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Everything posted by Hubert

  1. what s up in WWE A7 ???
  2. ahahah it remembers me one guy who was in college with me, in the religion course the teacher often used the TV and this guy had a RC and changed channel and the teacher got crazy because of this there was often problems to see course on tapes it's sure it must be funny in bar, it must also be funny in hi-fi shop or everywhere they have some tv. Imagine in a final of a championship, it's almost the end, and BOOM : no tv or during the penalty in soccer ahahah
  3. it's sherlock holmes ( meitantei holmes ) !! and some episodes where made by myiazaki, in some episodes it has a "laputa" touch it s one of my favorite cartoon )
  4. some i really hated : muppet babies ( at the end when the girl comes and says something like "everything s going well?" , it gets me sick ) beverly hills teen dungeons & dragons scooby doo sailor moon super baloo tale spin darkwing duck pokemon, digimon & cie ... all the series for chicks : jem , orange road , "one orange hair girl who plays voleyball" , little poney , care bears , maison ikkoku , she-ra i disagree with some you put : fraggle rock captain harlock, queen milenium ( maybe your usa version sucked but they are great ) dragon ball
  5. 1. Street Fighter 2 / Super Street Fighter 2 X / Street Fighter Alpha 3 2. Super Mario bros 3 (nes) 3. Sonic 2 (genesis) games that never get old and will never get old : 2d beat'them all, shoot'them up ( that s why neo geo succeeds to stay great ) (In general, 2d games dont get old as fast as new 3d game. It's always good to come back in old arcade action game.)
  6. there s the pict of T28 and his friends
  7. I received the SOC T28 two days ago and it's a really good solid toy. I find the toy could have been bigger, i think the feet are a little small, I think he can fall easily. The paint is well done with different kind of dark blue, for display I find him very dark and he ll need some good light. The new thing is the way the legs can move ; between the legs there s a little part which moves when the legs are too much spread , like for the eva he can be put in many situations. Inside the box, it is made like the boss robo box, it's easy to put and remove things of the box not like the other mazinger box. I'll send some pict later with the new mazinger angel
  8. I ve bought the dvd set and I saw ANH yesterday, it was a long long time i havent seen ... About the image, there are the red box around tie-fighter which are boring, and mostly and the beginning in the sand with r2d2, there s some blue in the sand :/, i have to see it again but it looks strange. Almost at the end, leila and one guy are speaking, when the guy speaks the brightness is too high whereas with leila it s dark. it s few details but it was a little disturbing About the sound, when people are speaking sometimes the sound is very clear, sometimes it's with "room effect" :/, maybe it's because I heard it with headphone Anyways it was a good moment and I dont mind what is added, what is deleted ... in spite of sfx made with computer get old faster than classical Ray Harryhausen style sfx in my opinion. (muppets dont have radiosity problem) Also, I dont find ANH better or worse than episode 1
  9. good work, i really like the color, the drawing style is nice but the story ... in one page some ships and character looks like matsumoto-like...
  10. very nice die-cast hoover good job !! did you make all the piece yourself ? what will you put inside ?
  11. the Eugene stuff is fine, I love it , mostly when he does all the special move of the old stars, it's very funny . I watch raw as a comedy and Eugene is better than many other who add nothing to the show. The thing I dont understand is why there is no other "team" to counter the evolution ; Orton and batista have no charisma areaseven it's great that u give WWE result although for me it 's spoiler as I see it only about 1 month after do you watch event like UFC or PRIDE too ?
  12. Yesterday in france there was on tv the raw episode A7 told about the Jul 20 2004, 03:44 PM . It was just boring, i always wonder why i watch it as here on tv they show more speaking than fighting :| bastista is as always : bad , his muscles with the weird veins ... sooo ugly I wonder till when he ll succeed to live, he must juice so bad A7, what kind of people watch raw ?? Who s average public of the WWE ?
  13. what s your definition of thoughness anyways ? physical power ? presence power of the screen ? bad ass role even if the actor is a pussy ? Maybe ed harris could go in the list, he s always a good nazi otherwise chuck norris should go in tier 3 or 4, and again where is jackie chan ?
  14. as a kid : - lego - gi-joe - transformers - saint seya figure + visionaries, dinoriders, super sentai figure ... as now : - soc - bt transformers - macross - gundam
  15. christopher walken & christopher lee might be adden to the list. where is jackie chan in the list ?!!!! (2days ago, there was a movie on tv with arnold being pregnant )
  16. if you put bruce willis, you might add mickey rourke :/ otherwise you can add yul brener, lee majors , georges peppard they were top too
  17. It s not recent, it s from the 70s : the 6 movies of Baby Cart, they re very good !!
  18. it would be cool to have a version with the "we will win" lyrics on the DRYL music ...
  19. Is it worth to buy the GB01 or more generally a perfect grade if it s not to paint it ?
  20. pict2
  21. pict1
  22. I have received the last SOC from HLJ this morning : GX-23 Zambot 3 I have also received the SOC book Although a lot have already been said about it in ToyBoxDX BBS, I will describe a little this new toy. 1/ The box is big : it's nearly as big as the GX-13 Dancouga. ( same width and lenght but about one inch less for height) 2/ Inside everythings is well placed as in other SOC, nothing special to say indeed. 3/ The toys is very well made and has "enough" die cast which is in legs and top. Zambot3 is 24cm ( between Combattler V and Dancougar) the toy come with a stand with a BIG cannon and all the little part come on "waggon". It has indeed mnay little part for Zambot Ace (the little robot which slides in the chest) Zambot Ace has a belt with a great rifle, several loader and 2 sets of hands. Alone, Zambot Ace is already a nice little robot The two other main parts of Zambot 3 are 2 ships which are also cool as toy, but as for Combattler V and other 70s anime, these part are ships because they have to be useful for something Zambot 3 come also with a long spear which can also be 2 knife or a sword ..., no rifle. Modern weapons for Zambot Ace and Old japanese weapon for Zambot 3 . I have seen some reviews of this toy which was not very positive, for me it's a great toy. The transformation is just nice, not too easy like the dancouga and not too hard like some transformers. The way Zambot 3 slide in the chest, how the big head of Zambot 3 comes, it's really good. About the paint shop, it's ok, good red, good blue, .... where s yellow painting ? It's for me the lone disapointing points as yellow plate on the chest like the wing on the feet could have been painted too. These yellow plastic parts make it a little "cheap". Some people may wonder : SOC Zambot 3 versus SOC Dancouga ?!, It is worth the money ?! Versus Dancouga, Zambot 3 has not his large shoulder and doesnt have one inch between legs and large white wings. Zambot 3 is not as massif but the transformation, his samourai look and his nice color make him a great agent of robots from the end of the 70s. People who only love toys which look big and take presence may not like Zambot 3 as it has "human proportion", but if you like toys with many details, many parts, and an intelligent transformation you will enjoy him. ( Zambot 3 has a long spear : 45cm , about 17.8 inch and you can make more exposures than with Dancouga and its big rifle) I love Dancouga and Zambot3, but not for the same reasons. It is worth the money ? If Dancougar is or if a VF-1J 1/48 is , then yes. Few words about the SOC Book : Many photos, 134 pages, A4 format , soft cover, if you dont read japanese it's not a big issue. I will send pictures later, you can ask pict with dancouga, masterpiece optimus prime or other toys if I have them.
  23. congratulations Graham
  24. I have BT-03 and I have problem for the transformation : robot -> car it's hard to lock the 2 main parts tight, if i lock them by 2 things on the side and the back of the roof, there is space between left the glasses of behind. With the BT-04, there is things (place to put feet near the door to go out of the car)to lock the bottom and the top part when it's as car Any tips for the BT-03 to have a "tight" car ?
  25. Wolfx, did you paint your model ? It looks very good and clean. As I ve already the Metal Material Aile Strike, I'm not very interested by this model ... if they make a red one, maybe. I am waiting the freedom in MG with no floppy aile (like my zeta :|)
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