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Everything posted by armentage

  1. Forget this Japanese name stuff. Name your car "Candice"
  2. I played LOTS of EQ. Over about 4 years I managed to accumlate 300 days played on a Bard, another 300 on a Druid, and still had time ot get a 3rd Wizard to lv 65. I was crazy! Then it was FFXI for about a year. Beautiful anime graphics and fantastic music was the big draw, and the whole cutesy Japanese feeling of the whole thing. It was great at first, but as the game ground, you began to see how primative the gaming engine was. Light years behind EQ in terms of abilities and the sophistication of the end-game encounters. Well, not light-years, just 5 years (EQ has been around since 1999) Now a days its WOW. Great game... FANTASTIC graphics. "Cartoony" but extremely detailed. The amount of work they put into the world & terrain is just astonishing and will impress anyone if they look past any issues they have with the artistic style. Game play is nice too, and you really rewarded for putting time into the game. Runs great on any PC hardware too (big difference from EQ1 & 2)
  3. Ahh it's the MK-II, not the VB-6. Sorry if this is off topic but -- just where does the VB-6 appear?
  4. I remember a small Die-Cast X-Wing toy that would fall apart. It had to be about 20 years ago. I want to say it was Micro-Machines, but it was too big for that. About 4" long, with a rubber band or something that kept the body in one pice. When you pushed a pin in the back, the whole thing would fall apart (to appear crashed) I was a kid when I had this toy, but I remember it being really detailed and nice to look at. Anyone have idea what it could have been?
  5. I dunno about the Ghost thing.... I'm imagining the 19 or 21 finding a way to grab onto the Ghost, and punch through its armor and rip out its guts...
  6. If I remember correctly, the Guld himself was the leader of the YF-21 development team. So with his death, you could assume the project was automatically canceled... regardless of which design was superior. Without the lead designer, the 21 couldn't be finished in time. Though, one has to wonder, does Blondie Genius-Boy get caught for hacking Sharon (after the events in Plus)? Maybe the 19 ended needing a new lead designer too!
  7. You're all REALLY making me hate being single...
  8. Love the Cybertron decals!
  9. God I love this design! Soooo hot. Wish they had more footage of it in action (in battroid form especially)
  10. armentage


    Thanks everyone -- Rohby hooked me up with a pair o new mitts!
  11. I would also mention the difficulty in both obtaining 1/48ths and their accessories. I mean, the markets flooded with 1/60ths and the different variations, while the 1/48ths are almost super-rare. I think it's much harder and more expensive to have a "Collection" of 1/48ths than it is to do 1/55ths or 1/60ths.
  12. Actually......... I used to subtitle episodes of TV anime for my club in college It was a dark, dark time in my past, which involved making 1 minute clips using Windows sound-recorder and listening to the same dialog over and over until I figured out what they were saying. I'm venting because I recently watched the ADV "original" Mospeda DVDs, which have only one subtitle mode. It's been years and my Japanese (especially made-up word Sci-Fi style) is way too rusty, so I needed the subtitles to make sense of what was going on. And UGH -- sometimes more than half the screen was covered in subtitles, usually meanless song lyrics WHICH ARE REPEATED IN EVERY EPISODE... OVER AND OVER. Sorry if I came across harsh, I'm posting from work and getting yelled at by my boss, so the stress level gets high. Anyway, I'll stick to the only non-angry part of my comment, which is to not translate in such a way that requires another subtitle explaining what you meant, and I hope that helps.
  13. Subtitles suck. I hate them. I hate having the directors frames obscrubed by stupid writing. If I wanted to read, I'd buy a book. Get a good dub or learn Japanese is what I say. That said, I say forget the joke. It's not that important. There's 2 hours of dialog to worry about, and one little joke being omited isn't going to reduce anyone's overall enjoyment - especially since it's not a very dialog driven movie. DYRL is all about visuals, and the less pesky subtitles to get in the way the better. So what I'm getting at is, don't pick a translation that you will have to explain with another subtitle. Not to rant, but there's nothing I hate more than when half the screen is covered with subtitled song-lyrics, in both romaji & english, along with dialog subtitles. It just makes a mess, and I can't appreciate the actual anime anymore, because my eyes are automatically drawn towards the text. Frankly, song lyrics are usually stupid and I'm not interested. Okay, I was definately ranting just now.
  14. What is that thing? The FAST pack?
  15. Holy $200 worth of Polystrene!
  16. You can order DYRL on DVD from www.valkyrie-exchange.com.
  17. I'm sure there have been plenty of links in the past, but can we get some pictures of an INSANE collection? I saw one here a few months ago, but can't find it again.
  18. I'm going to guess that its a 1/35 basd on the 1/72nd...
  19. 1/35th would make the thing HUGE! Regult's already bigger than a Valk. Since the 1/48th Valk is about 13" tall, a 1/35th Regult would be something like 16" tall!
  20. I've been having trouble with my first attempts at washing with Oils... Can anyone post some info/links to the actual products they use? When I go to the art supply store, there are just so many options to choose from.. I'm using "Odorless Turpenoid" with "Lamp Black" Oils (not water soluble) on top of a future base. What ends up happening is that my lines do not get filled in (at all) and on ligher colors, the surrounding plastic is somewhat stained by the dark wash. I need to get a camera and post some shots...
  21. "Super dimension macros series 1982 Copyright BIG WEST" " 1/35 scale {1/72 image scale regalt} 28000yen" Question -- is Regaado "Regult"? That's gonna be pretty damn expensive by the time we get them shipped over here! EDIT: I search for "Image Scale" on Google and found a Godzilla kit that says it is "1/350th Image Scale". http://www.toytokyo.com/product_info.php/n...080/language/en
  22. It's certainly inspired by the F-22...
  23. BTW -- Is the 1/48th's head supposed to hang loose when it's in fighter mode? I"m talking about the 3rd edition Roy. I haven't found a way to lock it down to anything.
  24. There's really no comparing the 1/48th to any other Valk... it just owns! I really like how much bigger and bolder the head looks on the 1/48ths... I just bought my first this week too. I actually stressed about it a lot, feeling like I had to be some sort of an idiot to blow over $150 on a toy.. Then my co-worker told me the neck-tie he was wearing was bout $140 and remembered that I spent $100 on drinks the night before, and suddenly I felt much better about it (going out for drinks in NYC sucks!)
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