This is my first post and I would like to say hi first of all. Second of all I am starting to get back into anime and I love, no matter how much it is frowned upon here, Robotech. I haven't seen any more than the Macross saga and I almost don't care to. I love the mecha designs in the Macross saga and the characters. Are there any more series or movies that include Rick(Hikaru), Lisa(Misa), and Minmei? I would really like to know what happens between Rick and Lisa in the future. I have seen one Macross movie, I don't know the name, in which there were 2 competing designs of new mecha and something to do with a concert. I saw it when I was little and don't remember a lot of it. I would like to experience all that is Macross if at all possible. I have an old Jetfire toy that was my brothers but it's pretty beat up. I would be interested in getting a Max style VF, any ideas where to get one? Sorry if these are too noobish questions but I thought I would ask. Thanks and I hope to stick around a while!!