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Everything posted by Wastegate13

  1. I know exactly what you're saying. When I watched SDF:M for the first time recently I actually liked Minmei. She seemed like a very genuine character, a little girl thrust into an extraordinary situation and just kinda stumbling along trying to figure it out. In DYRL I am downright mad at Hikaru over what he does to her, even though I understand his reasoning. The differences between Macross and Robotech go a lot deeper than just the definition of Protoculture and names.
  2. You know I started thinking about this in almost the same way yesterday and it just may be swaying my viewpoint. The only small niggle I have over it is the events in Zero are completely ignored by SDF:M. All this craziness going on with UN forces and their opposition as witnesses and it just gets forgotten in a few years? That's the problem with retconning material, even if you have a wonderful explanation it still feels like you're rewriting history because you quite literally are. Anyhow, I appreciate all the insight you guys have tossed out and I actually think I'm starting to change my mind on the subject. I'm going to give Mac7 a go over the next few days and then re-watch Zero before I move on to Frontier. DYRL is currently playing on my new PS3 and looks amazing by the way.
  3. Bravo! Well I guess I didn't quite know the can of worms I was opening when I posted this thread. I haven't seen Robotech in years now. HuLu has the english dub version of SDF:M available for viewing, which is what I watched a few days before ZERO. I think maybe I should go back and say that I didn't totally hate ZERO, just that it was quite a shock to be confronted with so many "magical" elements in a show that I had always associated with technology and a "reality" based story. Kind of like some people hate the 3rd Matrix movie because it goes way too far into spirituality and heaven/hell parallels which is in contrast to the first movie, which has a few undertones but unless you really pay attention are very easy to miss. Reading some of the posts here actually help to make more sense of the whole thing for me. When I originally watched ZERO it was late and I was very tired. Would you guys recommend Mac7 before an encore viewing of ZERO?
  4. This probably doesn't warrant its own thread but here goes anyhow. I, like some of you, was introduced to Macross through Robotech. I wasn't even thought of when either of the two shows were originally broadcast but became intrigued by a Jetfire toy that sat high on my older brother's shelf. Years later, thanks to Cartoon Network, I got the chance to watch the show that my brother told me about when I was little. I was hooked. The internet was starting to blossom and the wealth of Robotech related information was astonishing. I quickly learned the truth about Robotech's origins so I expanded my knowledge quest to include Macross Plus and Macross 7. To this day I have floppy discs loaded with mecha stats and pictures lol /nerd. Fast forward a few years and I stumble upon this place, a collection of like minded individuals who share my passion for Macross. I learn of the Yamato toys and other merchandise that are priced far outside my school kid budget. At this point I have still never seen the original Macross but I did receive the Robotech: Macross saga complete collection for Christmas. I watched the entire thing in 3 days, shortly after I made an order with the Valkyrie Exchange for DYRL Perfect Edition and with Amazon for Macross Plus OVA and Movie which to this day remains my favorite (so far). I got busy with life and took a few years off from the hobby and now I've made my way back. I started things off right and watched the entire SDF:M series on HuLu in 2 sittings. Yes, I have that kind of spare time. Next up would have been DYRL but my DVD player has been acting up. A situation that I plan to remedy very soon with a PS3. I downloaded Macross Zero and that brings me to my actual point. WTF happened? The show was gorgeous no doubt but what the hell was going on with a giant birdman who eats a young native girl and then kidnaps her into space? One of my biggest attractions to Macross originally was its plausibility, even if the entire show was fantastic with space dogfights against a numerically superior army of alien clones, it was rooted in reality. Now I'm not against "magic" and other such fiction but I just felt like I was blind sided, almost betrayed by the franchise when the story took the turn that it did. I've not seen Macross 7 but I plan on downloading it soon and I'm hoping that by having already been surprised by Zero that I can enjoy it. Frontier looks promising to me and perhaps a little closer in spirit to the original. Anyone else feel this way? I invite you all to pick apart my posting and show me where and how I'm wrong.
  5. From here if I remember correctly. A member owned or worked for a printing company and took several images and blew them up to poster size.
  6. The picture of the strike vf1 on the left in the upper picture, I have a very similar poster and one other that was done in similar fashion. This one is my favorite however.
  7. Sorry for the poor quality picture. My first and only valk so naturally its my favorite. I want a 1/48 1S with the GBP parts done in the Minmei Guard scheme. That would be my ultimate valk, anyone know how I can make that happen with my lack of artistic talent?
  8. Yes, Mari did both the speaking and singing voices of Minmay in both the series, and DYRL. And YES, you need the Animeigo set, it won't get much cheaper than it is now from www.rightstuf.com, and, hey, while you're at it, why not get a swell DVD keepcase to store it in by going HERE! Yes, that plug was shameless, I could almost hear Wayne and Garth going "Cha Ching!" in the back of my mind as I was typing it.. Wow. That is a pretty good price. I saw for the entire 9 disc set 200 at some other online store. This is still the remastered version though correct? About the case, I might would buy it but I still need the Flashback 2012 DVD and whatever else is supposed to go in there.
  9. Now forgive me for being a noob but did she provide the speaking voice of Minmei as well or just the singing voice? Man I really need to get this Animeigo set on DVD................
  10. Ok then. I guess I'll get it just to start my Macross collection and later on I'll have my ultimate Valk, 1/48 Strike 1S Max, yum. BTW, anyone got one of those laying around they want to sell?
  11. Hi all. I'm thinking of buying a 1/60 as my first valk since I'm poor and they are cheap. My question is do they sell fast packs seperately for the 1/60 line? Or did they only come with the Super version in the same box.
  12. Who still uses dialup? Decent servers, 160kbps. Thanks!!
  13. I for some reason can't view the site on my computer. That really sucks because I was looking at it at a friends house and wanted to read more when I got home. I have installed Flash 7 and disabled my popup blocker and it still won't open anything for me. Crap!!
  14. I ordered mine from The Valkyrie Exchange about 2 weeks ago. Try looking there he should still have some in stock.
  15. One thing they don't explain in DYRL that I thought was a very important part of the story is Max and Millia getting together. I know they both show up later in the final battle in Q-Rau's but it was like they looked at each other and then next thing you know they are fighting side by side. Still an awesome movie. Now does anyone have a subbed version of the series they feel like parting with?
  16. Well I'm not completely positive it's what you want but I just got my copy of DYRL from The Valkyrie Exchange. It is the Perfect Edition DVD with selectable ON/OFF subtitles. Video quality is great and sound is awesome.
  17. My only gripe is there should have been more Max in the movie!! I mean Hikaru is great and all but Max was the better pilot and I think he ended up with the hotter girl in the end. I am enjoying my stay presently and hope to continue to. Looks like now all I gotta do is find a DYRL 1/48 Max and get a 1S head and the strike pack. That will be my ultimate display piece.
  18. This movie is awesome!! I have never seen the actual Macross series and the only experience I had with Macross previously is Robotech and Macross Plus. I ordered the Perfect Edition DVD from Valkyrie Exchange last week and it shipped out on the 12th. I recieved it today in the mail and was packaged nicely. This movie was more than I was expecting although there were some strange happenings in it. In the battle between Max and Millia was he flying a VF-1S? It sure looked like it to me. Now does Yamato even make a Max DRYL in anything other than VF-1A? Max has always been my favorite character and I would like my first collectible to be a 1/48 DYRL 1J or 1S, I have never been a fan of the 1A head. Anyway I know I'm preaching to the converted here since I am sure you all loved this movie way before I knew about it. Who would have thought that a movie as old as I am would be so great?
  19. Please view the links I have posted a few pages back. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=140&st=1180 Those are great places that still have the original series in stock. Thank you very much. This board has been a great help and I don't feel as hated as one normally would being a noob on any other board. I'm in the process of getting my friends hooked and they were reading the timeline on the Macross Compendium today, lol.
  20. If I can save some money I'll shop where you tell me to. I guess I've already started. I ordered DYRL? as well as Macross Plus Vol 1&2 and Macross Plus the Movie. All should be here sometime next week so I'll have plenty to view and enjoy. Still want to get my hands on the original series if I can somehow, maybe I will man up and pay the 200 bucks for the remastered version.
  21. Would you rather pay $250? If you coupon it, that $200 price tag could go down to $150. Now go buy it. What is this coupon you speak of? And where can I get one!!
  22. All this talk of how much better the Macross series is compared to the Robotech version has me wanting to see it. What I don't want is to pay the 200 dollar price tag that I saw for the DVD set. But as it is with all obsessions, money quickly becomes no object.
  23. Forgive me if this has been answered before. And I know it has since every question ever thought has an already told answer. But, is there an English version of DYRL? I already ordered the Perfect Edition DVD from the Valkyrie Exchange and I'm sure I'll love it even if I have to read but it would be cool to hear it in my native tounge as well. I once saw Macross Plus on satelite at my brother's house and it was in english. It was on the Action channel and from my searching the movie was only subbed. Were they per chance showing the OVA instead? I plan to get both just cause though. Now from reading some older threads I notice a lot of people saying that for someone seeing DYRL? without seeing the original series will be semi lost. I've never seen Macross the series, only Robotech which I love, but I have read and understand the differences between them. IE: Robotech is censored and dumbed down a bit for a younger audience as well as some plot points, the difference between Protoculture etc... Will I be lost or will I enjoy the film? Again thanks for the info and I'm trying to get my friends hooked as well.
  24. Kawamori wants greatly to never touch them again. Nothing mroe has been animated aside from DYRL(a semi-retelling of the original series) and Flashback 2012(a collection of music videos, basically. It carries us through to the launch of the Megaroad 1). The short version is... Hikaru marrries Misa. Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay leave on the Megaroad 1 colony mission, with Misa as captain(and why she let Minmay aboard I'll never know). They disappear near the center of the galaxy, never to be seen again. That really sucks. That was one of the parts I most identified with, struggling with feelings of love and not knowing what to do. Anyway enough of me being all sensitive. I've ordered DYRL and I'm going to pick up Macross Plus the movie version on my next day off. This board has been a great resource already and I think I found the toy I want. The Yamato 1/48 scale Max Super VF-1J. Is that a good one to buy? Max was kinda always my favorite character and blue is my favorite color.
  25. An OVA is a straight-to-video animation. OVAs usually have higher animation budgets and timescales than TV animations, so are generally of higher quality. For the differences between RT and Macross, you can look in this helpful thread. Wow, you guys are awesome. Looks like I will be ordering some DVD's soon. Thanks a lot for your help. I know FYE at the mall has Macross Plus the movie for sale, I might go pick that up to tide me over if I order the Macross series.
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