the future of an age where any & everything has been recorded for postarity, there's no reason to believe "oldies" will be forgotten. His reference to "love the one you're with" was presented more as a joke to himself as something that the crew would be familiar with. Wise words he took to heart if you will. As for you not being familiar with Stills, let alone Crosby Stills & Nash, that I find more puzzling. What are you like 20?
  10. It is pretty comedey-ish for the most part, but it does get more serious towards the end and ties in surprisingly well with I-Dolo.
  11. Should we begin fhe countdown to HG'e cease and decist demand?
  12. Which part is confusing you? Is it that someone in the future is a fan of 70's MOR? or that a black man from the future is a fan of 70's MOR?
  13. lol, Stephen Stills is an R&B singer? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Stills
  14. Ok, I've finally gone to see the movie, and I definately liked it. I understand the nitpicking people are taking with the movie, but I think that's all rolled up with the unexplained motivations of "The Engineers," the homocidal one specifically. -Are they galactic douchebags who wanted to create bio-weapons? -Are they lonely galactic travelers who wanted to spread life but royally screwed up? -Did that last "engineer" completely screw over his kind by sabotaging their experiments resulting in their deaths? -Did the last "engineer" try to save the universe by sabotaging their experiments resulting in their deaths? -Just WTF was up with the rage against David & co, did he just really hate hairy little hobbit sized people? -Was that engineer at the beginninf of the film commiting suicide? Being punished? Trying to transcend his existence? Trying to set up a test ground to use bio-weapons on? -Was the cultural significance of the mural merely genetic memory imparted by that engineer who spread his DNA? Or were there continued visits. That bit of ambiguity majory changes the tone of what's going on, and I'll agree that it's more of an issue of "I'm not gonna tell you" or "I haven't decided yet" than genuine mystery. But as I said, aside from that issue, I'm pretty happy with the movie. The proto-xenomorph at the end didn't feel tacked on to me, it just says that it was the intended end goal to the "experiments" regardless of the intention that may have been involved in creating it. And I don't think Vickers was an android.
  15. lol, I reminded of that episode of Bamboo Blade when the teacher gives one of his students his DYRL LD as a gift, and she has no idea what to do with it.
  16. Whatever happens with FB 2012, obviously there's a reason why it's being included as an extra and not being released on its own. Personally, I'm ok with that.
  17. It could just be that the music video portions of FB 2012 are upscales, while the op/end are remastered. Well, that would be the best case scenario at least.
  18. As for the other extra's, the hour long version of episode 1 & 2 is the original broadcast (that has the fanjet ending), and the original broadcast version of first contact had rushed animation that was cleaned up after.
  19. Doubt we'll get the theatrical version this time, and really considering the only difference is that it doesn't immediately cut to the credits, I don't think we need it.
  20. Damnit, I knew this would happen.
  21. To be fair, the charactters were fat & ugly, and the animations were slow & designed for lag. This became incredibly apparent once SFIII Online Edition came out.
  22. Thankfully yes. Also, the lack of a game bonus means the next game release should be a full console (PS3), portable (Vita) or both release.
  23. The trick as always is to find the stuff you like, skip the stuff you don't.
  24. Do you think it's a coincidence that the streaming services don't carry subbed anime (except for the studio direct sites)? Fact is Dub fans tend to be more fairweather, and as such are the market share that keeps dropping off. There's no revenue loss by them going to streaming services, and there's probably a bit more of a pickup there. However, if sub fans stopped purchases retail, there'd be a noticable drop.
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