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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. WOW that is great! This just keeps getting better and better.
  2. Maybe its time to give yourself a new challenge. Try a different genre, like say Armor building. Or maybe you need to make a home for some of your finished Models. Lastly you also could just take a break for a few weeks.
  3. Hey wwwmwww! Thanks so much for sharing and WOW nice collection. ...no chance of getting those on a flat bed scanner? Also if you don't mind me asking where did you get them...Very cool. thanks again Odyn
  4. First off wow I've been watching for a while and this just a great project. Looking forward to seeing more. Have you thought about maybe writing an article about it for model building magazine? Like for example Finescale Modeler. Now I don't have a metric ton of silicon rubber, however you will need far less then that. Check out this brush on Silicon rubber how to. http://www.smooth-on.com/howto5.htm
  5. I think this is the thread your looking for. However the photos are gone, but can be found here. http://www.mechaskunk.com/16.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41 oh yea and this one too. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...ku+Suku+Scratch
  6. Well not what we where thinking at all. This was comment was posted over at Captain JLS' blog http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/2007/04/do-we-ha...-expert-in.html "It's not a sequel or a prequel, just a walk down memory lane with Hideki Kakinuma, who created new art to go with the interview. Thanks to Matt Alt who gave me the rundown: He said that because there were no toy sponsors for the Invid he had a totally free hand, and originally wanted 16 different types. These are some that never got used. Interesting: the original Inbit concept was "powered suits for insect creatures," but evolved into giant insect-creatures themselves. He also says that the concept was that they'd encounter more "primitive" versions farther out (from Reflex Point, I assume) that would gradually grow more and more sophisticated and eventually humanoid at the center. But: "Alas...." Also: Originally, he wanted to portray the Inbit as formless, ethereal creatures that came to Earth, sampled and experienced the local environment, and then left, but he couldn't quite flesh out the approach and so abandoned it during the planning stages." By Roger, at 10:04"
  7. Believe it or not I would give a call to Toynami. I've read a number of posts where they replaced peoples broken Alphas. Goodluck! http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=23
  8. Actually it's based off a scene from the 4th Sentinals novel Word killers (Pages 198-200 incase your looking for it )or from the last comic book from the Sentinals book 4 issue 13. Thankfully their are a lot of differences from the novel and comic run of the Sentinels.
  9. It's confirmed as Rick Hunter by comicscontinuum.com. Myself I was hoping it was Reinhart, but when that cover for issue four came out, I knew it had to be Rick. Here is a link to a less pink verison. Less pink Rick All of the Robotech characters are getting a redesign for Shadow Chronicles, makes sense it's been twenty years after all. BlagChaos over at Robotech.com shared with masses the following links Cover or http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/050.../robotech1c.jpg page 1 or http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/050.../robotech11.jpg page 2 or http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/050.../robotech12.jpg page 3 or http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/050.../robotech13.jpg A mini quick review can be found at this blog with spoilers. http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/
  10. Has anyone checked out Ronald D. Moore's podcast about each episode? He has been release one pod cast per episode for season two so far. The intent is to listen to the pod cast while watching the show. Not normally the way I listen to it, but to each his own. I've really been enjoying hearing about how things come together, the problems they face or whatever else he happens to talk about. The info on Cain, Pegasus and her crew was very enlightening. Podcast
  11. FYI Teaser Trailer II for RT:SC from San Diego ComicCon is up at http://www.robotechespanol.com
  12. Hey 007-vf1, One the great things I like about the Paasche airbrushes, is that you can get just about any spare part for them from paasche airbrush. I got my grandfather's old H type working again with a few spare parts, so I'm sure you can get the replacement part you need. Odyn
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