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Everything posted by armentage

  1. How much are these going to cost?
  2. It sure does have an interesting art-style... Like anime crossed with modern american graphic design.
  3. I'm not calling any particular person anything. It's my opinion that the show is garbage, and I can't understand how anyone can like it. I've spelled out what it is I don't like about it.
  4. Worst I have seen recently was Saikano. Absolutely pathetic. Garbage for hard-up highschool boys. Actually, much much worse. The anime had a non-sensical plot. The dubbing was atrocious, so I watched the sub. The art was pretty bad, very splotchy and inconsistent. The story & characters were actually pretty abhorent; the boy friend telling his "girlfriend" that she's slow, worthless, etc. What really upsets me is that there are idiots out there who actually like this steaming pile of crapime.
  5. Two things... 1) I once met Macek at an anime con. He seemed like a decent fella. Not a fanboy at all. Contrast this to the ADV guys, who at the time, were a bunch of fat bearded losers who smelled bad. 2) There was Zillion-2 "The Tri-formation" on the Master system. It was actually a lot of fun. You played in 3 forms: A guy jumping around mario-style A motor cycle A Mospeada flying about (in humanoid form) When I was a kid I basically thought it was the Robotech game. I TOTALLY loved it. The game was fast paced and had a decent sound track (to my 9 year old ears). The motorcyle levels actually had you transforming, side-scrolling like a shooter. The scenes where you were out of your suit, you stayed out of your suit and it was a lot like mega-man. It was pretty frustrating, but a lot of fun when you beat a level. I never played the first Zillion game, but I remember hearing it wasn't as good (less action oriented).
  6. While we're having such a spirited discussion of modeling supplies... Anyone try these Vallejo acrylic paints? Both FineScale Modeler AND Tamiya Model Mag have been pushing these paints. Almost all the build-up articles use Vallejo paints in some capacity (Tamiya's own mag!). The colors look beautiful, airbrushed, or brush painted on to scale figures. There seem to be hundreds of colors, more along the lines of old-school Polly-S rather than Tamiya's Mix it yourself (something I prefer, given that I suck).
  7. Don't discount the fact that Mospeada is ONLY popular in the US because of Robotech. It was a flop in Japan when it first aired. I wouldn't be surprised if Yamato has no interest in making Mospeada toys in the first place, because there would be no Japanese market for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the owner of the Mospeada/SC rights happily offered them to Toynami, just to make whatever profit they could from them. Anyway, I'd be way more impressed with all these companies if they began to turn out some of their own original transforming mecha, rather than changing the color scheme on 22-year old designs that have been done to death.
  8. I've used citadel primer on Resin kits. It's not bad, but it can go on a little too thick if you don't shake the hell out of the can... I'm sure Promethius knows about all this from his minatures though...
  9. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  10. Uhm, these kits never cost $30 - and you'll be lucky to find the recasts for that little. The original CoreWorks kits cost anywhere from $130 to $200, and the recasts of these kits cost anywhere from $60 to $110, depending on the kit and number of parts... 368489[/snapback] I meant that the underlying Gundam kits cost around $30 (and up ofcourse). I was hoping for CoreWorks alternatives that cost something closer to the $30 mark.
  11. Where can I get these conversion kits for reasonable prices? I've seen the ones on Hobbyfan, but they often cost over $100! $100 of pieces for a $30 kit is just too much for me.
  12. Go very, very light with primers on plastic. Keep the can far away, and put on a very thin coat. It's just going on there to help the paint stick, and to give you a good under-coat base for your colors to stand out on. Spray froma distance, and don't let the primer build on and get wet. You don't want to cake it on. When it comes to brush painting, I too have had nothing but trouble with un-thinned Tamiya. The worst that happens is that you pull of paint while trying to get coverage, because it dries so fast. The stuff is AWESOME for airbrushing though. Some of the replies in this thread make me think I need to thin it out a lot more before I try to brush paint with it. When I do bother to prime, I tend to use Gunze Sangyo MR.SURFACER. It goes on nice and SUPER thin. Often I skip priming, especially on smaller pieces, because a thick coat can cover up surface details. If MR.SURFACER is too expensive for you (they charge an arm & leg for it), I've heard good things about various kinds of Automotic Primers from Walmart.
  13. Wow, talk about anger issues.
  14. I've got, no exageration, 19 year old bottles of Tamiya paints that still go on fine. Either the paint is fine, or the bottle dried up completely is what I've found.
  15. Anyone have any idea how big the Fan Racer kit over at Hobby Fan is? http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?p...111578d0d1cb997 I remember it was a VERY tiny little ship in the anime. Say, 10 ft long? At 1/72nd scale, it'd be what, 2-3 inches long?
  16. While I was there, I had to use a squat-toilet at a little mall in Kyoto. It was about 101F degrees, humid, and I really, really had to go. It might have been one of the worst moments of my life...
  17. Actually, that painted look is pretty good. It looks more like the anime. There's alot more depth to that the very anti-ceptic plate look.
  18. OK! Now that's cleared up -- How do I paint on the shiny gold? Gold-Leaf paint? Is there anything better? Gold-Leaf + Future = Gold-Plated look? Will I need to use something like ALCAD-II? Mr Color? I notice that the Japanese brands ALL seem to recommend Mr Color these days in their instructions. Its the defacto standard for painting guides from Hasegawa, Bandai, Wave, etc... Canned Spray-Paint?
  19. Gold paint should only be used on small and hidden parts. Unfortunately, once you used gold paint on Hyaku Shiki (original MG, or the HG) or the brand new Akatsuki, it will not match the gold plating, which will force you to repaint the entire model with gold paint. "Gold Leaf" (or equivalent gold paint) is your only option. 364814[/snapback] Do these Hyakushiki kits come gold-plated? I thought they were molded in yellow plastic. I will have to take a closer look at some of the "kit contents" pics out there on the web.
  20. So how does one paint a Hyakushiki to look so shiny & golden? I'm guessing Tamiya "Gold Leaf" paint is not going to look very great?
  21. There were no Fuchikomas or Tachkoma's in the movie, just the "think tank". I believe they are called Fuchi-koma in the Manga, Tachi-Koma in SAC. That was a GREAT scene, episode 24 of SAC! Mr Batou being saved by the Tachkomas, so sweet, so sad That site is an AWESOME recreation! I really liked the one that was repainted yellow to do high altitude construction.
  22. Well, my problem with it is that the black lion STILL looks too fat, while Voltron suddenly looks like a 100lbs weekling. Lets face it, the lions actually look pretty stupid. They'll always look too stiff and ugly. One more shocking reality for you all -- IT'S NOT A VERY INTERESTING TRANSFORMATION! So who cares what the seperate pieces look like? I say they should have made a giant, fully articulated, accuarate looking super-poseable. A giant man with LION PARTS! is way more interesting than stupid looking robot lions. You're not 5 any more, get over it. Haha, sorry, I'm justing in a fiery mood today, didn't get enough sleep last night.
  23. So I just saw the MPC Voltron at Midtown Comics (east-side) in NYC. In one word: Dissapointing. Voltron looks Anorexic. The black lion might look better as Lion now, but Voltron himself is waaaay too thin.
  24. I'd say that the VF-19 kits are more like HG kits. They don't have infra-structure pieces, and aren't molded along color boundries for easy painting. I think they come molded in 3 colors, gray, yellow, and red. It helps, but it's not quite the same as an MG kit that comes molded in 6 or 7 different colors.
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