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Everything posted by Hubert

  1. we dont care how much he makes, we wanna see his toys collection
  2. as I can understand huge toys collection where you can watch it everyday on your shelf and see how great it is. i dont see the goal to collect video game, i wonder how many games he has finished and how often he plays. btw I know a guy who has copy of many many video games and he just tries them :| so pathetic
  3. Glad you liked it! It is obvious when watching that movie that his success is no accident. Thanks arnold to make people believe that being big == having strength What do you mean? Being big DOES mean having strength. I mean with certain steriods you can have a greater cellular volumization due to water retention druing a cycle, but it is a well known fact that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle. Here is a picture of my back, the only reason it looks like that is I do HEAVY deadlifts, partials actually with 1500 Lbs. i meant the bad confusion between body builder and power litfter. of course you must lift heavy to get strong. very heavy with few repetitions. i remember arnold saying something like how exiting it was when it hurts, to feel the hypertrophi is almost an orgasm ... how course you can't have strength if you re skinny but the gay attitude to just workout visible muscle, specific excercise for a specific muscle, like to pump biceps and wear small size pink t-shirt : total bullshit. it may be the fault of the 80s and not arnold but for me he puts ahead the gay body builder body type. btw I respect a lot the guys who compete in the world strongest man events. A1 , deadlift with 1500 lbs wtf ?! are you sure that it's really 1500 lbs ? I'd congratulate you for just half of it.
  4. Glad you liked it! It is obvious when watching that movie that his success is no accident. Thanks arnold to make people believe that being big == having strength
  5. what about Thulsa Doom ? i m surprised A1 did not mention him i also agree that clarrence boddicker was a very bad guy
  6. the win of batista is not a big surprise. no surprise for trish, akebono and undertaker neither... i m disapointed by the result of hbk vs angle, and mostly by the win of edge .
  7. Flair is a good bad guy, but when he is in the ring he is a complete joke. Moreover, when he gets angry, he gets sooo red , one day his dead will explose or he will have a hearth attack. how long last raw on tv in usa ? and for real ? in france, it's less about 1 hour on tv and it s the always the same guys so i may miss something, where are the diva ?? it's a half-time job for them or what ? all the wrestler take part to the show each week or it's just half of them ? otherwise, will we see edge & lita tag team soon ? ...
  8. i watched some episodes of gao gai gar and i love it but it s a pain to download all ... what is the best way to watch gao gai gar with sub ? what is the best set of dvd avaible for gao gai gar (with sub in english) if there exists one?
  9. i have never liked it, it was too much unbelievable for me that a car can talk. the a-team and macgyver looked much more real for me, more plausible the best thing in knight rider was the opening theme
  10. macgyver was really a great show, i remember the episodes with murddock and the little guy with a moustache who has a plane , and all the chemistry stuffs where he had always the good ratio... with the a-team it was one of my favorite show
  11. it's a great book with not a lot of text and with great photos. (u dont need to read japanese to like it and value it) there are all the soc till tetsujin and there is some drawing of the mazinger angels. there are also the sop till the kaneda bike. the book presents in the order, the soc, the sop, special proto ... I bought this book last year in may at HLJ I guess they will probably make a book with the update of the new soc in 1 year or 2.
  12. I would have to say : - getta robo - gao gai gar seriously, I only say the rx-75 gun tank and the little robots of gunbuster
  13. with ms paint, only with the brush
  14. i have a very ugly robot ... enjoy it looks stupid
  15. i m very very tempted by the GQ impulse, is it worth the price ? does it feel like a solid toy ? i also hesitate between the GQ and the cosmic illusion. can someone give me some advice ?
  16. even the little transformers are good toy, there are little , you can transform then very fast... and about hound, if it's ugly it doesnt mean dumb for me. if you can see there are a head, arms and legs (with a gap between legs ) in the robot mode and the vehicule mode looks like a vehicule then it s ok for me to not be the dumbest. yes some early transformers were really dumbed , like blaster, perceptor ... who cares to play with such thing ? i prefer to have cars, trucks, planes ... ( it may have a sense in the anime, but as a toy I doubt ) would you buy a binaltech mp3 player ? When a transforming mecha toys transforms into something without sense ( crossover between gundam and don quichotte, ... ) it sure looks dumb.
  17. hey graham i disagree for some points - transformers g1 are all very cool, after it's another story ... toy that can be both robot and vehicule cannot be DUMB i think - sentai robot are great when it's with vehicules , but with dinosaurs ... i agree - "Um......and any combining robot which has Trains for shoulders." .... I ve only one thing to say "GAGAGA GAGAGA GAGAGAGA Gao gai gar" I remember a "toy" that where like green slime it was supposed to be disgusting :/ it cant be dumbest looking. if someone remembers ... there s also hippoglouton
  18. oh no !!!! not the juicer - hhh troll : bastista i hope they wont bring him to the top i still prefer hhh than batista
  19. I ve bought the chinese dvd set presented few pages back in this thread. I received it yesterday and it has come in last than a week. I've received the gorilla robot in the box I've just seen the first episode, the video is not "top quality remasterised and everything" but it stays very watchable. Anyways I'm very happy with this set, many episodes, great box ... (it s funny to find a takara toy with a set when in the endings episodes it s written hasbro) As some people pointed the lack of diecast of BT grimlocks, how much diecast there is in BT tracks ?? (i dont have grimlock yet because i prefer wait other color as he is the same as silverstreak)
  20. Bonne Année 2005 !!!
  21. I have the new gba zelda : the minish cap. Link looks like the ww link and the song in the shop and house are the same as in ww, otherwise there is always the main zelda theme in the game in several part of the game. There is also many references to the other zelda games, some monsters from the first zelda, sone music from ww, ... This game is really nice but there is not a lot of dungeon in it : there are just 5 big dungeons. The game is also easy, you almost never die, in each dungeon you have 2 teleport at the middle of the dungeon and before the door of the boss. It's not like zelda3 where u had to travel again all the dungeon to go to the boss if u was killed. It's as easy as in zelda ww indeed. Anyways, i think that this new zelda is great because you wont do dungeons after dungeons, you will have to travel around the map to do many side quests. Some people can argue that the map is little but as you can get little, there is other place to visit . It is THE best new feature in this zelda : to get little, it's very cool, it remembers me cartoon like rescue rangers, minipouss ... I think there must have more secret place than the other zelda games and it looks not easy to finish the game at 100%. I have not finished the game yet, i am in the 5th dungeon. Although the lack of dungeon and challenge, i really value the balance between adventure and classic dungeon. Finally, i consider it as a must have for gba + a new zelda, not a remake + adventure more than dungeon + minish transformation + new funny object + many side quest - easy - only 5 dungeons - little map - minish transformation : maybe not enough used for puzzle
  22. Best Wrestling Promotion (if not WWE): - Worst Wrestling Promotion: - RAW or SmackDown!?: i can only watch raw :/ Best Wrestler: chris benoit Worst Wrestler: triple-h Best Tag Team: kane & rob van dam Worst Tag Team: la resistance Best Diva: Lita, lilian garcia, stacy kiebler Worst Diva: Trish stratus Best New Wrestler: eugene Worst New Wrestler: rick flair Most Improved Wrestler: eugene Least Improved Wrestler: randy orton Best Finisher: goldberg Worst Finisher: chris jericho Best Entrance Theme: HBK Worst Entrance Theme: edge Best PPV: i never watch ppv Worst PPV: i never watch ppv Best Match: - Worst Match: tripple-h versus anyone Best Feud: Worst Feud: lita & kane, jericho & trish, eugene vs evolution Best Commentator: our french commentator :| Worst Commentator: our french commentator :|
  23. Did you see, Kurt Angle almost tapped out versus Daniel Puder, a guy with mma background it s very funny I wonder if it was really for real or not, otherwise it was a great job , too bad it was not against triple H ahaha Video
  24. I've finally seen this first episode of Top wo Nerae 2 and I have to say that I felt less disapointed by this episode than after the first episode of the original gunbuster. I really love gunbuster considering the whole story but considering just the first episode it was not so good, when u see the animation of training robots doing push up ... Let's hope dix-neuf is not the main buster machine and a great mecha will come later , or other buster machine will comine with dix-neuf to hide its ugly design If the next episodes stay like the first one, it won't give something unforgettable, probably something very forgettable, but if it follows the same story evolution as gunbuster, it may give something great
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