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Everything posted by Hubert

  1. Campbell: "Your code name for this mission will be Jabroni Grasshopper" :|
  2. My list : 1/ laputa 2/ macross DYRL 3/ nausicaa 4/ gunbuster 5/ captain harlock (78 & 82) 6/ cowboy bebop 7/ sherlock holmes 8/ dragon ball 9/ hokuto no ken 10/ cobra
  3. put a note on the door : " please little gentle elves, bring me some valkiryes" give to this elves your santa claus list , that s all they want, put also some food maybe they give stuff to the wrong person and you are just lucky
  4. the lone good news in arma is for HBK, otherwise it stays the same ( why there is no "gang" against the evolution ?
  5. the custom fees sucks a lot in France, i've also paid about 50 for it, for my big dan 5400 yen was with EMS or SAL ? Goonk what s your feeling about the toy for the price ?
  6. Hubert

    Age Check! :)

    i am 23
  7. it looks nice, i hope hlj can send me the gx-19 and the optimus before x-mas ... about the face of optimus I think it's too little it should hide more of the face. for people who have already it or who have the information, what s its weight ? how much die-cast in it ?
  8. it's only for console video games : Shooters: -Thunder Force 3 (genesis) - Axelay (snes) - R-type Platform: - Sonic 2 (genesis) - mario all star (snes, nes, gba ) - quackshot donald (genesis) Fighters: - Street Fighter (all expect for the movie version) - Real Bout 2,special (snk) - soul edge/calibur 2 Adventure-Rpg: - final fantasy 7 (psx) - final fantasy 5 (snes) - final fantasy 9 (psx) - secret of mana (snes) - castlevania symph of the night (psx) - zelda 3 (snes) - landstalker (genesis) T-RPG: - vandalheart (psx) - final fantasy tactics (psx) favorite compagnies : - square - capcom - nintendo - konami
  9. jujitsu, blue belt to continue about the topic, who has interest into MMA ? pride, ufc and k-1 ?? what do you think about it ? ( about the result about of the last k-1 grand prix for example )
  10. Hey A7, you re very lucky to meet all this people !! this wwe thread is very cool , i watch raw on tv every thursday evening, it's in France and we have about one month in retard of the real program and i dont know if it's complete. That sucks we see less and less fight and more stupid thing like stone cold who just drinks beer, chris jericho and his show ...
  11. i begin to dl it, 16k of download, 60k of upload :|
  12. Hello tout le monde moi aussi je suis français mais je post pas beaucoup Je voudrais savoir si qqn de france a déjà commandé un vf 1/48 chez valkyrie exchange et si il a payé les frais de douanes ?
  13. thank you Neova for this information it's cool that the un spacy are already on the legs with the soc getter g coming, the optimus prime ... maybe this vf1j, i will get so poor at the end of year
  14. waww your photos are great what do you think about the neck ? on your pict it looks a little big, maybe I'm wrong because I m used with the little head of my vf1a but it's strange did you see some upgrade, new little features between the vf1s and the vf1j ?
  15. Neova, please , send us some pict with the fast pack out of the box, ( the fast pack with the vf1j and the normal fast pack set) in your pict they look to be the same color :| I prefer "real" pict than exhibition pict where their #$*!^@ stickers border are photoshoped )
  16. it would be cool to have directories in the directory of "other anime and science-fiction" i think of new directories like : - transformers ( to put all about the new optimus and other ) - gundam - movie - anime - ... or maybe it's possible to sort topic subject ??
  17. Hubert

    Whoo boy...

    Comment ca se fait que t as du en recuperer un a Roissy ??? il etait completement bloqué ??? je crois que ca depend quand meme de la taille et du type de transport (lui meme lié à la taille et au poid), venant d hlj, tes vf 1/48 ont du venir en EMS et avec ca tu passes obligatoirement par la douane, il y a plus de chance d etre pris.
  18. Hubert

    Whoo boy...

    i was lucky last year when for xmax i bought the 1/48 hikaru 1-a with the soc 01r, in france i had nothing to pay and it come by ems , maybe the custom are cool during xmas time . The problem with cutsom in France is that the price for making a file about you pay custom costs more than custom. i m very lucky with french custom, i only paid custom for the soc dancougar (the box was big) and for 2 bandai vf 1/55. If the mail is sent by ems you ve more chance to be caught by custom than classic sal. I sent an email to Valkyrie Exchange a week ago about shipping, and he said he send as gift, so for european people I guess he s the best for buying valk.
  19. i'm not so happy about the evas, the four first was the main in the series and it was enough for me, and now with just new color ... why not indeed, but for the price, with what kind of weapons , special things they will come ? (exept the classic rifle) I would have prefered to see first zambot 3, voltes V, and after the white eva with wings maybe... anyways wait&see
  20. coming from gainax it can be everything and nothing, I'm still tired of considering symbols from evangelion. do you have a screenshot of this symbol ? it could help
  21. Is Voltron a good candidate to be one of the next SOC ??? Otherwise the come back to the first post, in france during the 80s when I was kid, we had many japanese robot toys at the middle of the 80s and most of them did not have the show on tv. At one xmas, I had the denjiman robot and I ve still never seen the show, I still have this toy and I love it. There s no real relationship of value between a show and the toys, u can love the toys not the show, and you can also like the show and not the toys, badly there is more good show with bad toys. For other example, dinoriders and visionaries toys are great whereas the show suck, for me it's the macross toys who bring me to macross. I dont like people who come to toys just because the value of them. About very old stuff $$$$$, I dont understand people who buy it. For sure many of us can now afford toys that we did not have ; but there are also some people who look so frustrated who want to buy everything whatever it is. weird.
  22. it's soooooo ugly, and the color omg ... ahahah plzzzzz stop to make buisness with eva now, it's enough ) the funny thing in the armor is that no angel can make an attack two fingers in the eva01's eyes, that s great if the eva01 is wrestling against rick flair, for example ) O_o when will we have a capcom versus gainax game ?? ahaha
  23. Its not ugly, its different. Also Kawamori designed it, and it transforms, and not only does it transform it transforms into a dragon That sold me on it It's not because it's Kawamori who designed it that it's great ... Moreover about the transformation into a dragon, I think the transformation is "like the getter robot" :P , (if you want to have a dragon which look like a dragon and not a heap of bones pasted together like in a museum ) I'd prefer see a good dragon toys and a good "robot" toys Anyways, I like this anime in spite of the macross+ pinochio nose syndrom and the weird mecha
  24. sorry but it's soooooo ugly i cant understand how people like this "mecha"
  25. I have the same thing too, but I m still very happy with my eva02, the shoulder are also a kind of "bad red", indeed the problem is there are different red on the eva02. ( On my eva the main difference is between the legs and the rest. the problem for me is not the type of red, it's that it's not the same everywhere, you really see the problem between knees and legs) I would have prefered to have a perfect toy but as I'm seeing it now on display it doesnt disturb me. Anyways, I ve to say they are very good "toys". (I dont have any other eva toys/models, I cant compare ) I think it's a pity the stand is the same for all the eva and they cant have all the weapons, I mean for last, the stand cant take the shield and of course the big long rifle. About the stand on big problem is it's very hard to put the eva on the stand, the place for the feet are bad placed. Otherwise, I did something bad with my eva01 with it's left legs and it's very hard to move its legs if he makes a high kick. There s some tiny paint problem but although it's not perfect i think it's a very good job especialy for the head. For DarkPheonix, the yellow eva00 comes with : - the classic stand, 3 entry plug, the stuff to put in back to give energy - the classic normal rifle with it's bag (Pallet rifle) - the long positron sniper rifle - the shield About my both eva00, the paint job is good, same blue everywhere, same yellow everywhere.
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