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Everything posted by joppewo

  1. AmiAmi listed the Hi-Reso Barbatos 16,000JPY http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-GDM-2943&page=top
  2. joppewo

    Hi-Metal R

    NY: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/15289-hi-metal-r-glaug.html
  3. Sale is now on: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f60cb1eee37a8df2b5c8e588c&id=eca7fd4dbe&e=268b99d8bb Unfortunately, its similar to last year's deal.
  4. Spent more than an hour to get it into this pose Had the worst feeling that I was going to break something in the process, especially getting the dragoons on the wing to open up Never touching it again
  5. Just received my Strike Freedom! Gave it a quick-check, happy to report that apart from some minor paint defect, everything is fine
  6. Was searching for the original topic, but looks like it was locked. Re-issue seems to be in conjunction with Sheryl's birthday
  7. Wow the MB SF price has spiked to upwards of 35,000JPY already Hopefully HLJ manages to fulfill your order mog_kupo!
  8. Got my shipping notice earlier in the day and also ended up ordering MB Destiny Heine with my proxy Totally broke now, and I'll still be heading to Japan in a week's time to spend even more money
  9. joppewo

    Macross figures

    Here's the Kuji page for it: http://www.bpnavi.jp/kuji/item/1268
  10. ToysDaily forum users reporting QC issues on the SF
  11. It is still a model-kit. The runners and all are displayed with the assembled model. The metal parts seem to be just limited to the pistons, so not quite the metal content of an MB. Hi-resolution probably just refers to the kit looking great with a straight out-of-box build
  12. News floating around the Hi-Reso Barbatos. Pre-assembled Inner Frame (think: Kotobukiya Frame Arms) Metal parts, for pistons etc All armour parts are 'painted' with metallic / pearl finishing Looks like it would probably have a hefty retail price if true
  13. New MB SF column: http://tamashii.jp/t_kokkaku/87/ Interview: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/interview/20151120_728800.html Metal Builds are too pricey for me to get multiples Who knows, we might get an event exclusive version at next year's Tamashii Nations 2016. Perhaps a Prism Coating
  14. and... gone! Also, seems like HLJ has got their stock in, the weight and product dimensions are listed now. Expect the payment requests to come in about 12 hours from now at their usual timing.
  15. Saw NY list MB SF couple of times for 35,500JPY. Sold out everytime that happened
  16. Yea, this baffles me the most
  17. There was just a sign that said Hi-Resolution Model: Coming Spring 2016. No other information regarding the Barbatos at the moment, but it does look to be 1/100 scale. V2 WoL confirmed as P-Bandai release in Jan '16 @2160JPY too. Back to waiting for the RE/100 Kshatriya & Jegan
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