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Everything posted by shiyao

  1. Just back from Loews. Here are my thoughts. The Salesman and the Customer Strangely enough, I really enjoyed the opening little set-piece. Slow, stilted dialogue, true, but maybe that was because they both knew why they were there? They both knew, ultimately, that what they said would be nothing more than warm-up for the kill. It must suck to kill so many beautiful women in your line of work though, poor Josh. That Yellow Bastard Kudos to Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba on this one. I won't say the directing in this was fantastic, and it might in fact (as people have said) have been a tad stretched out. Still, the acting more than made up for it. I mean, they managed to make a 19-60 age gap look plausible (and respectable). OK I'll come off it. This was the best, even though I'll say differently below. It had the most Jessica Alba. The Big Fat Kill Yay Benicio del Toro and Brittany Murphy, nay Clive Owen and Rosario Dawson. IMHO Clive wasn't in his usual form for this one. I don't know anything about Rosario, but I'd have to say she was unconvincing as well. Almost ... awkward romance. This story was probably the least compelling of the lot as well, so maybe that contributed somewhat. Gotta love the Irish accent though No comments on Devon Aoki. She didn't so much act as ... keep a straight face. Sin City Man, Mickey Rourke! Jaime King! And let's not forget Carla Gugino's almost perpetual state of half-nudity! This chapter stole the show, for sure. The action sequences were so implausible - so ridiculous, if one stepped back to think about it - and yet, I was completely taken. Add to that Miller's omnipresent black humour and we have a winner. Man, Elijah Wood! One hell of a choice of role. If he keeps this up, he'll never be typecast. Overall, great for fans of the comics, OK to Good for casual movie-goers. I'd recommend it just for the unique style, if nothing else.
  2. OK AlphaGod. You may take a break now. Call me weird, but I actually like the Toynami box art rendition of Milia. I guess Iike her eyes big and round, her lips full. Most of the other art on Milia kinda shows her to be slitty-eyed and catty (which I'm sure she is) - calculating, rather than vulnerable. For example, she looks great on the cover of Issue #2 Love and War.
  3. let's just scroll a bit down, shall we? dum dee dum
  4. When I was little, "Alba" meant a brand of watch.
  5. Haha nothing! I'm just really impressed by your collection of Macross images. I'd make the wallpaper myself (lotsa Milia love here), but I think I have only 1/100000th of what you have.
  6. OK. I actually have the Sunshine bear one, and I think he's called Funshine Bear. Cheer Bear, I believe, has a rainbow on his/her stomach. This thread is going kaput ...
  7. Datter: That's a nice one. AlphaHX: OK. I issue you a new challenge - a wallpaper capturing Milia's *vulnerability*. It's that facet that gives her character depth. This wallpaper also has to portray her beauty (duh) as well as (relevant) cool kickass fighting mecha in the background. No more cut-and-paste pillows this time! Added challenge: The same as above, but a short-haired version of Milia. Added challenge 2: The same as above, but a scantily-clad Milia. *coughcoughdothisonefirstcough*
  8. OK. Seriously, this is getting scary. I concede. *bows*
  9. First, Starship Modeler, now Binalternators (a site run by the good Torsten, covering strictly Binaltechs/Alternators). www.binalternators.de WTF is the world coming to? I was having a good night, about to buy my Arcee Palisades statue, and then this happen. Well at least it's saved me $50. EDIT: Hmm, I wonder if Torsten, in the spirit of the Google Gulp, meant it as an April Fools' joke?
  10. As I currently own all the Binalts in from Smokescreen to Shockblast, I shall join in the fray. My comments are directed strictly at the aesthetic and functional aspects of the toys, and I have tried to keep nostalgia and fanboy extremity (GRIMLOCK ROXORZZZ!! NO ONE CAN BEAT GRIMLOCK!!) out of my discussion. Smokescreen/Silverstreak: This sculpt can only be realistically said to be "better" than the Meister/Shockblast sculpt in aesthetic terms - if you prefer, for instance, the more squared-out hood and the head sculpt. Other than this aspect, however, there is no way this can be called a "superior" sculpt - i.e. there is no way it can be better. The feet don't have "toes" like Meister, and it is on the whole less poseable. I would go out on and limb and say that aesthetically the mold is less pleasing to the eye as well - the Meister mold has cleaner lines. Sideswipe/Dead End: Very good looking vehicle mode, but as we all know, the robot mode is a letdown. Too skinny legs and limited forward and backward rotation of the upper legs make this a very unposeable toy. The Dead End toy, in partciular, also feels rather top heavy (more so than Sideswipe). Hound/Swindle: A funky vehicle mode and, I would say, an extremely convincing robot mode. The Hound mold can be posed in a variety of ways, and its large feet lend added stability for some interesting stances. This mold, however, is bogged down by two things - one, the vehicle mode looks substantially less realistic than the other Binalts (somewhat more tell-tale "transforming" lines than the others in the series); and two, it appears to have to be posed leaning forwards for most part - the weight of its larger large wheels tends to keep it toppling backwards if posed upright. A respectable second place, however. Tracks/Ravage: This is the WORST in the entire Binalt series, in my humble opinion. Ridiculous amounts of kipple, poor ankle poseability, NO HIP ROTATION! The Ravage headsculpt is distressing as well, to say the least. The transforming process is also the most heart-stopping. There is little to recommend this sculpt, except that in one of the few poses it can achieve, it looks rather grand. But, that's about it. Enough said. Meister/Shockblast: As you might have guessed by now, this one is the winner in my eyes. Everything good about Smokescreen/Silverstreak, and then some. Gorgeous, consistent headsculpts for Jazz and Shockwave, highly-poseable "toes" at the feet, ingenious muffler weapon (beats the hard-to-remove engine guns any day), improved heel stabilizers, very gorgeous lines, and, hell, the RX-8 executed down to the minutest detail. The only sculpt, incidentally to actually have front seat windows. Top marks in every category! I would say this sculpt ousts MPC Optimus, but we'll save that for another day. Grimlock/Wheeljack: A respectable sculpt, with particularly innovative transformation process. Sadly, however, it seems to have a rather long neck in robot mode, and quite a bit of kipple hanging off the back. Nonetheless, the seat feet are highly poseable and the Grimlock mold lends itself to some exceedingly dynamic (and awesome) poses. Tied for second with Hound/Swindle, perhaps maybe a pip better. Windcharger/Decepticharge: Cool vehicle mode, switchable canopies a bonus. The robot mode, however, is highly ... limited, I feel, for posing. The inability of its knees to bend forwards and backwards is a significant factor against it. (Let's ignore the missing drive train fiasco for the Alt series for now.) The robot looks also rather ... wimpy? Perhaps this explains why it also makes for less-than-awesome poses. So there you have it, #1 Meister/Shockblast, #2 Grimlock/Wheeljack, #3 Hound/Swindle. Whoa, hang on. Windcharger appears to be bendable at the knees? There's some kind of pin lock mechanism there ... anybody knows for sure? I'm afraid to try, lest I break something. Haha, this might alter the odds somewhat!
  11. Anyone remember the thread I started a while ago about whether to get MPC Optimus or the Escaflowne Transforming Guymeleft? Well I wound up buying both. Possessing both toys today, I wish I could travel back in time and bonk my former self over the head. Escaflowne is a piece of &@#(^$*@#&$)(@#*($)*#@()$@#!!!! Optimus, on the other hand, is goodness, sheer goodness.
  12. Iori and Kyo: (the Ryu and Ken ones are already up on eBay) http://www.action-figure.com/modules.php?o...=index&id=61505 Sono mana shine!!! They look ridiculously good. Much better than anything from the SOTA line or the KOF 2000 series. BBTS and Entertainment Earth have pre-orders up for $59.99 for the whole set. Anyone know anyplace cheaper?
  13. he's jealous he doesn't have diecast
  14. haha whoa, that was comprehensive. excuse my ignorance - what's "adc"?
  15. Here's my Remywannabe photo. It's 1024 x 768, so please excuse my breach of an internet norm in this particular instance. I felt that it was necessary for constructive critique from fellow MWers. Better photographers, I'd love to hear your feedback. Binaltech Smokescreen GT meets Alternators Smokescreen. (the image is skewed to the right so that icons can line the left side - it was meant to be a wallpaper.)
  16. out of curiosity, where did you order from? the last VF-11B FP i saw was on ebay, going for something in the region of USD$120. i managed to get mine from some bloke in canada who was happy to let it go for USD$65 shipped.
  17. I hear Seibertron was involved in some scandal. And TransFandom doesn't allow discussion of leaked information?
  18. Man, I'm going to have to listen to Kamui just because of his avatar. Doushita!? Although does the site have to keep changing ... like tfw2006, tfw2007, tfw2008? that might pose a problem ... allspark seems to get lots on information early on, along with tfw2005 - a bit like an industry insider forum. tfans.com appears to have lots of customs/sales/trades. i guess i'll join these three then.
  19. Just wondering - which Transformers forum out there is the most like MacrossWorld? (ie. authoratative, lots of trades/sales, legit members, as little hate as possible, as little nonsense as possible etc etc) Looking to join one but there appear to be a whole bunch of them (eg. seibertron, tformers, tfans etc etc). I wasn't sure if this belonged to the mega-thread. Mods, feel free to move as you see fit.
  20. It's the one by Michael Bradley. It appears for the first time in the third episode of "New Generation", when we are introduced to Lancer. I'm not sure if it was (the music, that is) used in Mospeada at all.
  21. thanks mecha - i've been meaning to get around to connecting to the hub. just thought maybe there was a site out there hosting free robotech mp3s. eternal optmist. yellow - yep, operative word being "free". this despite the fact that i have copyright law class twice a week. music should be free, i say. EDIT: MAN, the iMacross hub is just unbelieveable. boinger is just unbelieveable. jeez. i need to get to sharing.
  22. Hey all, I've been searching high and low for Lancer's "Lonely Soldier Boy" from the New Generation portion of Robtoech, but to no avail. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
  23. As far as I know, the CPPA was a bill tagged on at the last minute to legitimize the RIAA-lobbied anti-piracy acts that went with it. Downloading music, whatever, but downloading kiddie (even cartoon) porn, bad! You know people, they're like that. I didn't know they were *that* serious about the CPPA.
  24. OK AlphaHX ... I'd like a picture of Milia and Misa having a pillow fight in Hikaru's bunk. Thanks in advance!
  25. Me want low-viz too. If you're willing to let one go for $250 shipped, PM me.
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