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Everything posted by armentage

  1. love the detail on that cockit HWR! How do you make such distinct looking dials and such?
  2. So these are *penciles* ? Graphite or some such substance? SWEET!
  3. Anyone know if this stuff will leach out when you put a coat of Future over it? Sharpies have this problem in a bad bad way...
  4. Must say i am surprised to see this kit over at HLJ! http://www.hlj.com/product/SHE007
  5. Speaking of Dendrobiums... I first saw this pic over 12 years ago, in the September 1994 issue of Hobby Japan. (sorry for the poor quality of the scan, I couldn't do anything to improve it) [attachmentid=37798] The photo was taken at JAFCON3! It's in 1/220 scale. Didn't know they made it in that size! There's a sidebar that simple states "A denrobium with a pretty color scheme". I've got a 1/550 sitting on my shelves that needs a paint scheme, this is going to be it! The magazine has a bunch of other interesting photos from JAFCON3 -- maybe if some of you are interested, I'll scan a few more. There's are also a few very interesting photo series on customized G-Gundam units, built up using to look like some of the lesser seen mecha in that series; My favorite are the great mecha done up like German & British WWII soldiers, weather like tank armor!
  6. There's a big difference! IMHO super-robots differ from the more modern mecha shows in that the robots are not imbued with magical powers (from god, the "elders", etc.) and are just complicated machines. Usually the pilots, or their support staff understand and maintain these machines, refuel them, etc. Certainly there is a huge difference betweeh something like Macross, where the mecha are inspired by recovered alien technology, designed and upgraded by humans, and Go-Lion, where the Mecha are found hiding in stone statues a-top the magic castle's drawbridge! (but I've always thought Gundam's newtypes was a bunch of crap)
  7. Kylwell - is it the bad guy from Robocop 2?
  8. You know... I really can't think of many mecha anime without kids piloting the mecha... Anyone want to start a list? Here's a few... Genesis Climber Mospeada Bubble Gum Crisis (do the hard suits count as mecha?) Aura Battler Dunbine VOTOMS L-GIAM? Dogs of the sun DOUGRAM Not sure if these count -- does super-robot crap count as Mecha anime? Realism is what makes mecha so much more interesting than the older crap. Go Lion God Mars
  9. I bought mine from LAF Toys. Great service. Ordered it on Saturday and had it by Wednesday. Very happy with LAF! The toy is .... a bit dissapointing. The jet form is beautiful, but robot is a little boring. The dark color just doesn't work that well as a robot. I'm also disspaointed with the lack of robot-detail. The feet, legs, hips, they all look like an after thought compared to the amazing jet form. As for being fragile and too stiff, YES! You better be careful with your MP-03. If you are anal collector, buy 2, and transform only 1 and never transform it again. The white stress lines on mine are quite alarming after just 1 transform.
  10. Anyone who doesn't see that the X-02 is obviously a YF-23 is an idiot, and i mean that in the harshest possible way.
  11. Let me chime in --- As far as teh detail thing goes -- Bandai makes some amazing kits, but the surfaces details are so lacking. The fit is beyond compare, but the pieces are just so bland - totally smooth surfaces with very little etched or raised detail.
  12. Bah, depriving other people of the oppurtunity to enjoy that kit is far more wrong than honoring some silly copyright.
  13. I thought I'd inject some levity into the conversation!
  14. I like that ligher blue. I'm working on the 1/60 PG RX-78 right now, and can't help but feel that the blue is just too dark. I was planning on painting something that looks very similar to the hue you're showing us! This BEE-CRAFT guy certainly does look like he takes some inspiration from wherever Kotoki used to get his. I approve! Though, I'd love to see more of thoes whacked out Space-Shuttle Gundam Sentinel designs pop up
  15. I had a Dougram for about 3 hours. What a strange toy it was. The arms & legs are NOT the normal propotional shapes you expect! They are all stylized and funny, like a dramatic pose was cut apart and made poseable.
  16. Any tips on how to arrange the head & drop down the nose cone? I can't get mine to rest 180 degrees away from the body; it's off by 2-3 degrees, such that my front gear can't make contact with the ground!
  17. Can you clarify that a bit? What tabs? I'm stuck with the nose-cone in the wrong position, and have been trying for almost a year to get it to sit right Any chance you can post a picture of these tabs and what to do with them?
  18. Ahhh, Hamelin the Violinist. What an awesome concept. Very cool show. I didn't get very far in it because the animation was so unwatchably bad, but the story was interesting. I just can't repress my urge to say this -- but listing all the original "fanboy anime" just doesn't qualify for a list of the obscure. They were just unknown to most americans at the time, because we didn't watch anime. They were likewise unknown to most Japanese, because the mid-80s OAV explosion was mostly crap, only enjoyed by a small number of otaku. Hell, most of the early stuff we we're seeing was some of the worst; it was what compnanies could by the cheapest! at the time, companies like Animego just didn't have the customer base to afford thw better titles.
  19. It's pretty easy. Attach the thick, wide U shaped piece to the stand, and then sit the Valk's back-pack into the U.
  20. I always liked the old-school, 1970's version of Cutey Honey. So ridiculous, so campy, that it actually wraps around (integer overflow!) and becomes super-cool! Does Giant Robo count as obscure? I don't really know too many people who have seen it. Back in '95, I did a Giant Robo cos-play skit at AnimeEast...
  21. Anyone want to put up a link the ROM files? EDIT --- I found it here http://romhustler.net/roms/snes/c
  22. I've had a Lancer Alpha for about a year now. I've transformed it a bunch of times, but i've never been able to figure out the hands! How do YOU store your alpha's hands in fighter mode? I have trouble folding them into place and leaving enough room for the elbows to collapse fully (which leaves a giant gap between the forearms and the shoulder pieces). Another thing -- what can I do to tighten up the shoulder hinges? They are SOO loose now. They just hang limply at the sides
  23. So I picked up my first 1/100 Toynami Valk. I've never held one of their 1/60s, but given how crappy the Alpha's are, I wasn't expecting much. For $25, its not a bad looking toy. The proportions are very weird, and the legs hard to position, but over all its not bad. I bought the blue Max version. The only flaw atm is that the head laser is a bit bent. I'm going to try to fix it with heat. I like the stand and all the accessories. You really get a lot in the box. It's very light, making it easy to pose and display.
  24. The only problem with this approach is the disgusting, awful smell I hate getting enamel thinner on my fingers. It seeps into yours poors and finger-print-wrinkles and hangs out there, making your fingers smell disgusting. I can't pick my nose for days.
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