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Everything posted by armentage

  1. So can someone tell me WHY you all feel the need to have so many unbuilt model kits? I get the feeling that most of you NEVER plan to actually build these kits!
  2. I think it's funny that this thread is called "OF ALL TIME" and most of you are only naming movies and actors from the last 5 years.
  3. Seriously, it's the focus on thinking and planning that makes games like WOW and other MMO's so much more interesting than trigger twitching games like CC (to the millions of people play them, that is.) This change sounds like the SWG people are losing so much share, and are so desperate to stay afloat they're throwing out everything. I like the idea though, an MMO that isn't an MMO version of Rogue.
  4. I can't believe I'm the only Macross fan capital of the world COME ON NYC PEEPS!
  5. Boy did it have beautiful "space-scapes" in the first few installments.
  6. I think your CF looks great! But I bet if you showed it to your GF/Wife/etc she would wonder why you made your pretty toy so dirty
  7. They sure did have pretty coves back in the day...
  8. Well, don't get me wrong, but I have an issue with paying $30+ USD for music that was broadcast into the air for free thousands over the last 25 years.. (the issue is that I'm cheap) I could be buying bootleg garage kit models with that money!
  9. I love it when sane people tell insane fanboy's whats what!
  10. I used to be a HUGE fan of Rumiko Takahashi's Urusei Yatsura. It's been years (maybe 10!) since I last saw it, but I recently rented the 2nd movie, Beautiful Dreamer. It's by Mamoru Oshii, the same dude who did the Ghost In the Shell. Now, don't get me wrong, I recognize the GITS movie as steam pile of well drawn crap, but Beatiful Dreamer is something else altogether. A really fantastic, fun, touching, hilarious, and though provoking romp. I really recommend it. The style is simple, so the 22 year old animation is still very watchable (think classic Disney rather than DYRL's realistic style). ANYWAY, plug aside, what I really was surprised by was how great some of the music was. I remember now that I used to have all the UY sound track CDs, but that was a long time ago and I've lost them So what I'm wondering/hoping is if someone can help direct me to where I can find these old gems? The original TV-OP & ED, the songs from the movies, etc... I'll be honest and admit I'm looking for MP3s; I'm having the hardest time finding them on LimeWire/BitTorrent/etc. Any help would be very appreciated!
  11. Heh you make it sound like an RPG!
  12. That's right... something I learned a few years ago was that people make better decisions when they have less choices. Consider: What do you want for lunch today? or Do you want Pizza or Tacos?
  13. I wouldn't take the notion of being "free" or having a "normal" social structure too far. People were only as free as the Inbit let them be. If for some reason they felt like toppling a town or replacing its leadership, imposing a curfew or converting it into a biological experiment there was nothing the local human "authorities" could do to fend them off other than deliver people/energy-whatever/gold/etc to placate them. People, especially the children, might act like things were A-OK, but deep down they were living every day fearing that it might be their last normal one.
  14. That's right... the Mospeada subtitles were FAR too literal. I wonder if my utter disgust for it (I liked the Robotech version MUCh better) was partially caused by the poorness of the subtitles. The Mospeada box set REAKED of "well, we have this property that alot of fanboys will buy simply because they are fanboys, lets not put all that much effort into it." I must say, I absolutely ABHOR where commercial DVD subtitles are going. Personally, I am a fan of good dubs, because I feel that staring at the bottom of the screen reading is not the best way to enjoy the full animation frames. However, the way they use the DVD Closed-Captions feature to do the subtitles is AWFUL. Fansubs look SO MUCH better! It really pains me when I end up watching the sub because the dub on the disc is.
  15. Whenever I do more than 1 at a time, I end up NEVER finishing anything So now I try to stick to one at a time, but that one just ends up taking months to finish (I'm about to start Decal'ing my YF-21 that I started back in June...)
  16. 336807[/snapback] Jesus christ that's awful. He totally missed the aesthetic point!
  17. My god, how did you make her dress so SHINY?
  18. I don't mean to knock your amazing Valk (I really love the decals!) but why does the whole thing seem to be curved? It almost feels like there's a 170 degree arc running between the feet and legs & the nose... Is it just an artifact of wide angle photography?
  19. I LOVE girls in helmets and pink leotards.
  20. Sorry Keith, but you're dead wrong. Mospeada WAS about revenge. Stig was a VERY flat character, who felt and said nothing other than "lets kill some farting Inbit" for most of the series. The only reason he ever moved past any of that was because of Aisha (again, what a stupid name. Mylene was at least human sounding) having been A CLONE of his dead girlfriend. You can accuse me of being a cold person, but I would not go all Igami Itto (Loan Wolf) over the loss of my girlfriend. I have strong feelings for her, but they would not drive me to single mindedly focus on butchering and toppling those that did her wrong. Stig NEVER had a strong sense of justice; he only wanted to kill Inbit. It was always Houquet, Ray, or Yellow (and later Mint) that would persuade him to stop for a second and help others. If I was the sole survivor of an invasion force, I'd find the first broad bottomed woman of child bearing age available and settle down, so I could forget about all the horror I had seen. Personally I feel that this is one of the things that seperates Japanese fiction from Western (or at least American) fiction; our heros are rarely psychopaths. If anything, they are the opposite; the only sane person in an insane world, who doesn't give a poo about what others think and strives to create the greatest good for everyone. Japanese heros, by contrast, think only of themselves and seek only to right whatever wrong was commited against them (or their family/clan/sentai-team, whatever). 3 long paragraphs later, I rest.
  21. Mospeda did have great OP music, but overall it was pretty lacking. I mean, the story WAS a little flat... they would just drive around from town to town, cause some trouble, help some people, and then move on. Super formulaic. It was like Highway to Heaven with mecha motorcycles instead of Michael Landon. Like Bill Bixby without the Gamma-radiation. But about it being too cool... well in some ways you might think it has a scent of Tarentino to it, but I'd chalk that up more to old-west references. A spaghetti western with "Stig" (what an assanine name) instead of Eastwood. Instead of John Wayne, we get "Jim". Don't get me wrong; for 1983 it was a fantastic show. There have NEVER been all that many stories done where humans have already lost[/] and then try to take it back. It's a lot like your typical rebels trying to take back their country, trying to coax people with a defeated spirit into fighting again, but... with mecha motorcycles. Oh, and did I mention the animation was absolutely awful? Macross was drawn sooooo much better. I'll say this - the Jack McKinnely novels did a much better job telling the story they were trying to tell than the anime did. Being out there, on the road, on the run, it's all too personal. People's feelings and emotions, their reasons and motivations couldn't be explained very well in the anime medium, especially with their low budget and crappy animation.
  22. Maybe if Katoki was allowed nowhere near it. His interpretation of the Turn-A is awful. 336736[/snapback] Where can we see this awful inteprettation? Katoki's my favorite overall Gundam designer but the Turn-A is one of my absolute favorite Gundams... surprised to hear that they don't go well together!
  23. What's an "LE" product?
  24. Haha, I used to do that myself. We had a big deck and I'd setup all my modeling gear in a box so I could move it in and outside (in case of rain etc) at night. It was very pleasant, and there's no trouble with poisonous fumes.
  25. I was looking at some of the other models on your site, and I must say that they are fantastic! I especially like the real-world military color schemes on your Gundams. The green/tans are gorgeous. One question -- what effect are you trying to show on your L.E.D. Mirage page, near the bottom? You paint a piece with several colors before giving it an overcoat of very opaque white. I understand that the glow from the undercoats makes a new effect, but what are you trying to simulate there?
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