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Everything posted by joppewo

  1. The GFFMC Unicorn (Awakening) is back in stock at HLJ is anyone is interested. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN991952
  2. GFFMCs tend to be an easy pick-up from the secondary markets like Mandarake, often at or below cost after release. That is unless you are after the Tamashii Nations' exclusives. Personally I'd say either of the GFFMC Psyco MKI / MK II gundam for are my favourite from the line. They have good shelf presence by virtue of their size and a good heft on them.
  3. Tamashii pre-order page is up: http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000096698/
  4. GFFMC or Gundam Fix Figuration: Metal Composite is another line of high-end die-cast gundam figures. It pertains mostly to Hajime Katoki's design for the Universal Century (UC) mobile suits. Being Katoki's designs, it has significantly much more decals (tampo prints) compared to the Metal Builds. (Imagine the decal spam on the Ver Ka. gunpla model kits) You could refer to the following Tamashii link for the full list of what's been released thus far: http://tamashii.jp/item_brand/gugundam_fix_figuration_metal/
  5. You could recycle those shipping cardboard boxes that you get as a holder for the sticks. Here's how mine looks like, just make sure that the height is sufficient enough to hold the sticks securely in place.
  6. For those looking at an alternative to the gundam markers (which I find to be too thick and messy) for panel-lining, do take a look at this range of pens: http://www.dickblick.com/products/copic-multiliner-pens/ I personally use the 0.03mm variation when I'm too lazy to use an enamel wash. The good thing about these pens are that it comes in a variation of colours. I mainly use the black, cool gray and brown ones depending if I want the panel lines to be subtle or 'pop' for a more anime-ish look.
  7. July release: Pre-orders open 5th March
  8. First shots of 2.0 Hyaku Shiki cr:TagHobby
  9. http://p-bandai.jp/hobby/special-1000004504/ Red Zeta up for pre-orders now. Might get this to complete the Zeta collection
  10. Mine was shipped out two days ago via SAL.
  11. Been waiting forever for this
  12. July release: http://tamashii.jp/special/pickup/201507yutd/
  13. woops can a mod edit the title for me.
  14. From Wonder Fest' 15 1/60 VF-0S 1/60 VF-0A
  15. So this just came in The size of the box is comparable to the Sazabi
  16. I think the Gold Frame is too complicated design wise. Looks more like a suit out of Build Fighters (kitbash?) I wonder how much Tamashii would price the Strike Freedom, considering that each subsequent MB release has been getting pricier
  17. It will be a regular release. PO opens on 2nd February 16:00 JST.
  18. Tamashii webpage for MB Gold Frame is up: http://tamashii.jp/special/metalbuild/astray/gold_am/ Pre-orders open on 2nd February
  19. From what I understand, the pricier limited edition comes with an additional disc which contains 180 minutes of extras; [stage greeting video (2), special number (2), event video, Gekitomo recording landscape, Itsukushima shrine hit prayer video] The listing seems to also state that it will come with a storyboard collection.
  20. Movie Blu-ray (with english subtitles) slated for May 27th release. Amazon JP listings
  21. And the eventual web exclusive hyper mega bazooka to go with it?
  22. 23,760JPY (22,000JPY without tax) for MB Gold Frame. That's quite a high price.. giving it a miss.
  23. No updates on Gold Frame yet. Might be looking at a June / July release
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