Wish there was a translation patch, too, but trust me, you get used to it before you know it. Soon you'll only be needing to look up the quests in the guide, but that will become second nature, too.
And I also really encourage getting used to either type B or C. I'm pretty sure you can unlock in PSP controls by just holding the button down... Or holding Guard and then pressing Lock.
But with the other two types, you lock on and off seamlessly whenever you want by holding or letting go of Lock. Which also is extremely useful because you can do it even when there are no enemies, to strafe in any direction in battroid or especially gerwalk, facing towards the camera. Good in cave areas and picking up items. It also only locks on to what you can see, so you can face away from enemies and strafe away to pick up stuff.
Of course, the other two control modes also offer manual aim assist. It's such a nice little intuitive touch. Leading your shots manually is much more effective (and fun). And I'm not sure how scope mode works with type A, but it can be extremely useful for damaging the main body and getting headshots on enemies, plus leading gunpod and sniper shots from very long range.
I went into the game expecting to use the PSP controls that I'm used to, but it's actually an 'easy mode' control setting in Macross 30...
tl;dr Type A controls can unlock, it was either hold Lock or Guard > Lock, but I really, really urge you to become accustomed to Type B or C for a fuller experience. I think Type C is best, personally.