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Everything posted by armentage

  1. armentage

    1/48 Yamatos

    Hey, something's worth whatever someone's willing to pay for it. Good question to ask yourself is "Why do I feel I need to spend a months rent on a very old and kinda crappy toy" (which any old-school 1/55 is compared to a brand new 1/48th) Is it cause they're unique? I dunno. I really need to get around to starting a "Why do we collect?" thread.
  2. Consider the TV Max/Miriya... If you're like me, and don't want a HUGE collection, just 1 or 2, the TV Max/Miriya are relatively cheap (around $170USD) and come with FAST Packs! If you buy a Hikaru, Roy, or DRYL Max (or the up coming CF), you're going to have to shell out a lot more big bucks for the FAST Packs, which are very hard to come by!
  3. What's a "PE" area? Photo-etched? I hate to ask such a newbish question, but what exactly does photo-etched mean?
  4. I use a Paasche. I had a cheapy Badger in the past, but it was total crap - left a really bad taste in my mouth. By contrast, my Paasche (cost about the same 10 years later!) is solid piece of work. Heavy and well made, it really looks like it'll last me a long time. What does everyone think of Polly-S paints? Were they bought up by Testors? I always liked them because of in the INSANE variety of colors they came in. I've also used Badger paints. These are INCREDIBLE. Airbrush right out of the bottle. They go on incredibly thin, stick well, and look great. I think they are primarily for cars & trains, but some of the colors look great on the more flamboyant sci-fi kits.
  5. Hm, interesting to see that Ardwright Chamberlain is involved. He was Kosh on B5! Maybe his involvement with a great project like B5 will rub off on the Shadow Chronicles crew.
  6. Maybe we just need a Yukikaze section in the forums, so we can have a bunch of discussions about it there.
  7. Very hot! The metalic color and texture reminds me of old-school late-70s mecha like Dunbine and Doughram.
  8. Tamiya ENAMEL paint??? This is a shock, I've been using Tamiya colors for almost 20 years and this is the first time I've heard of this! Are they sprays?
  9. Image Anime is a nice store, especially given that it's in NYC. Their $2 Tamiya paints are the MINIS however. They are about half the amount of paint you get out of a regular $3.50 Tamiya paint bottle. $3 for the micro-fine Gundam pens - is that a good price?
  10. I like the fact that they're getting creative with the design of the thing. Sure, it's nice to get an accurate toy rendition, but we're talking about armor (and mecha in general) of a 20 year old design. It's time to innovate baby! I'd much, MUCH rather see a 1/48th Zero (armor and otherwise) than silly VF-1xxx re-issues in different colors... Since that won't be happening for a while, a few new shapes to drool over will be welcome too!
  11. There's a silver lining to Futurama having been canceled.... they did that fantastic final episode, where Fry trades his hands with the Robot Devil... Has to be one of the most touching, hilarious, and overall great animated episodes of anything that I've ever seen.
  12. YF-23 is one of the two planes that inspired Macross Plus. It was a prototype by Gurman delivered to the airforce to compete against the Lockheed/Martin YF-22 Raptor. The two planes duked it out see which should replace the F-15. The YF-22 won the competition and will be going into service some decade soon! While the YF-23 did not feature mind-control, space-fold capability, or transformation, it does have vectored thrust and the same 4-wing design of the Mac YF-21. A gorgeous gorgeous plane!
  13. Heh, I set up the same sorts of comparisons at home with my 1/72nd's. It's amazing how huge the F-117 stealth is. It's as long as an F-14, but the lifting body looks far more massive. The valkryies absolutely tiny compared to both of them!
  14. YaMato, with one M!
  15. TSINC... No F'ing way I'm paying $25 for shipping! Glad to say that TS came through. I had the FP about 6 days after the auction ended. Was a little apprehensive at first, but... THEY MAKE THE BATTROID LOOK SO F'ING GORGEOUS! !!
  16. I got mine from Ebay. I'm no great pheonix when it comes to bidding, so I just took one of the over-priced Buy-It-Nows. The way I see it, I only over paided by a couple of vokda-tonics, so I'll drink a few beers to make up the difference! Really, it was worth it, the thing looks SO MUCH more imposing with the packs on.
  17. Wow, you really know your Airwolf trivia, armentage. Ahh, who could forget that edge-of-your-seat scene where it's Stringfellow standing on foot in front of Airworlf, and he takes aim with a simple hand gun to blow up to multi-million dollar armor attack copter! It was the coolest thing I had EVER scene as a 8 year old!
  18. SNEAKY SNEAKY! I had no idea just how sneaky yamato is! Thanks! The FAST pack really makes the VF-1S come alive. I'm still giddy about it.
  19. The inflight fueling probe!
  20. I've a 3rd edition VF-1S Roy, and I just got my grubby paws on a FAST/Strike pack... Anyway, everything goes on well and attaches properly, except I can't figure out how to keep the backpack from falling backwards in batroid form due to the weight of the giant thursters. There's that white pieces that is supposed to go in there (to add support? To fill in the gap?) but I can't figure out how it's supposed to work - it's hooks are too small to fit over the back piece that hooks to the backpack. Actually I've always had trouble keeping the backpack area in the proper position in Battroid form... anyone have ideas/suggestions/pictures that might help? I'm sure I must be missing something...
  21. I almost soiled my sofa when that happened!
  22. Dude, you're on a msg forum devoted to the worship and collection of a 20 year old Japanese cartoon, complaining about unwanted sexual offers... You might get lynched!
  23. Heh, I remember Hero's Quest, the Sierra On-line PC game. My first RPG! I loved that game so much, despire the terrible dated graphics I think they had to renamed "Quest for Glory" because of copy right conflict with Heroquest.
  24. Aspen white? How about Yuki then, it means snow.
  25. How about Asuka? (no I'm not an EVA fan, but I've always liked that name) How about Suzuko? Shizuka? Personally I've always had a thing for -ka & -ko names! Megumi?
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