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About Claxus

  • Birthday 03/04/1993

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Sorry, a bit late here. I'll send you a PM, though.
  2. Not sure... I can fly them fine... Have you tried running it in all of the game .exe files? The Direct X one and the two OpenGL. And this is probably dumb, but you're running the latest version of YSFlight right? Oh, I booted up the game myself anyway for fun. The W and S keys also transform between fighter/gerwalk and battroid, but it's a bit different. You hold W for the whole animation, or it just kinda stops. If that's what you've been doing. F switches at just a single tap. Also, it may be obvious, but once the arms are deployed (pressing 1), you can control them with the mouse if you're using a joystick. And you can also land (with the landing gears down, G) in any form, as a fighter landing normally, or if your feet touch the ground as gerwalk/battroid. In battroid form, landing gears will also shift your position a bit, too.
  3. It was a key to turn into battroid... V or F or some other face key? I remember B brings up the shield in front of you in battroid... And I think pressing 1 releases the arms for gerwalk/battroid. I think it was Page Up and Down that controlled the legs, to bring them down in fighter mode for gerwalk, and it works for battroid, too. Also there's two different F1 cockpits for fighter/gerwalk and battroid (press F1 to cycle). It's been a while but that's what I remember, it should be fairly easy to figure out. If not, I can load up the game to check tomorrow, but I think you can get it with the above info. Have fun, games like YSFlight are such a lost art . I think it's actually a very, very good sim for Macross as every part and control is manual... But VFs have that "STALL" beep 24/7 lol.
  4. Thanks a ton. The PS3 games have some really nice art.
  5. I'd love to see that stuff.
  6. That would be amazing. By the way, the skills section in your guide has some weird broken up formatting, not sure if you're aware. It's still totally readable though.
  7. I don't see the problem. It's just an indie developer who's been working on a Macross sim for free and as a hobby. Who owns the Oculus Rift company doesn't have much to do with it, unless the people at Facebook knock on SolidusM's website and get a Japanese speaker to tell them they have to stop their hobby. It's only a problem if it was commercial and going to be sold... But as it is now, nothing can exactly be done against this project.
  8. The music is very ambient, for better or for worse. It does help the vocal songs really stand out. And I smile a little in caves... The music there is so dungeon crawly, and when bosses appear, it's so JRPG boss-like. It kinda is disappointing for a Macross game, but at the same time the music has its charm in being so typical JRPG style. It makes it feel a little old school. As for headshots, I think it's pretty crazy with a sniper. Switch to zoom mode and aim over your target. The sniper shot bends accurately and will always drop onto your enemies... Doing massive damage. For fighters, aim above their nose. You do have to stop to do it though... But it's very lethal. Just don't do it at maximum range. Sniping full-range at enemies in the game is cheating because they can't seem to respond if you're too far
  9. Wish there was a translation patch, too, but trust me, you get used to it before you know it. Soon you'll only be needing to look up the quests in the guide, but that will become second nature, too. And I also really encourage getting used to either type B or C. I'm pretty sure you can unlock in PSP controls by just holding the button down... Or holding Guard and then pressing Lock. But with the other two types, you lock on and off seamlessly whenever you want by holding or letting go of Lock. Which also is extremely useful because you can do it even when there are no enemies, to strafe in any direction in battroid or especially gerwalk, facing towards the camera. Good in cave areas and picking up items. It also only locks on to what you can see, so you can face away from enemies and strafe away to pick up stuff. Of course, the other two control modes also offer manual aim assist. It's such a nice little intuitive touch. Leading your shots manually is much more effective (and fun). And I'm not sure how scope mode works with type A, but it can be extremely useful for damaging the main body and getting headshots on enemies, plus leading gunpod and sniper shots from very long range. I went into the game expecting to use the PSP controls that I'm used to, but it's actually an 'easy mode' control setting in Macross 30... tl;dr Type A controls can unlock, it was either hold Lock or Guard > Lock, but I really, really urge you to become accustomed to Type B or C for a fuller experience. I think Type C is best, personally.
  10. I never played more than the demo, but I thought it was pretty cool. An FPS game where you can turn into a motorcycle at a moment's notice? One of a kind. It wasn't really my thing, though.
  11. Thanks for the news. Personally, I'm disappointed they're smartphone things, but they sound pretty cool, more Macross games never hurt. It's also about time there's a music-based game for the series.
  12. The game got updated recently. There's a new version for Windows and Oculus Rift, featuring a ground and a space scenario (they have different physics). Not sure how much is new from the Oculus Rift version (I only got to play the older ground and space demos for Windows), but it seems a lot more refined now. The animations seem much more smooth and fluent, the legs don't spaz out in any of the forms now, and only extend in fighter mode on sharp turning and brakes The battroid's gun also seems to be much more stable and won't clip through other body parts... The overall physics have improved, but it can still be a little wonky. Mainly, the fighter mode. Seems to still have issues in control. Gerwalk also seems to have slight gravity and turning issues, but battroid works perfectly. Unfortunately, dodging missiles still appears to be kinda impossible aside from shooting them down (could really do with an afterburner or stronger propulsion/turning in general here), but the game's coming alone nicely. Oh, and if you fly low by the coast, there's a pretty decent city to fly over. You can find it here: http://solidm.blog89.fc2.com/
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